#freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:35:54 [bkw_] Unfortunately, it is not possible for Sipro Lab Telecom to evaluate or provide you with the amount of the royalty increase because the change is not an increase in the royalty rate itself but rather a change in the application of withholdings taxes. #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:35:55 [bkw_] #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:36:53 [coppice] they are putting the price up? that's disgusting. the previous prices were monopoly based #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:37:27 [bkw_] hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:37:59 [coppice] I thought they would probably be dropping the price to ensure other things couldn't start to take hold. they obviously feel they already have enough lockin #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:38:10 [bkw_] I say fuck em #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:38:21 [bkw_] greedy bastards #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:38:25 [hmmhesays] man I've been getting awesome results ulaw faxing across sip #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:38:34 [JT] what the hell does that mean #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:38:45 [JT] change in application of withholdings taxes? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:39:07 [bkw_] JT: for? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:39:09 [coppice] the accounts have worked out a new tax dodge, and you have to pay for it #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:39:21 [JT] bkw_: from your quote #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:39:30 [bkw_] no clue #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:39:35 [bkw_] they speak in riddles anyway #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:39:52 [JT] is the price going up or what? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:40:20 [hmmhesays] with a mediatrix no less #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:40:41 [coppice] if patent holders have such a firm foundation for their claims, why do they have to act so sleazy about what you are licencing? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:41:18 [bkw_] hmmhesays: you do know you have EVDO now in Fargo #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:41:29 [hmmhesays] bkw_, yes I do #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:41:31 [hmmhesays] have for about 6 months #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:41:33 [bkw_] sprint has lost its mind.. their EVDO network is like swiss cheese #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:41:36 [coppice] hmmhesays: faxing over VoIP works great, until the rabbits foot begins the wither. #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:41:42 [bkw_] you should see watf they are doing with Oklahoma on EVDO #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:42:01 [hmmhesays] in fact I had evdo all the way from fargo to bozeman #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:42:02 [J4k3] bkw_: is alltel heavy around there? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:42:06 [JT] bkw_: so is the price going up? or unclear? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:42:07 [hmmhesays] with just a few miles of blackout #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:42:11 [J4k3] sprint has full EVDO roaming where alltel has EVDO #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:42:21 [hmmhesays] alltel's price is awesome #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:42:21 [bkw_] J4k3: no US Cellular is #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:42:23 [J4k3] which is pretty damned awesome for me, since about half my data time is used in alltel areas #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:43:01 [J4k3] 1xRTT always works and 15KB/sec is fast enough for me. #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:43:23 [J4k3] when it pops on EVDO, its like... ok, this is a little better... then I find another tree to be behind where I lose my EVDO service :P #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:43:29 [bkw_] EVDO is fast #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:43:39 [J4k3] for mobile data, its acceptable #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:43:48 [coppice] something weird is going on here with EVDO. like many places, the CDMA network in HK was shut down a few years ago. now there is a tender for a new network franchise #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:43:48 [bkw_] better than edge #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:43:50 [bkw_] or GPRS #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:43:52 [J4k3] the latency is onpar with a 28.8k modem #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:43:56 [J4k3] well yeah #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:44:16 [bkw_] they are randomly updating the towers in oklahoma #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:44:32 [J4k3] bkw_: well, did those towers even have 1xRTT before? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:44:36 [JT] bkw_: what i'm getting at, is it less likely that fs will get g.729 now? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:44:37 [bkw_] yes they did #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:44:43 [bkw_] JT: no #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:44:53 [bkw_] JT: its not like they are gonna jack it up some massive amount #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:45:08 [J4k3] and the phone showed "D" instead of 1x #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:45:18 [J4k3] not even "9600 baud" q2n worked #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:45:24 [JT] bkw_: so the minimum quantity required for licensing should hopefully remain the same? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:45:45 [J4k3] but, that was also verizon #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:45:50 [J4k3] I think sprint has their own coverage over there #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:46:02 [J4k3] my gf's mom is moving to amarillo... gonna be making that drive regularly #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:46:06 [J4k3] 550 miles of boring ass 287 #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:46:24 [J4k3] with just enough DPS to keep you from just laying it on the floorboard #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:47:56 [J4k3] oh hell yeah #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:47:59 [bkw_] coppice: I think they are trying to push people to sign contacts faster.. but if anything they should be lowering the prices and not trying this bullshit #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:48:00 [J4k3] all native sprint up 287 #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:48:08 [bkw_] J4k3: I have thought about Helio #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:48:13 [bkw_] J4k3: same network #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:48:23 [J4k3] bkw_: yeah, I don't think its as cheap as SERO #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:48:27 [J4k3] but the phone choices are more interesting #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:48:33 [J4k3] not sure if you get as much roaming choice #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:48:36 [J4k3] or if its just sprint #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:49:36 [coppice] bkw_: how can they affect the signup rate? they basically have 100% of all new VoIP shipments even now #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:50:00 [J4k3] wow, theres EVDO in cortez, co now. #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:50:25 [J4k3] oh shit, the whole area there has evdo, either native or roam #freeswitch 2008-05-13 20:50:29 [coppice] bkw_: the patent list for AMR on the voiceage site is interesting. its kinda long :-) #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:01:01 [J4k3] wow, the toll-free callout default service on fs sounds great through this pap2 #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:01:10 [J4k3] and this $6 walmart 'ge' corded phone #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:01:38 [coppice] $6 is a bit much for a phone that left the factory at $1 #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:02:09 [J4k3] yeah #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:02:24 [J4k3] this pap2 has been great though, gonna get some more. #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:02:42 [coppice] pap2 or pap2t? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:03:59 [J4k3] "PAP2-NA" #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:04:26 [J4k3] no locking, came with the proper base, not branded or anything. #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:05:29 [coppice] that's a pap2. the pap2t seems to be completely different hardware, in the same case. the NA means its a north america version. the "t' seems to be global, as they have the space to cover all the requirements in one firmware version #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:06:27 [J4k3] yep #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:07:16 [J4k3] what I'd like to do is increase the buffer time (for a lack of a better way to say it)... I'd like to reduce the packet count to maybe 12 pps instead of 50 #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:07:34 [J4k3] these will be used in a wireless environment... the network is relaible but lots of small packets aren't optimal #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:07:39 [J4k3] re reliable #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:07:39 [dasbus] J4k3: the default is not limited to tollfree, you can call any number registered with at e164.org #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:07:43 [coppice] linksys tell you the pap2t does not do T.38. lots of other material says the same. it turns out if you find the right firmware version it actually does do T.38. i don't know how well it works, but it is there #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:07:45 [J4k3] more reliable than my keyboard work #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:08:21 [coppice] 12pps is getting pretty nasty for conversation #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:08:34 [J4k3] couldn't be worse than cellular #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:08:49 [J4k3] or, a frying bacon glitchy/failing local POTS line #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:09:06 [coppice] you mean voip over cellular? normal cellular calls are not that bad #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:09:08 [hads] coppice: That's very interesting about the PAP2T and T.38, I've never heard that before. #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:10:13 [coppice] hads: there was lots of going around in circles to find that info. lots of new pap2t's out of the box have older firmware with no T.38. The release notes for the latest firmware make no mention of it. However, it seems to be in there #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:10:34 [J4k3] I thought normal cellular was like 200ms effective? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:10:55 [coppice] 200ms is like a satellite call - horrible #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:11:02 [hads] coppice: Cool. I'll have to pull one out of stock and take a look. #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:11:15 [J4k3] geosynchronous satellite is 600-700ms #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:11:20 [J4k3] from north america #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:11:28 [hads] Doesn't give much advantage to the SPA2102 then except the routing capability. #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:11:36 [J4k3] well, the northern end of north america (ie - the US and canada) #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:11:50 [hads] Nice clarification :) #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:11:58 [dasbus] coppice: haven't you ever been in a car talking to someone next to you in their car and you can see the mouth delay #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:12:26 [coppice] geosync is about 250ms in each direction. before cheap fibre calls from .eu to .us were satellite one way and cable the other to keep the delay reasonable. it was still hard to hold a conversation #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:13:10 [coppice] dasbus: a pretty small delay will let you see their mouth is out of sync. I'm not sure how small, but it doesn't take much #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:13:17 [J4k3] coppice: depends on where you're at... theres (iirc) more than double the distance from the poles to the clark belt than there is from the equator #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:13:51 [J4k3] hrm #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:14:00 [coppice] J4k3: I think you have a problem with your ariithmetic #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:14:35 [J4k3] coppice: well, the thing is, it requires *Two* trips #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:14:37 [coppice] a geosync is about 25000 miles up. the earth is much smaller than that #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:15:02 [hads] It must make a bit of difference to make them build sat launching stations in the sea at the equator. #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:15:06 [J4k3] the earth is... 37k miles at the equator? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:15:07 [coppice] like I said, before cheap fibre satellite calls only went satellite in one direction #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:15:24 [JT] a geosync is at a height of roughly 3 times the diameter of the planet over the equator, to put it in perspective #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:15:29 [J4k3] oh, much smaller #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:15:35 [coppice] hads: that is because they get an extra 1000 miles/hour push at the equator #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:15:47 [JT] it's 35000km from equator to geostationary orbit #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:15:51 [hads] coppice: Aha, thanks :) #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:15:56 [J4k3] 25k miles around #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:20:50 [coppice] I've sat next to people like that on planes :-\ #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:24:38 [_Vile] ! #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:24:38 [_Vile] ! #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:53:30 [J4k3] the default onhold music for freeswitch makes me think I'm playing cs_italy #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:53:42 [J4k3] somebody, shoot the fkn victrola! #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:53:43 [NormFree] hmm... new music.... #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:54:10 [NormFree] 5 years of asterisk music on hold..... #freeswitch 2008-05-13 21:57:53 [_Vile] hah #freeswitch 2008-05-13 22:10:23 [JT] J4k3 must be into watersports #freeswitch 2008-05-13 22:11:00 [bkw__] ewwwwww #freeswitch 2008-05-13 22:15:16 [J4k3] well, you know I use PPPoE for my auth system #freeswitch 2008-05-13 22:15:55 [J4k3] triple shot #freeswitch 2008-05-13 22:26:53 [wilksm] hi #freeswitch 2008-05-13 22:53:57 [luke-jr] FYI, mod_perl appears to try to install outside of DESTDIR #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:00:31 [Peder-PFC] anybody know of an issue with rc5 installing creating the python module? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:00:49 [Peder-PFC] I just downloaded it and installed and when I start up fs, I get: /usr/local/freeswitch/mod/mod_python.so #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:01:03 [Peder-PFC] error loading module with that file name #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:11:29 [Peder-PFC] ok, ignore that, I figured it out. I don't recall uncommenting it before a ./configure before, but I guess I did #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:14:13 [luke-jr] Peder-PFC: topic sez rc4 is latest O.o #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:15:43 [Peder-PFC] rc5 was out this morning #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:15:54 [luke-jr] o #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:16:23 [luke-jr] to think I just finished getting rc4 to work #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:16:33 [Peder-PFC] lol, always a new one #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:21:57 [luke-jr] heh, rc5 fixes that FYI, so nm it #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:27:30 [MichaelGG] Can we wrap all the XML files in without messing things up? #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:27:42 [MichaelGG] right now the examples have these invalid XML files as xml docs #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:27:46 [MichaelGG] which makes tooling suck #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:31:14 [MikeJ] MichaelGG: I thought they already were #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:31:32 [MichaelGG] like vars.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:31:39 [MikeJ] yeah.. should work #freeswitch 2008-05-13 23:31:41 [MichaelGG] just has a bunch of loose cmments and #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:31:49 [_Vile] ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:41:06 [_Vile] jake -- figure what ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:47:49 [J4k3] I can't seem to get my outgoing calls routed #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:53:24 [J4k3] http://pastebin.com/m7c3d00f4 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:53:32 [J4k3] I'm wanting that to nab 1+ calls #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:53:35 [J4k3] it doesn't seem to do it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:53:54 [J4k3] it says no route, and I get a busy #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:57:21 [whyter] j4k3: couple things.. ex: you want 18889990000 to go to 18889990000@vitelity.net? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:58:03 [J4k3] I want it to go to 8889990000@outbound.vitelity.net #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:58:19 [J4k3] but, its not catching the route at all #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:58:25 [J4k3] should this be in default.xml? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:58:40 [J4k3] in conf/dialplan? :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:58:40 [whyter] have you tried: instead #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:58:41 [whyter] ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:58:52 [J4k3] no, that might help #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:58:59 [J4k3] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:59:02 [J4k3] these examples are ugly #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:59:48 [whyter] well, to be honest, this is my first day using freeswitch.. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 01:59:56 [whyter] it took me a few hours to get things routing corectly #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:00:01 [whyter] but so far I'm diggin it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:00:14 [_Vile] regex is your best friend #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:00:25 [_Vile] so is google #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:00:39 [_Vile] actually, google is more of a friend :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:00:42 [whyter] hah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:01:22 [J4k3] well #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:01:33 [J4k3] I've googled for 2 nights #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:01:35 [J4k3] always hit the same brick wall #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:01:40 [J4k3] got farther tonight, got inbound workng #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:02:01 [_Vile] jake NTA_DEBUG=9 TPORT_LOG=1 SOFIA_DEBUG=1 /usr/local/freeswitch/bin/freeswitch pastebin what you're trying -- remove anything personal #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:02:19 [_Vile] that should give you some good logs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:02:49 [_Vile] ~whatis pastebin #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:06:05 [J4k3] 2008-05-14 01:05:15 [INFO] switch_core_state_machine.c:113 switch_core_standard_on_routing() No Route, Aborting #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:06:09 [J4k3] that means its not detected, right? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:07:29 [_Vile] it means that in your dialplan you have nothing matching #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:08:09 [_Vile] remember to reload your xml... reloadxml or restart FS between retries. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:08:18 [J4k3] been restarting #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:11:37 [whyter] J4k3: that get you any further/ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:12:14 [_Vile] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:12:48 [whyter] pastebin your dialplan #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:15:53 [J4k3] woooooo! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:15:58 [J4k3] got it, I think #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:16:03 [J4k3] yep #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:16:04 [J4k3] holy shit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:16:49 [_Vile] .... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:17:46 [whyter] that a good holy shit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:17:58 [J4k3] yeah, kinda #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:17:59 [jmirror] nice #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:18:03 [J4k3] I now get calls #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:18:03 [jmirror] <- evildeshi #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:18:13 [J4k3] but, they seem to go nowhere #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:18:14 [jmirror] I see my irc network linked to this channel #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:18:21 [J4k3] like, they hang up 2 seconds after they start #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:18:40 [J4k3] I got an idea #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:18:40 [whyter] well.. what do you expect them to go to? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:19:04 [_Vile] try to put an application answer on the reciving side #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:19:50 [J4k3] oh wow, coredump #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:19:51 [J4k3] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:19:55 [whyter] hah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:20:07 [_Vile] http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Misc._Dialplan_Tools_answer #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:20:29 [_Vile] coredump, what OS -- what'd you try to do ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:21:22 [J4k3] FreeBSD, I changed the action from #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:21:38 [J4k3] to $1@[local ip address of freeswitch box] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:21:44 [J4k3] it didn't like that at all #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:21:57 [J4k3] but, whats happening now is the call goes through to my cell, then hangs up 2 seconds later #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:22:06 [_Vile] ahh my favorite trouble child OS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:22:12 [J4k3] 2008-05-14 01:21:05 [NOTICE] sofia.c:2126 sofia_handle_sip_i_state() Hangup sofia/internal/1001@ [CS_EXECUTE] [ORIGINATOR_CANCEL] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:22:24 [J4k3] a protocol problem, maybe? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:22:36 [_Vile] so outbound from FS to external gw..... to cell #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:23:11 [J4k3] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:23:37 [J4k3] no audio passes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:23:40 [J4k3] no NAT is involved #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:24:46 [J4k3] oh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:24:52 [J4k3] its trying to tell my sip provider to reinvite #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:24:54 [J4k3] which they don't do #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:25:15 [J4k3] I think #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:25:17 [J4k3] more reading #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:26:44 [J4k3] hrm #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:29:09 [J4k3] nope, definetly getting audio #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:29:37 [J4k3] about 2 seconds worth #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:29:41 [J4k3] at the most #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:29:42 [J4k3] then nothing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:31:19 [whyter] did you do this? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:31:21 [whyter] "<_Vile> jake NTA_DEBUG=9 TPORT_LOG=1 SOFIA_DEBUG=1 /usr/local/freeswitch/bin/freeswitch pastebin what you're trying -- remove anything personal" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:31:30 [whyter] get some debug info up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:31:39 [whyter] it would make figuring this out a lot easier #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:31:53 [_Vile] jake can you paste the entire transaction from register to after hangup using the flags I pasted above ? removing details ? I don't wanna instruct you to /usr/src/freeswitch.trunk/libs/sofia-sip/libsofia-sip-ua/nua/nua.docs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:32:31 [whyter] s mind #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:32:33 [whyter] oops #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:32:41 [_Vile] stop that ! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:32:42 [_Vile] hah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:32:44 [whyter] heh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:36:47 [J4k3] well #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:36:54 [J4k3] I suspect this has something to do with reinvite #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:37:10 [J4k3] I need to disable reinvites #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:37:36 [_Vile] sofia.conf... auth-calls=false #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:38:11 [_Vile] should do it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:38:39 [_Vile] i suspect that if you're getting 2 seconds of audio then auth is non-issue and reg is non-issue #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:38:52 [_Vile] but #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:39:04 [_Vile] im limited in data here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:39:44 [J4k3] 487 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:39:58 [J4k3] err 478 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:40:33 [_Vile] ~whatis 487 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:40:45 [_Vile] ~whatis 478 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:40:51 [_Vile] ,,,, #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:42:28 [J4k3] I'm having a seriously dyslexic moment #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:42:33 [J4k3] lemmie get past this #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:42:51 [_Vile] we need to see your session on pastebin to figure out what's going on... you've gotten this far... do a quick search and replace and paste it.... that'll help #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:45:26 [_Vile] tabasco anyone ? who here think's that del taco's "beyond hot" is lame ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:45:36 [whyter] beyond lame #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:46:10 [_Vile] i cried... not because it was hot, becauyse it was beyond... lower than i thought it'd be #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:47:29 [_Vile] they #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:48:19 [_Vile] should have a parental notice on extreme spicy... that's an ok name... "do not use this" spicy #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:48:41 [_Vile] beyond hot, I could drink for breakfast like V8 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:48:55 [whyter] lol #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:49:06 [whyter] breakfast maybe.. but lookout later #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:49:12 [whyter] it may not be hot going in #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:49:26 [whyter] ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:49:31 [_Vile] hah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:58:06 [J4k3-] well #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:58:13 [J4k3-] heres what happened: #freeswitch 2008-05-14 02:58:19 [J4k3-] AT&T Network Engineers will be performing maintenance on Houston Access Router 2. The work has been rescheduled from 5/1/2008 to 5/14/2008 and it will be performed during the standard maintenance window of 12:00AM-6:00AM, local time. AT&T's goal is to successfully complete the task and restore service within the stated time frame. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:07:36 [_Vile] that's BS -- you need a backup provider. that doesn't stand. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:09:06 [_Vile] to at&t engineers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWkDQ3pgfXE #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:09:35 [J4k3-PDA] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:09:41 [J4k3-PDA] I'm on the internet with 1xRTT CDMA cellular right now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:10:00 [J4k3-PDA] I can barely load the weather radar (thunderstorm heading in right now) much less youtube :( #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:10:55 [_Vile] just as ma bell wants it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:12:29 [xachen] imho cell service should NEVER be down #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:12:34 [xachen] as in 0% downtime #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:12:39 [xachen] 0, null, zilch, nada #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:14:56 [_Vile] I disagree... a cell provider should be able to route calls via others' networks like they hop from routinely #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:15:40 [_Vile] unless of course you.. did you feel that earthquake justin ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:18:55 [J4k3-PDA] well #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:18:57 [xachen] can't say I did #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:19:05 [J4k3-PDA] the issue around here is theres only one CDMA provider, one GSM provider #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:19:13 [J4k3-PDA] so if one tower goes down, theres a hell of a hole in the network #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:19:46 [J4k3-PDA] where I'm at, I can stand on the roof, climb up my tower, or drive a few miles and get access to three CDMA networks (and 1 GSM network, but bleh on GSM) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:20:07 [J4k3-PDA] if I drive 50 miles, I can find another GSM carrier, and iDEN (Nextel) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:20:55 [_Vile] sounds like another level of redndancy is marketable #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:24:35 [J4k3-PDA] well #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:24:57 [Irsha1] xachen: hi.. how are you!!! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:25:03 [J4k3-PDA] if it was logical to build GSM+CDMA phones, I'd pay a little more for dual-protocol capabililty #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:25:24 [J4k3-PDA] though, where I live, GSM is unusable due to the multipath. My house gets signal, but you can't talk on it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:25:34 [J4k3-PDA] it'll hiccup like a bad voip call, then drop #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:26:51 [_Vile] so, fix it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:27:07 [J4k3-PDA] fix it with what? one of those overpriced amplifiers? :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:27:30 [J4k3-PDA] all the spectrum is already licensed up, even the PCS channels... just nobody is doing anything with them, so its not like I can be a carrier #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:27:38 [J4k3-PDA] woo, AT&T returns #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:28:00 [_Vile] I've seen $4m+ installations that do nothing more than serve 300 people in rural based on BS USF #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:28:14 [J4k3-PDA] well, the *Town* has coverage #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:28:23 [J4k3-PDA] Cingular has a tower 6 miles away #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:28:26 [J4k3-PDA] err, AT&T #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:28:34 [_Vile] err bellsouth #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:28:37 [J4k3-PDA] but, the problem is GSM sucks in the trees, even when given good (850 mhz) spectrum #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:28:41 [_Vile] err at&t #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:29:17 [J4k3-PDA] between Sprint, Verizon and Alltel, theres solid coverage around here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:29:56 [J4k3-PDA] it just can suck when you're out in the middle of nowhere, because you're climbing a hill on carrier A, then go down the other side of the hill with signal from carrier B, then you turn on another road, and only get signal from carrier C #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:30:00 [_Vile] mishe !!! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:30:14 [J4k3-PDA] well, it appears the AT&T stuff is going to stay up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:30:14 [J4k3-PDA] brb #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:30:23 [mishehu] _Vile: live from the middle east... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:30:48 [xachen] mishehu: in Isreal? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:32:03 [_Vile] forget palestine ! here's the real fun #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:32:24 [J4k3] woo #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:33:31 [Irsha1] xachen: where was this earthquake epicentre !!! it was quite a big blow man...condolences to all the families there who lost near n dear :-( #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:34:08 [xachen] Irsha1: southwestern China #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:34:10 [xachen] sichuan province #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:34:12 [J4k3] I saw a video from 500 miles away from the epicenter and it was quite impressive #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:34:21 [Irsha1] I guess the effects are more than what has been shown #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:34:31 [xachen] you think :p #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:34:34 [J4k3] a small duck pond was sloshing all over like a beer at the ballpark. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:34:46 [_Vile] was sichuan #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:34:47 [xachen] J4k3: apparently you could feel just slight termors in Shanghai #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:34:50 [xachen] and thats a long ass ways away #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:34:57 [J4k3] daaamn #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:34:57 [Irsha1] o I c #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:35:04 [J4k3] thats like, what, 5000km? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:35:10 [xachen] not quiet #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:35:11 [Irsha1] is it close to tibet then #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:35:27 [xachen] the earthquake was closer to tibet I believe #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:35:48 [Irsha1] I think this Himalayan belt is more prone as they are folded mountains #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:36:10 [J4k3] Irsha1: folks are more apt to go big #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:37:30 [_Vile] muyanmar -- hurricane ... many more ... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:37:38 [Irsha1] anyways either nature or these bloody human beings causing human destruction :-( #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:38:08 [mishehu] xachen: yup, I'm in Israel #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:38:11 [Irsha1] yesterday there was a bomb blast in Jaipur(city in Western India) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:38:27 [mishehu] _Vile: there is no place called "Palestine" in existence.... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:38:30 [Irsha1] 8 serial bomb blasts :-o #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:39:55 [mishehu] I always find itfunny that for english speakers if you don't pronounce it as "Is Real" they don't know what's being talked about. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:40:07 [mishehu] "eesra el" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:48:24 [_Vile] yossi, there will always be a battle... it's what keeps the drama continuing... http://uk.reuters.com/article/middleeastCrisis/idUKL1222681920080512 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 03:51:15 [_Vile] charlie wilson's war is a good movie #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:00:44 [mishehu] _Vile: I'm not commenting on any battle. I'm commenting on there not being a country named palestine at present time. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:00:49 [mishehu] so I'm not in palestine. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:15:34 [_Vile] country... state... country... state... alphabet soup... a-c's z-x's..... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:17:57 [_Vile] too many politics over there i've heard, but GOOD FOOD ! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:35:57 [mishehu] _Vile: the food is excellent. I've not had tomatoes that tasted like anything other than plastic in 3 years. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:36:40 [mishehu] and shoko yotvetah is the best chocolate milk I've ever had. north american chocolate milk is gritty. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:37:04 [J4k3] woohoo #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:37:07 [J4k3] found the problem I was having #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:37:16 [J4k3] but, I've found another minor thing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:37:49 [J4k3] I set the payload sizes on my pap2 to .120 seconds (using ulaw, its 8 pps per direction) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:38:14 [J4k3] when calling out via my voip provider, I get 8 pps from my pap2 to the FS server, and 50 pps from FS to the PAP2 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:40:09 [J4k3] my goal is to keep sip provider <-> freeswitch @ 20ms, and freeswitch <-> extension @ 120ms #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:40:12 [J4k3] any way to do that? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:51:36 [_Vile] jake, ill check into the pps item you're looking at .... 8 pps u sure ? what codec in between ? more interested in your fix for your previous issue -- any way you can add to commentary at wiki.freeswitch.org ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:52:11 [J4k3] well, all I had to do was enable registration to the outbound server #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:52:27 [J4k3] my provider uses seperate servers, and apparently the outbound required registration... *shrug* #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:52:51 [J4k3] basically what I want to do is tell freeswitch to generate packets every .120 (120ms) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:53:21 [J4k3] g711u's actual protocol time is 10 or 20ms, but I want to tell it to, say, throw 6 or 12 of those samples in each packet #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:53:34 [J4k3] so far its worked fine locally, theres a tiny bit of added latency but its unnoticable #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:56:56 [_Vile] so that's a given, ok, new issue is packets per second -- well.. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:57:02 [_Vile] http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Proxy_Media #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:59:17 [_Vile] sofia_glue.c: if ((val = switch_channel_get_variable(tech_pvt->channel, "jitterbuffer_msec"))) { #freeswitch 2008-05-14 04:59:17 [_Vile] sofia_glue.c: switch_rtp_activate_jitter_buffer(tech_pvt->rtp_session, qlen); #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:01:56 [_Vile] i don't see any control ability currently on one side vs another side independantly other than than playing with jitter on individual channel vars #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:02:15 [_Vile] nothing indep i see, correct me someone #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:03:27 [J4k3] I know older versions of asterisk can't do this #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:03:34 [pestouille] J4k3: PCMA@120 no ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:03:41 [J4k3] pestouille: yeah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:03:50 [J4k3] pestouille: I request that as my codec? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:03:57 [pestouille] J4k3: #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:03:58 [pestouille] yep #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:04:02 [J4k3] ahhh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:04:03 [J4k3] cool #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:09:07 [_Vile] ty #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:34:29 [J4k3] yeah, my voip provider doesn't appear to support cramming multiple samples per packet #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:34:42 [J4k3] that sucks profusely #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:38:14 [J4k3] for what I want to do, I'd have to transcode #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:38:22 [J4k3] the same protocols :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:38:43 [J4k3] pcmu@20i to pcmu@120i #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:48:15 [J4k3] hmm, maybe what I Want isn't exactly a 'bridge' #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:50:00 [pestouille] J4k3: bridge can do transcoding #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:52:59 [J4k3] pestouille: can you force it to occur? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:53:12 [J4k3] I don't think freeswitch feels it *needs* to transcode #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:53:31 [J4k3] this isn't really a transcode, just a reboxing of the original data #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:56:47 [vilito__] ~take-a-number [hi, i have a connection to my broadvoice using the SIP provider example where the gateway is defined in the user tag under directory. i placed an extension in dialplan/public.xml to connect the conference on an inbound call. how do i get the inbound broadvoice call to the extension i am registered at? i have tried the "transfer" application and that didn't work. thanks] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 05:58:21 [vilito__] by the way, since i am using the example, i am registered with an account that matches the phone number i have with broadvoice. ekiga says i am connected with 1 voicemail. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:09:21 [J4k3] this works suprisingly well... It sure is easy to configure #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:12:04 [mishehu] vilito__: just fyi, most of the devs are in north america, so they're not up yet. it could still be another couple huors. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:12:19 [mishehu] I'm in GMT+2 but I have to head out so I can't help your right now. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:12:47 [vilito__] misheu, thanks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:13:34 [mishehu] it's lunch time! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:14:42 [vilito__] anyone knows how to connect a call in public context to say an extension in another context? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:16:48 [mishehu] sex #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:16:50 [mishehu] sec #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:18:40 [mishehu] transfer, params are EXTENSION DIALPLAN CONTEXT #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:20:00 [mishehu] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:20:20 [mishehu] alright, really must go now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:20:31 [vilito__] thanks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:22:23 [pestouille] J4k3: well if you specify the codec and you don't bypass media you should have resampling/transcoding done by default #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:23:00 [pestouille] same like mishehu GMT+2 go to eat #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:42:35 [_Vile] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:42:48 [_Vile] oh come on #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:43:06 [jmirror] *cough* #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:43:26 [_Vile] lemme look up.. sec #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:45:21 [_Vile] jake, definitely take a look at sofia C code.... look specifically for get_variable" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:45:32 [_Vile] grep for "get_variable" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:48:12 [_Vile] steer clear of libs/sofia-sip -- nta --- check out nua if you want, but freeswitch core and sofia should be fun if you want to enhance things #freeswitch 2008-05-14 06:49:52 [_Vile] ~unnext #freeswitch 2008-05-14 07:21:59 [mishehu] mmmm good felafel #freeswitch 2008-05-14 07:30:32 [sekil] what are the changes in 8394? there is no changes for that id on fisheye #freeswitch 2008-05-14 07:43:18 [Irshad] mishehu: felafel ....are they chillies ;) !!!! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:04:55 [Peder-PFC] Anybody compile rc5 from tar yet? Mine is choking on python #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:06:33 [Peder-PFC] rc3 was the last one I tried and it has Python.h, but rc5 does not #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:06:50 [Peder-PFC] Here is rc3: /usr/src/freeswitch-1.0.rc3/libs/Python-2.5.1/Include/Python.h #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:07:28 [Peder-PFC] no Python under /usr/src/freeswitch-1.0.rc5/libs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:10:45 [pestouille] Peder-PFC: sorry I used the trunk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:44:14 [mishehu] Irshad: chillies? you mean chilis like the spice? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:45:45 [lisandropm] hello! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:46:09 [lisandropm] I'm following http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Getting_Started_Guide, and I am getting this error in the cli: #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:46:15 [lisandropm] 2008-05-14 09:43:56 [WARNING] sofia_reg.c:952 sofia_reg_parse_auth() can't find user [1003@voip.cepanet.com.ar] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:46:33 [lisandropm] I am using the IP in the sip client #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:46:54 [lisandropm] I alo compiled and created the .deb s last week from svn #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:46:57 [lisandropm] any ideas? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:47:13 [lisandropm] I have not done any editing of the files #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:47:47 [Irshad] mishehu: yeah...felafel means chilli spice in persia #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:48:02 [lisandropm] I am using the IP in the sip client <-- I mean, not the FQDN, as appears in the cli #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:48:15 [mishehu] Irshad: ah, I'm referring to the semitic felafel or felaafil - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felafel #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:49:44 [Irshad] is it falafel or felafel #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:51:00 [mishehu] Irshad: it all depends on the language and regional dialect #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:51:07 [Irshad] mishehu: may b :-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:51:22 [Irshad] it's name is derived from pepper as it's written thr #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:51:34 [mishehu] Irshad: I speak hebrew, and we pronounce it a little differently than do our arab neighbors. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:51:57 [Irshad] got it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:52:25 [mishehu] anyway, a friend is stopping on by #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:52:29 [mishehu] I got to run. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:52:37 [Irshad] ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:52:41 [Irshad] tc while running #freeswitch 2008-05-14 08:59:18 [lisandropm] ok, found the eror #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:17:56 [jmirror] hai #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:18:45 [jmirror] hi vilito #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:18:49 [vilito] hi #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:29:32 [lisandropm] OK, here's another one #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:29:45 [lisandropm] I cannot make fs hear sip in an specific IP #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:29:52 [lisandropm] I have two IPs in my system #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:30:26 [lisandropm] I have setted $${sip_profile}, but this way (it may be wrong): #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:31:00 [lisandropm] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:31:07 [lisandropm] That in vars.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:31:11 [lisandropm] ¿is that right? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:31:41 [bkw_] lisandropm: open up sip_proifle/*.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:31:45 [bkw_] and input the ip's into that you want #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:32:03 [lisandropm] bkw_: ok, so I was editing the wrong file :-( #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:32:07 [lisandropm] thanks! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:32:11 [bkw_] well not everything can be set in vars.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:32:19 [bkw_] because we can't account for every system or use case on the planet #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:32:31 [bkw_] so sometimes you gotta dive in and get your hands dirty and just do it :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:34:32 [lisandropm] :-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:34:42 [lisandropm] I find that perfectly razonable #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:34:54 [lisandropm] perhaps my problem is that I cannot get that from the docs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:35:06 [lisandropm] And I didn't read the sources, of course #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:35:27 [lisandropm] perhaps my problem is that I cannot get that from the docs <-- perhaps that's _my_ fault #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:37:33 [bkw_] MUSKOGEE, Oklahoma (AP) -- A 19-year-old freshman at the University of Oklahoma was elected mayor Tuesday of Muskogee, a city of 38,000 in the northeastern part of the state. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:37:58 [bkw_] lisandropm: well logic would dictate to look at the sip profiles #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:38:58 [lisandropm] bkw_: well, but you have to gain the logic. I still can't get it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:39:06 [coppice] is he proud to be a fogy from Muskogee? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:39:45 [bkw_] lisandropm: its all good you'll pick up on it.. make a note on the getting started guide about it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:40:01 [lisandropm] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:40:33 [BrendanG] hello all, I am tinkering with a freeswitch setup and love it. I'm trying to get it working with our Rhino R8F22 analog card and am not getting anywhere. ztcfg -vvv shows the 4 channels, but if I try calling one of the FXS channels I get errors in freeswitch: #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:40:41 [BrendanG] 2008-05-14 08:12:21 [ERR] mod_openzap.c:910 channel_outgoing_channel() No channels available #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:40:47 [BrendanG] 2008-05-14 08:12:21 [ERR] switch_ivr_originate.c:825 switch_ivr_originate() Cannot create outgoing channel of type [openzap] cause: [DESTINATION_OUT_OF_ORDER] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:41:14 [bkw_] BrendanG: well we gotta have your configs and everything put up on pastebin so we can see how you have it configured #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:41:17 [bkw_] at this point we can only make guesses #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:41:49 [bkw_] BrendanG: what you did is the equiv. of taking your car to the shop and saying "It makes this noise" and the mechanic going "Where" and you going "I don't know.. it just does" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:42:22 [coppice] "where?" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:42:23 [coppice] "on the freeway" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:42:28 [BrendanG] got it, now how do I get a login to the pastebin #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:42:38 [bkw_] BrendanG: read the dialog box.. its right in front of you. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:42:41 [bkw_] ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:42:48 [bkw_] BrendanG: its pastebin/freeswitch #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:43:08 [bkw_] BrendanG: that pastebin login is a test ... it shows how well you pay attention to your surroundings :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:43:11 [BrendanG] sorry, too early in the morning #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:43:13 [bkw_] hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:43:45 [BrendanG] I failed the test miserably #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:44:33 [bkw_] its all good you had your trip up for the day #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:47:27 [BrendanG] I've put up what I think is the relevant at http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4438 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:48:46 [sack] Hi guys , i have a little doubt ... once FS is started using -nc , is there any way to connect to CLI or should i run screen session as described in wiki ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:49:08 [pestouille] bkw_: I still have the issue with the ping feature #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:51:54 [bkw_] BrendanG: console loglevel debug #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:52:01 [bkw_] pestouille: just freakin chillax dude... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:52:13 [bkw_] pestouille: their has to be a reason its not working #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:52:25 [bkw_] pestouille: I think it only works when you have nat turned on for the user #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:52:58 [bkw_] sack: scripts/socket/fs.pl #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:53:16 [sack] Thanks bkw_ , multitaking ehhh ! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:53:21 [bkw_] sack: always #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:53:32 [sack] awesome job dude :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:55:16 [bkw_] ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:58:06 [BrendanG] bkw_: doesn't console loglevel debug do the same thing as setting it in the configuration files? I did run the command, then tried the call and posted the output to: http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4439 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:58:32 [Irshad] hi bkw_ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 09:59:00 [Irshad] so today we have the wiki meet as usual @ 1 pm CST !!! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:01:58 [coppice] its already 10:01PM CST #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:02:31 [anders__] 10:01 EST #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:04:21 [pestouille] bkw_: sorry I was away, well ping works but when it detects no answser it de register the gateway and don't try ping anymore... which could be replaced by => no ping, de register, try ping again , try ping again... When it comes up later it register again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:04:29 [xachen] nono coppice is quite right :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:04:33 [xachen] it is indeed 10:01 CST :p #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:06:48 [coppice] no. its 10:06PM CST #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:06:56 [bkw_] pestouille: you can call the API to re-register the gateway #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:07:50 [lisandropm] Is it possible that FS is filtering the SIP agents by it's domains by default? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:07:52 [rob0] CST=China? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:08:05 [lisandropm] 2008-05-14 11:00:29 [WARNING] sofia_reg.c:952 sofia_reg_parse_auth() can't find user [4001@cepanet.com.ar] <-- example #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:08:07 [rob0] oh cSt #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:08:20 [rob0] it's 9:08 CDT #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:08:41 [lisandropm] that is a cable modem with SIP support, running on the same net, with it's correspondent .xml created in the directory #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:08:54 [Peder-PFC] In rc5, should there be a Python directory under /usr/src/freeswitch-1.0.rc5/libs? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:08:59 [Peder-PFC] There is in the rc3 dist #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:09:59 [Peder-PFC] when I compile with Python support, it says it can't find Python.h. That file is in rc3, but doesn't appear to be in rc5 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:12:52 [pestouille] bkw_: you're righ but it make sense to have this work in a natural way (like auto re register after ping recover) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:13:17 [bkw_] pestouille: my spidey sense tells me you came from Asterisk? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:13:51 [bkw_] Peder-PFC: just use SVN trunk its about to be RC5 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:14:20 [pestouille] bkw_: I'm a child of earth :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:14:30 [mutilator] welcome earth child #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:14:34 [bkw_] OMG /me murders AT&T #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:15:22 [anthm] murder Apple for making you use them =p #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:16:25 [bkw_] well the phone rocks.. service sucks ass #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:16:34 [bkw_] it just started sucking about two months ago really really badly #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:16:46 [bkw_] but ya know.. they can um BITE ME #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:16:56 [bkw_] mutilator: trust me.. You'll never see that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:17:03 [mutilator] i think thats a ditto on their end #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:17:14 [coppice] what was special about the cheerleader outfits in the nirvana video? I usually remember cheerleader outfits rather well #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:17:18 [bkw_] I found the perfect random number code http://www.xkcd.com/221/ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:17:21 [anthm] yah their trade mark has a bite out of it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:17:41 [anthm] coppice, they were like undead goth cheerleaders #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:17:44 [bkw_] anthm: you working on the conference boxen? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:17:56 [bkw_] yaya #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:17:57 [bkw_] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:17:58 [bkw_] just looked #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:18:00 [anthm] not so cheerful #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:18:03 [anthm] =p #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:18:13 [coppice] anthm: maybe I switched off before it got to that bit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:18:34 [bkw_] Dear Mr. West, #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:18:34 [bkw_] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:18:34 [bkw_] Please note that this email was not sent to put pressure on you but for the sole purpose of keeping you informed of the upcoming change in the G.729 licensing policy. I remain available to answer any questions you may have on licensing matters. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:18:34 [bkw_] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:18:41 [pestouille] save the cheerleader save the world #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:18:42 [anthm] yah i was updating #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:18:44 [bkw_] yeah right #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:18:59 [bkw_] pestouille: so your issue is the ping doesn't retry once the gateway is down? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:19:02 [mutilator] so #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:19:07 [anthm] hmm chewie can you take a look at that .... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:19:09 [mutilator] i'm about done with consulting #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:19:13 [mutilator] no one is paying anymore #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:19:17 [coppice] pressure? what pressure? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:19:23 [pestouille] bkw_: yep and it doesn't re register automatically after that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:19:54 [bkw_] pestouille: want want want.. you're just like my boyfriend :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:20:00 [bkw_] pestouille: hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:20:32 [bkw_] tick tock tick tock #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:20:36 [pestouille] bkw_: you mean your girlfriend ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:20:50 [bkw_] pestouille: nope #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:21:09 [intralanman] wa ju doe no? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:21:24 [bkw_] raise the roof er I mean conference #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:21:56 [pestouille] bkw_: well I try to help FS to be the * killer #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:22:15 [pestouille] bkw_: but I must admit I'm on the easier side ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:22:18 [bkw_] pestouille: well lets not kill the number one reason people start using FreeSWITCH just yet #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:22:40 [pestouille] bkw_: true... but time will come #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:25:12 [BrendanG] bkw_: don't mean to be a bother, but did you get a chance to look at http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4439 (console debug output)? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:30:10 [bkw_] BrendanG: 2008-05-14 08:54:56 [ERR] zap_zt.c:357 zt_open() Invalid argument #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:30:13 [bkw_] thats one #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:30:50 [bkw_] BrendanG: your config looks ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:31:05 [bkw_] oh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:31:05 [bkw_] I see #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:31:10 [BrendanG] bkw_: I saw that, but don't know what to make of it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:31:15 [bkw_] BrendanG: your spans are all number => 1 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:31:27 [bkw_] might wanna put the FXO's on span 1 and the FXS's on span 2 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:31:38 [bkw_] and I think you can do fxo-channel => 1-2 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:31:50 [BrendanG] I'll give that a shot #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:31:52 [bkw_] and you're dialing openzap/4/1 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:31:55 [bkw_] you have no 4 span #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:32:06 [bkw_] Execute bridge(openzap/4/1) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:32:19 [bkw_] it woudl be openzap/1/4 maybe? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:32:37 [bkw_] I'm just guessing on what you're trying to do :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:35:57 [coppice] I guess he's trying to juggle 5 chainsaws while riding a unicycle #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:37:00 [BrendanG] :) , no I did that last night #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:37:18 [coppice] well, I was close. not too bad a guess #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:38:39 [bkw_] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:38:43 [bkw_] you're silly #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:38:59 [coppice] he sure is. its so dangerious #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:40:23 [BrendanG] at this point I'm simply trying to call an analog station from a sip client, is the syntax of bridge openzap/span/channel? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:40:52 [bkw_] BrendanG: yes but you had no 4th span so that would pose a problem :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:41:08 [bkw_] for FXO vs FXS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:41:19 [agx] OT: any "trustable" voip company you can suggest me to buy a DID in Moscow ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:42:08 [bkw_] its openzap/[a-A]/number or outbound on an FXO and openzap/[a-A]/channel for FXS... a is auto pick bottom up and A is auto top down. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:42:11 [bkw_] or you can specify them #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:42:19 [bkw_] er I think I have that wrong let me check wiki #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:42:46 [bkw_] mercutioviz: you there? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:43:42 [bkw_] I'm kinda upset this isn't on the wiki.. I know this has been answered more than once #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:46:48 [danchris] ~take-a-number Is it possible to share a single conference room amongst two FreeSwitch servers? If so how would I link/bridge a single conference between the servers? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:49:29 [BrendanG] bkw_: once I understand all this a bit better I'll do what I can to update the wiki #freeswitch 2008-05-14 10:53:32 [BrendanG] bkw_: please see http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4440 for updated config and debug output, still not quite there #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:01:40 [Peder-PFC] does "make current" actually install? Or do I need to do a "make install" too? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:03:07 [BrendanG] Peder-PFC: I do believe it does the install #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:04:28 [Peder-PFC] that's odd, I did a make current from my rc3 dir and it compiled and appears to have installed as the freeswitch bin says May 14, but when it starts, it says rc3 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:07:59 [Peder-PFC] Is there any way besides "version" to tell what version it really is? When I do version, it still says rc3 exported #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:08:22 [Peder-PFC] I suspect it is just a remnant of the old config as I did a make current in the rc3 dir #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:08:56 [anthm] the tarball has a file that overrides the version file #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:09:15 [Peder-PFC] 9 May 14 09:22 .version #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:09:24 [Peder-PFC] .version just says "exported" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:09:58 [anthm] i don't know if the rc tarballs have the svn info in them does it ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:10:23 [anthm] if you want to use trunk you probably need to svn co it manually or use the magic makefile #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:10:33 []technophreak[] anthm, mikej: the memleak problem seems to be fixed now since I updated to 8355 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:11:30 []technophreak[] I`ll report again in a week. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:11:42 [anthm] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:11:57 [anthm] ~pb 4473 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:12:31 [anthm] ~pb 4437 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:18:05 [Peder-PFC] If you download from svn, do you need to run bootstrap, or just configure. I thought I read that bootstrap was going away, but it is still there #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:18:35 [sekil] what is changed in 8394? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:19:43 [anthm] bootstrap in svn #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:19:43 [cypromis] bootstrap is still in trunk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:19:46 [cypromis] nd not in the release files #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:19:47 [anthm] not in tarball #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:23:45 [anthm] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:25:05 [anthm] vilito, still there? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:27:04 [BrendanG] is there somewhere I can go to learn the take a number system and other etiquette? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:28:07 [anthm] just ~take-a-number #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:28:12 [anthm] ~waiting #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:28:22 [anthm] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:28:49 [anthm] danchris, there is not currently an automatic way but you can originate a call from one conference to the other #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:29:21 [anthm] conference 1000 dial sofia/default/1000@otherbox.com #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:31:48 [bkw_] I'll snag vilito when I seen him next about his question #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:32:58 [danchris] anthm: thank you! I will experiment with that. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:33:34 [danchris] i was trying to wrap my mind around how I could implement this or even scale along the lines of what was mentioned in the Xen posting http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Enterprise_deployment_Xen #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:34:37 [BrendanG] ~take-a-number (I'm still having trouble configuring an analog Rhino card for basic testing configuration details and log at http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4441) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:35:11 [danchris] anthm: this is great news. thanks. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:36:19 [anthm] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:36:39 [anthm] is there dialtone on the phone ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:36:48 [BrendanG] no there is not #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:37:13 [anthm] from fs build root #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:37:18 [anthm] cd libs/openzap #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:37:24 [anthm] make testanalog #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:37:31 [anthm] ./testanalog 2 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:37:44 [anthm] and see what it says and if there is dial tone then #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:39:12 [bkw_] I see his problem #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:39:17 [bkw_] Channel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:39:30 [bkw_] is 1 an FXO or FXS? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:40:08 [BrendanG] 1-2 is FXO 3-4 is FXS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:40:13 [bkw_] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:40:16 [bkw_] just making sure #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:41:12 [BrendanG] http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4442 results of testanalog 2 then going off hook #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:41:47 [bkw_] BrendanG: what zaptel version are you running? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:42:11 [BrendanG] zaptel #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:49:10 [bkw_] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:49:14 [bkw_] BrendanG: can I get in your box? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:49:55 [BrendanG] sure, you'll have to give me a minute to open the firewall #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:50:05 [anthm] it's failing the echotrain command #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:50:20 [anthm] i can change that to be nonfatal #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:50:32 [bkw_] ah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:51:24 [BrendanG] I'm not sure what that means exactly, my guess is, it is something different with the Rhino card vs. others #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:53:11 [anthm] from that same place #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:53:14 [anthm] svn up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:53:19 [anthm] make testanalog again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:53:22 [anthm] and try now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:53:55 [BrendanG] I have dialtone!! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:54:07 [anthm] k hangup ctl-c that app #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:54:10 [anthm] cd ../.. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:54:27 [anthm] make mod-openzap-install #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:54:40 [anthm] and try the original test #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:57:28 [BrendanG] make mod_openzap-install worked and the original test now works #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:57:43 [anthm] cool #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:58:38 [BrendanG] thanks so much for the assistance, I've been struggling with this for a week #freeswitch 2008-05-14 11:58:44 [anthm] np #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:00:29 [Peder-PFC] ~take-a-number I downloaded svn into a new dir and it is still failing on Python. There is no Python dir under libs/ like there is with rc3 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:00:33 [coppice] I really must focus and get 1 thing done, instead of 20 merely started :-\ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:00:54 [bkw_] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:01:13 [bkw_] Peder-PFC: you'll need to talk to branchcut about this. He did make changes not to build Python as it did in the past #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:01:16 [coppice] ~previous #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:01:29 [bkw_] Peder-PFC: So it links in the locally installed python which should make the build process faster #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:01:41 [anthm] maybe he doesnt have it locally #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:01:49 [bkw_] hrm could be #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:02:05 [bkw_] or something left in the build system from when it built it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:02:10 [bkw_] that needs to be removed #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:02:12 [Peder-PFC] I do #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:02:19 [bkw_] Peder-PFC: can you pastebin the compile error? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:02:23 [bkw_] or error in general? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:02:38 [Peder-PFC] I have python 2.3, will that work? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:03:31 [bkw_] MichaelGG: you alive? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:03:36 [bkw_] doh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:03:41 [bkw_] haha didn't see you join #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:03:49 [MichaelGG] arrg #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:03:49 [bkw_] was looking for an email with a phone number from you #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:03:56 [MichaelGG] who you trynna reach #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:04:05 [bkw_] Gregory #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:04:25 [bkw_] I sent an email monday I think.. but he didn't send me contact numbers so I can reach him :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:04:47 [MichaelGG] just pm'd it to ya #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:07:34 [MichaelGG] I thought SIP was supposed to fix that? You should just be able to dial sip:hisemail@whatever and then it'll hit his home phone which will respond with a 302 redirect to his cell #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:07:41 [MichaelGG] did the IETF lie to me? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:08:11 [BrendanG] anthm: is the lack of echotrain capability an issue I should inform Rhino about? or do you think it is a configuration issue on my end? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:08:30 [anthm] i'm not sure #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:09:07 [anthm] the ioctl to turn it on failed with invalid argument #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:09:16 [MichaelGG] OK can someone explain or point me to a wikipage on modules? For instance, I see for a logging module, you just call switch_event_bind in your load function #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:09:19 [anthm] so i just made that not cause the channel to die #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:09:28 [BrendanG] any idea if it means the echo canceler won't be used? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:09:29 [MichaelGG] but for instance, I can't find anything like that in mod_xml_curl #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:09:58 [anthm] the echo can instruction appears to have worked #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:10:04 [anthm] it was the echo train one that failed #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:11:18 [BrendanG] ok, I'll forward your note on to them in case it is on their end, from my limited experience they are pretty responsive #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:12:17 [anthm] MichaelGG, modules from a making them standpoint ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:12:27 [bkw_] http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Wiki_meet_2008_05_14 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:12:41 [MichaelGG] anthm, yes, im trying to figure out exactly what codepath happens to make mod_xml_curl have its status #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:12:43 [MichaelGG] as a config loader. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:12:46 [anthm] hmmhesays, there is a new thing you will like in tree #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:12:57 [hmmhesays] oh yeah? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:13:17 [bkw_] everyone mark your clocks for the meeting #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:13:25 [anthm] hmmhesays, if you have auth-calls on AND appply-inbound-acl #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:13:39 [anthm] when the acl passes it lets it in with no challenge #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:13:44 [anthm] and when it fails it challenges it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:13:57 [hmmhesays] I haven't done any of the acl stuff yet, I'll have to tinker with it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:14:02 [anthm] so for your gateway asterisk fiasco you can just bless the 1 ip #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:14:22 [anthm] instead of make a new profile dedicated for it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:14:32 [MichaelGG] FS can only use one signalling and 1 media IP, is that accurate? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:14:59 [bkw_] MichaelGG: per profile sure. but you can launch many profiles with diff ip/media combos #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:15:00 [hmmhesays] yeah I ended up just removing auth from that profile and matching the ip address #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:15:03 [anthm] MichaelGG, mod_xml_curl is not a config loader it's actually an XML lookup hook #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:15:18 [MichaelGG] Oh ok so im not missing anything in the mod_xml_curl code then #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:15:27 [MichaelGG] it just registers itself and then its up to someone else to call it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:15:37 [anthm] it binds itself to sections #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:15:49 [anthm] the config has a series of major sections #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:16:09 [anthm] configuration, dialplan, directory, phrases #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:16:16 [anthm] in the xml registry #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:16:26 [anthm] xml_curl binds to one or all #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:16:40 [anthm] and when something looks in the xml for something it calls on it instead #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:16:49 [MichaelGG] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:16:55 [anthm] then it takes all the params and makes them into a cgi form post #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:17:00 [anthm] and calls your cgi #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:17:21 [anthm] where you deliver the xml it was looking for in place of what would have been in the file static #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:17:50 [anthm] http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Xml_curl #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:18:16 [MichaelGG] yea i saw the overview information, im just trying to trace the C codepath #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:18:27 [MichaelGG] so to really understand it so i can make mod_mono allow people to do the same thing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:18:52 [anthm] look at mod_perl and mod_lua #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:19:17 [anthm] they both have a mechanism to bind lookups to a script #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:19:34 [anthm] that can generate the xml text inline #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:19:45 [anthm] same interface as xml_curl from the C standpoint #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:19:49 [MichaelGG] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:21:17 [essobi] WEEEEEEEEEEEEE! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:21:26 [essobi] Afternoon all. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:23:35 [MichaelGG] so switch_xml_bind_search_function is the magic function then that allows us to get our own XML providing code into place? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:24:02 [anthm] right #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:24:21 [bkw_] bak #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:24:36 [__t] someone of you coming to berlin to http://www.asterisk-tag.org/wiki/Programm_26.05.2008_(English_Track) ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:24:36 [MichaelGG] so if im reading this right, each perl script has a parameter to tell if its an xml handler in which case things get bound up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:25:26 [anthm] well you more or less bind the function to a perl script of your choice #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:25:33 [MichaelGG] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:25:36 [hmmhesays] freaking mounting kit for a DL360 G3 is a 100 bucks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:25:42 [anthm] and you write the script assuming it's being used as a gateway xml script #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:28:55 [MichaelGG] so what happens if a bunch of things call the bind search functio #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:29:29 [anthm] they are used in the order they were bound #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:29:40 [anthm] until one works #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:31:54 [MichaelGG] and switch_cpp.cpp is the thing i wanna swig right #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:32:07 [MichaelGG] and the xml.cpp #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:32:40 [anthm] yah if you look at lua and perl #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:32:44 [anthm] they are the model for it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:32:47 [pestouille] see ya #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:33:10 [MichaelGG] ok ill keep reading htgose #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:33:10 [anthm] the tricky part is #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:33:11 [MichaelGG] those #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:33:57 [anthm] the swig doesnt create an api to take existing objs and push them into the host runtime #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:34:30 [anthm] so for some things like events and the stream obj that already exist #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:34:45 [anthm] that we just want to push into the runtime #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:35:01 [anthm] so i had to get a little creative #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:35:06 [MichaelGG] yea we'll marshal those in #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:35:52 [anthm] also when you create a new session #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:35:55 [anthm] via swig #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:36:17 [anthm] the Session class you are wrapping needs a pointer to the runtime #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:36:31 [anthm] so i had to patch the generated wrapper #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:36:52 [anthm] to call a method on the new Session to store the runtime obj so it can get to it from callbacks later #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:37:03 [anthm] see hack.diff in both lua and perl #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:37:17 [MichaelGG] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:37:38 [anthm] so getPerl getLUA so we need getMONO #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:37:41 [anthm] and set #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:37:50 [anthm] respectively and a similar patch #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:38:15 [anthm] then it cats the _extra.c onto the end of the wrapper to do the wrapping of existing objs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:38:29 [anthm] so you can regenerate it all on the fly #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:38:40 [anthm] which is important cos then you can edit the cpp file #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:38:46 [anthm] and just do make swigall #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:39:01 [anthm] and all the lang mods re-wrap themselves #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:39:02 [MichaelGG] right #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:39:49 [anthm] so you should pick either one and clone it as a basis for mod_mono #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:40:13 [MichaelGG] theres also some existing mod_mono stuff, but i dont know fi it used swig #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:40:19 [MichaelGG] looks like a lot of custom code to handle things #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:40:21 [anthm] and replace all the freeswitch_x.cpp and .h content that is lang specifc to mono equiv #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:40:54 [anthm] yah i would just use that to borrow the mod_mono.c from #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:41:11 [anthm] you may have to make it into mod_mono.cpp to make sure it links right on mac #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:41:22 [MichaelGG] theoretically mod_mono can replace everything #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:41:31 [MichaelGG] cause LUA and so on have IL compilers. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:41:49 [anthm] yah when applicable #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:42:22 [anthm] since mono is a kitchen sink type env there are still probably advantages to standalone mod_lua #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:42:39 [anthm] like on the n800/810 for instance =D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:42:53 [coppice] you mean it should be flushed down the plughole? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:43:08 [MichaelGG] yea i guess if you have a very memory constrained environment :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:46:31 [hmmhesays] lol #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:48:43 [coppice] yeah, seriously memory constrained environments that have only 16 times as much RAM as any million dollar VAX I ever used #freeswitch 2008-05-14 12:59:53 [bsnipes] ~take-a-number Is there a major problem with last nights svn version? FS is eating up memory and it is hungggrrryyyy for more.... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:00:33 [bsnipes] I went from using about 300M to over 1.5GB #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:03:34 [bkw_] bsnipes: can you be a bit more clear? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:04:02 [CtRiX] http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/random_number.png #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:04:04 [CtRiX] :-\ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:04:05 [hmmhesays] I just found out I can get a 20mbps connection at my house #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:04:11 [hmmhesays] for 100 bucks a month #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:05:54 [bkw_] hmmhesays: in FARGO? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:05:58 [bkw_] thats even more NOWHERE than I am #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:06:28 [hmmhesays] I know, qwest has been doing a good job here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:06:31 [bsnipes] bkw_: sure... did make current last night at about 9pm... copied relevant sections from dialplan/public.xml dialplan/default.xml and gateway. setup multiple regs, setup bind and local ip to my address... this morning had issue where I needed to comment external ips for sip_profiles/extenal.xml.. and shutdown and restarted fs... my mem usage is now 1.5GB... on a 2GB server with 9 phones connected seems a bit high #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:06:49 [bsnipes] bkw_: virt is 1863m and res is 1.5g #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:07:02 [bkw_] don't stop it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:07:06 [bsnipes] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:07:07 [bkw_] you have memstat? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:07:19 [bsnipes] I can install it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:07:35 [bsnipes] bkw_: installed #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:07:40 [bkw_] run it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:07:43 [bkw_] pastebin the output #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:07:49 [bsnipes] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:08:23 [bkw_] that might help narrow it down a tiny bit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:08:23 [hmmhesays] I can get 12mbps for 50 bucks a month #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:08:46 [CtRiX] symmetric ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:09:11 [bkw_] doubt its symmetric #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:09:20 [bkw_] its gonna be like 1-2 mbit up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:09:24 [coppice] we can get symmetric 1G for $220 a month #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:09:47 [bsnipes] bkw_: http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4444 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:10:07 [hmmhesays] bkw_, no its not but I don't need upload for giganews #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:11:01 [anthm] bsnipes, do it again | sort -nr #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:11:02 [bkw_] WASHINGTON -- NASA has scheduled a media teleconference Wednesday, May 14, at 1 p.m. EDT, to announce the discovery of an object in our Galaxy astronomers have been hunting for more than 50 years. This finding was made by combining data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory with ground-based observations. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:11:51 [bkw_] hmmhesays: you suck #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:12:05 [bsnipes] anthm: ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:12:08 [coppice] what did they find? Bush's brain? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:12:57 [bkw_] bsnipes: you get what anthm said? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:13:02 [hmmhesays] bkw_, yes sometimes, but in what way are you referring to #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:13:17 [bkw_] hmmhesays: I want 12-20mbit too #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:13:29 [bsnipes] anthm: http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4445 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:13:54 [MichaelGG] CtRiX that random number is like Debian's OpenSSL right? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:14:15 [coppice] the same people offer 100M symmetric for a reasonable price, but not where I live #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:14:45 [CtRiX] MichaelGG, it is #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:14:48 [coppice] CtRiX: 4 is a random number - on the 4 to 4 scale #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:15:05 [CtRiX] coppice, yes. it seems debian people is aware of that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:15:26 [bkw_] bsnipes: you doing an IVR with phrases or something? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:15:52 [coppice] I had a random number in my code once that was always 42. I fixed that value for test purposes, and completely forgot about it. luckily it wasn't crapto related #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:16:03 [bsnipes] bkw_: I am doing 2 ivrs with sound files.. want me to pastebin them #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:16:16 [bkw_] bsnipes: yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:16:29 [MichaelGG] symmetric 1GB for $220 a month where do you live :( #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:16:34 [bkw_] granted not sure what I see on memstat is correct #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:17:17 [bsnipes] bkw_: http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4446 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:17:50 [bsnipes] I don't use the demo_ivr in practice and haven't removed it yet. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:17:57 [bkw_] bsnipes: ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:18:36 [coppice] MichaelGG: there -> http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=discovery+bay+hong+kong&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=41.089062,66.09375&ie=UTF8&cd=1&ll=22.30582,114.009418&spn=0.001469,0.002017&z=19&iwloc=addr #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:18:41 [cypromis] symmetric 1GB is about 800 here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:18:43 [cypromis] jsut checked #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:18:44 [cypromis] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:18:48 [MikeJ] who can find me high speed like that in detroit suburbs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:18:49 [CtRiX] i pay a 12M (not symmetric) 19 euro per month that is about 12 dollars #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:18:51 [MikeJ] 48070 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:19:05 [cypromis] 48070 ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:19:10 [MikeJ] zipcode #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:19:44 [coppice] CtRiX: ADSL2 I guess. we can't get that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:20:01 [CtRiX] coppice, yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:20:23 [growler] CtRiX: 19 eur != 12 usd #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:20:28 [MichaelGG] oh hong kong no wonder. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:20:57 [MikeJ] coppice: are you in one of those high-rise buildings? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:20:57 [MichaelGG] I just assumed somewhere in the lameness of the americas. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:21:09 [CtRiX] groogs, more ir less #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:21:10 [coppice] I think the IPTV service might be using ADSL2 recently, as they seem to be offered HD. they still don't offer fast ADSL data #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:21:13 [CtRiX] *or #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:21:55 [growler] CtRiX: 19 eur = 29 usd #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:21:57 [MikeJ] with all those high rise buildings, you would think there would be a fiber loop running right under them #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:22:02 [coppice] MikeJ: I'm in the one in the middle of the screen #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:22:38 [coppice] MikeJ: they have been really brain dead about fibre to the tower #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:22:51 [MikeJ] thats silly #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:22:56 [CtRiX] growler, you're right #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:24:36 [MikeJ] MichaelGG: who does 100M and 1g ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:24:56 [MichaelGG] MikeJ no one that ive ever heard of, hence my suprise and subsequent disappointment #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:25:17 [MikeJ] hmmhesays: ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:25:43 [cypromis] all of japan #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:25:50 [cypromis] standard yahoo account is 1G #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:25:58 [MichaelGG] 100M/1G, I've never heard of that in the states, apart from buying from XO or something like that. So I thought Coppice was referring to 1G somewhere in the states. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:26:05 [MichaelGG] or anywhere in the americas for that matter. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:26:14 [cypromis] coppice is in Hong Kong #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:26:16 [MichaelGG] yea #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:26:20 [MichaelGG] i get that now :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:26:25 [MichaelGG] which makes much more sense. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:26:46 [MichaelGG] prolly 5 years until i can mvoe to japan #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:26:48 [coppice] the 100M is some reasonable price, like $40. If I could get that, I probably would. the people who offer it don't have fibre to our tower, though #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:27:48 [coppice] I neevr figured out japan. they seem to have very cheap and very pricy options. the cheap options put you behind several layers of NAT, but apparently run fast #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:28:28 [MichaelGG] several layers of NAT really? they got such small allocation? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:28:34 [MichaelGG] but but but IPv6 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:28:56 [hmmhesays] MikeJ, what? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:29:06 [MikeJ] where do you get 100M from? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:29:11 [bsnipes] bkw_: I am going to have to go ahead and shutdown/restart fs soon... I am 135MB into swap and going up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:29:23 [hmmhesays] We dont' have true 100M around here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:29:36 [hmmhesays] fastest i've seen is load balanced 3x33's #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:29:49 [bkw_] MikeJ: do you wanna look at bsnipes issue? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:30:05 [hmmhesays] Qwest offers 20mbps #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:30:12 [sxntixgo] hi, a simple question. FS works with SQL? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:30:20 [bkw_] hmmhesays: qwest can offer anything... but can they deliver #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:30:29 [bkw_] sxntixgo: what do you mean in what way? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:31:07 [hmmhesays] like a toothless .. er.. yeah if they say they can they usually can. I've been very pleased with qwest services around here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:31:13 [coppice] APR and NSPR are related, aren't they? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:31:20 [hmmhesays] of course anything is better than our local cable monopoly #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:31:21 [cypromis] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:31:23 [sxntixgo] I'm usign spidermonkey to access unixODBC, I can connect to a mysql #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:31:28 [cypromis] NSPR is the even more screwed up cousin #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:31:34 [bkw_] related? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:31:35 [sxntixgo] but y can't use a SQL properly #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:31:44 [sxntixgo] MS SQL #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:31:51 [bkw_] sxntixgo: pastebin examples of how you're using it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:31:55 [mishehu] whats "using an SQL properly"??? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:32:07 [mishehu] oops too many ?'s #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:32:31 [coppice] in that case http://state-threads.sourceforge.net/ might be interesting for FS at some point in the future #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:32:48 [sxntixgo] I can connect to db, I can do a query, but I cant get the data #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:40:47 [sxntixgo] ~what is pb #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:40:57 [bkw_] ~whatis pb #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:42:38 [cypromis] you can connect to ms sql with unixodbc #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:42:39 [cypromis] to oracle #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:42:40 [cypromis] to db2 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:42:43 [cypromis] to db2/400 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:42:47 [cypromis] to VM/ESA #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:42:50 [cypromis] to Informix #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:42:52 [cypromis] to Ingres II #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:42:55 [cypromis] postgresql #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:42:59 [cypromis] terradata #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:43:01 [cypromis] and some others #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:43:07 [cypromis] which of those do you call not proper ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:43:31 [anthm] bsnipes, wtf #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:43:41 [anthm] # #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:43:41 [anthm] 1881484k: PID 27723 (/usr/local/freeswitch/mod/mod_say_en.so) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:43:41 [anthm] # #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:43:41 [anthm] 1112924k: PID 4480 (/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun- #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:44:12 [anthm] i wonder what that is #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:44:13 [sxntixgo] ms sql #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:44:27 [sxntixgo] http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4447 <- this is the js I'm ussing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:47:07 [anthm] sxntixgo, no errs just no data? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:47:19 [sxntixgo] yes, no errors #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:47:31 [anthm] does it work with isql #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:47:37 [sxntixgo] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:48:38 [bsnipes] anthm: ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:48:59 [anthm] that seems odd it's getting blamed on say_en #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:49:07 [anthm] and what is that java app ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:49:23 [bsnipes] anthm: the java is an asterisk addon made by a company called Asteria... I don't know why the java piece though #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:49:38 [cypromis] asteria ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:49:44 [cypromis] hahahaha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:49:54 [anthm] it's getting blamed for a gig #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:49:57 [bsnipes] anthm: it has always taken up a lot of memory.. the freeswitch memory usage didn't show up before today #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:50:45 [anthm] so in top you see fs say it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:50:51 [anthm] that it's using a gig? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:51:21 [bsnipes] anthm: I was... I had to shutdown/restart fs.... mod_say_en.so is taking 222MB right now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:51:36 [anthm] so this memstat #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:51:42 [anthm] is not from when it was using up all the ram? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:51:47 [anthm] but from now afterwards? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:52:06 [bsnipes] that memstat is from before the shutdown/restart of fs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:52:41 [bsnipes] mod_say_en.so is now up to 246MB #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:52:55 [anthm] and what interactions is the box having #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:53:12 [anthm] any i/o over any means? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:53:57 [bsnipes] anthm: what do I need to run to give you the info ... there is one active call at the moment #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:54:16 [anthm] just tell me ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:54:28 [anthm] what do you have it doing listening on etc #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:54:46 [anthm] is it doing anything to use say ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:55:23 [bsnipes] nothing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:56:06 [bsnipes] I have normal voicemail, 2 ivrs that play sound files, and standard extensions in the dialplan #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:56:26 [vilito] ~take-a-number please help me setup outbound calling using broadvoice gate and connecting FS to Asterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:56:58 [bkw_] ~waiting #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:56:59 [anthm] yah voicemail uses say #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:57:16 [bkw_] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:57:33 [anthm] what was the version you had before that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 13:58:58 [anthm] ~set ignore_events 1 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:01:02 [bkw_] Bill: tcpdump -w file.pcap -x host x.x.x.x #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:01:19 [bsnipes] anthm: I have no way of telling... it was from april 30 at 7:13pm.... I don't have rev number #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:01:31 [thinksincode] ~take-a-number #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:01:43 [anthm] let bkw into the box #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:01:54 [bsnipes] k #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:01:57 [[intra]lanman] ~waiting #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:02:15 [vilito] hi #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:03:16 [vilito] i have broadvoice using a gateway defined in a user account #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:03:26 [bkw_] vilito: what is the gateway name? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:03:40 [vilito] broadvoice #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:03:51 [bkw_] sofia/gateway/broadvoice/number #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:03:52 [sxntixgo] ~take-a-number FS->spidermonkey->unixODBC->freeTDS->MS SQL #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:04:24 [bkw_] Wiki Meeting http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Wiki_meet_2008_05_14 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:04:31 [bkw_] sip:888@conference.freeswitch.org #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:04:50 [vilito] what should the extension name be and do i put the dialplan in public.xml or default.xml? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:05:48 [anthm] bsnipes, try making a bunch of calls to the various things you have setup #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:06:12 [bsnipes] anthm: and watch the memory to see when it starts rocketing? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:06:13 [anthm] and see if anything in paticular makes the mem go up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:06:15 [anthm] ya #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:06:19 [bsnipes] anthm: ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:06:35 [anthm] call something that needs vm the ivr , another phone etc #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:06:42 [anthm] repeatedly #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:06:43 [bsnipes] nderstood #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:09:17 [bkw_] please hold.... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:09:21 [MichaelGG] hey whats this sofia limit of 110? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:09:26 [bkw_] ok call back #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:09:35 [MichaelGG] sofia.c, line 3181 "if (sess_count > 110) {" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:09:43 [MichaelGG] and then some stuff about Artoo #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:09:47 [MichaelGG] and Luke. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:13:18 [bkw_] If you were kicked off the conf please call back #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:13:39 [thinksincode] what the heck is "sofia" anyway #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:13:50 [bkw_] sofia is the sip stack #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:13:57 [bkw_] she's cranky at times #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:14:14 [thinksincode] oh ok :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:15:18 [thinksincode] is there any other documentation on mod_conference than what's on the freeswitch wiki page? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:15:21 [thinksincode] i am trying to parse the lines that get sent back from 'conference list' but i am not sure what some of the pieces of data in each line represent #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:16:00 [thinksincode] for example 4;sofia/eng.my.com/200@;0a79be2b-c589-4260-beea-b51524f32d21;Joe Attardi;200;hear|speak|floor;0;0;300 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:18:28 [nick8] hi guys... is the wiki conf on? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:19:32 [vilito] ~take-a-number c888, thanks. I think i am almost there the outbound thing. please look at this: 2008-05-14 14:20:38 [NOTICE] switch_ivr.c:1037 switch_ivr_session_transfer() Transfer sofia/internal/1000@ to enum[sofia/gateway/broadvoice/1ZZZYYY0609@default] 2008-05-14 14:20:38 [INFO] switch_core_state_machine.c:113 switch_core_standard_on_routing() No Route, Aborting 2008-05-14 14:20:38 [NOTICE] switch_core_state_mach #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:19:32 [vilito] ine.c:114 switch_core_standard_on_routing() Hangup sofia/internal/1000@ [CS_ROUTING] [NO_ROUTE_DESTINATION] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:19:52 [bkw_] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:19:59 [bkw_] sip:888@conference.freeswitch.org #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:23:05 [bkw_] Irshad: your background noise was too much I had to mute you #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:24:12 [hmmhesays] +list #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:25:35 [MichaelGG] Warning 3 warning C6246: Local declaration of 'contact_host' hides declaration of the same name in outer scope. For additional information, see previous declaration at line '3090' of 'c:\freeswitch\src\mod\endpoints\mod_sofia\sofia.c': Lines: 3090 c:\freeswitch\src\mod\endpoints\mod_sofia\sofia.c 3155 mod_sofia #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:27:13 [cypromis] testing testing testing and more testing cycle #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:27:51 [cypromis] +list #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:28:00 [nick8] brian..is that OK now ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:35:03 [dasbus] VIM #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:37:06 [mercutioviz] dasbus: thanks - I've always just done vi... i think i can handle adding the 'm'... :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:37:22 [dasbus] or you could alias vi => vim #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:37:33 [mercutioviz] hehe, too much work to be that lazy! :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:37:36 [hmmhesays] most are anyway #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:38:01 [bkw_] NEXT!!! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:38:10 [pestouille] I'll be true #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:38:15 [pestouille] time #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:38:34 [hmmhesays] wtf are you nexting now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:40:12 [vilito] could someone please help me with outbound dialing? i used the transfer application and that didn't work. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:40:41 [hmmhesays] where are you outbound dialing to? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:44:49 [vilito] broadvoice #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:44:54 [vilito] i have inbound working #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:45:15 [vilito] the extension i have in the default.xml dialplan doesn't work #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:45:26 [cypromis] http://www.flickr.com/photos/arbernaut/2476955162/ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:45:49 [hmmhesays] oh boy broadvoice #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:45:53 [bkw_] vilito: what profile is your outbound registration going to? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:45:54 [pestouille] vilito: what the console told ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:02 [hmmhesays] you need to setup a gateway and attach it to an outbound profile #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:07 [vilito] public on inbound #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:09 [vilito] that works #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:20 [vilito] her is the extension in default #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:27 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:27 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:27 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:27 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:30 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:32 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:34 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:38 [bkw_] grrrr #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:39 [bkw_] STOP IT #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:43 [bkw_] ~whatis pb #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:47 [MikeJ] who is 3185? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:46:50 [pestouille] lol #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:47:02 [hmmhesays] man I've gotten kicked for less than that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:47:06 [hmmhesays] :| #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:47:08 [bkw_] vilito: just let me in your box I can have this fixed in two min or less #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:47:16 [bkw_] vilito: I think you're a bit confused #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:47:19 [bkw_] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:47:20 [pestouille] vilito: why do you use transfer why don't you use bridge ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:47:31 [hmmhesays] man I tried that on a female last weekend #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:47:39 [bkw_] btw transfer isn't used like that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:47:47 [vilito] i am new to this and i don't even understand the applications #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:47:52 [hmmhesays] use bridge #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:47:54 [bkw_] you're using transfer WRONG #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:47:59 [bkw_] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:48:03 [pestouille] lol #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:48:17 [pestouille] hmmhesays: what did you try on a female ? :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:48:29 [cypromis] KILL IAX #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:48:30 [hmmhesays] "let me in your box and I can fix it in two minutes" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:48:31 [pestouille] s/fe/she/g #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:48:31 [cypromis] KILL IAX #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:48:34 [cypromis] :D :D :D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:48:38 [pestouille] lol #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:48:46 [jmirror] I HATE XILINX ISE #freeswitch 2008-05-14 14:57:13 [NormFree] hi #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:03:39 [dasbus] bkw_: he calls me his peon #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:03:54 [bkw_] dasbus: ok thats better than what I was thinking :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:04:24 [MikeJ] heh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:09:53 [J4k3] ok, im firing vitelity #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:10:18 [bkw_] http://jira.freeswitch.org #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:10:22 [intralanman] ~whatis jira #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:10:50 [J4k3] bkw_: I got calls working in and out #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:10:55 [J4k3] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:11:01 [bkw_] J4k3: you understand it now? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:11:13 [dasbus] J4k3: in and out of what? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:11:27 [J4k3] yep, I really was overthinking thing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:11:30 [J4k3] er things #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:11:41 [vilito] bkw_ i sent u info on how u can configure my freeswitch, did u get it? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:11:43 [J4k3] dasbus: a shitty voip provider #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:12:27 [J4k3] I'm starting to suspect vitelity is nothing but some d00ds with an old copy of asterisk and a dial plan. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:12:44 [xachen] they are #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:13:04 [xachen] i remember when they used to be called sixtel or something #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:13:10 [J4k3] yeah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:15:28 [pestouille] bkw_: did you manage to see why the don't work for me ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:15:44 [J4k3] also... whats up with the g729? I already purchased a couple g729 licenses back before I realized asterisk was sucky. It seems like *technically* since I have licenses for the codec I could use it on freeswitch #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:16:06 [J4k3] or does the license crap with digium *only* work with asterisk? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:16:25 [J4k3] I mean, its not like I could ever get digium's craptastic g729 binaries to work anyways... always used 3rd party binaries for that. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:20:11 [MikeJ] can people on diff operating systems and compilers please try building iax on current trunk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:20:13 [wchance_work] having issues compiling the last two releases 8405 and 8406 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:20:32 [MikeJ] I need solaris, bsd, and linux with 4.1 or newer gcc #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:20:50 [cypromis] getting lost guide #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:20:59 [wchance_work] 8405 stopped on make install and 8406 stops at make clean (using make current) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:21:03 [MikeJ] I'm good at that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:21:10 [cypromis] yah I know #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:21:14 [cypromis] especially in NOT calling :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:21:20 [MikeJ] how about 8407 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:21:25 [cypromis] trying trunk on indiana #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:21:29 [MikeJ] k #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:21:47 [MikeJ] linux has their prototypes screwed on a couple functions.. trying to get the ifdefs so it works #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:21:48 [wchance_work] trying it now MikeJ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:22:10 [MikeJ] may need to add a configure check on these #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:22:12 [dasbus] so whats the code name for the release? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:22:21 [MikeJ] phoenix? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:22:23 [MikeJ] yeah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:22:28 [MichaelGG] J4k3 what happened with vitelity #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:22:47 [wchance_work] 8407: stops at begginig of make clean #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:22:56 [MikeJ] ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:22:57 [MikeJ] show me? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:23:00 [MichaelGG] I know for a fact that Vitelity is a lot more than just an old copy of Asterisk :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:23:05 [wchance_work] make[2]: Entering directory `/root/freeswitch/freeswitch.trunk/libs/sofia-sip/tests' #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:23:07 [wchance_work] cd .. && /bin/sh /root/freeswitch/freeswitch.trunk/libs/sofia-sip/missing --run automake-1.9 --foreign tests/Makefile #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:23:09 [wchance_work] tests/Makefile.am: required file `./compile' not found #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:23:10 [wchance_work] make[2]: *** [Makefile.in] Error 1 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:23:15 [J4k3] MichaelGG: disappointment and crappy routing. the disappointment was from asking if they supported rtp packet times longer than 20ms... they told me they supported g.711 ulaw... the crappy routing thing has been a problem since they moved their crap to Denver... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:23:29 [J4k3] Rule #1 about putting equipment in denver - its the ass-end of the Internet. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:23:33 [MikeJ] think I got it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:23:53 [MichaelGG] apart from having connectivity to all major carriers and cities? :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:24:03 [MichaelGG] Our 911 center is in Denver #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:24:24 [J4k3] MichaelGG: I had considerably better performance from vitel when they had servers in dallas. its been something around a year since they moved #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:24:25 [MichaelGG] "crappy routing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:24:31 [MichaelGG] can you elaborate #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:24:39 [MichaelGG] Here ill pm you some info #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:26:20 [MikeJ] grr #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:27:06 [J4k3] MichaelGG: in reality... they're overpriced and underclued, and it appears they don't support what *I* need. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:27:19 [J4k3] routing is relative to both endpoints #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:27:27 [MichaelGG] like bad voice quality #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:27:27 [MichaelGG] or what #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:27:59 [J4k3] I need longer rtp packet times. I don't want 50pps per direction #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:28:11 [bkw_] J4k3: PCMU@60i #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:28:15 [J4k3] I can send vitel lompsided data (ie - 8pps out, 50 pps in) and it works fine. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:28:21 [bkw_] J4k3: PCMU@120i #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:28:21 [J4k3] bkw_: did it, its asymetric. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:28:31 [bkw_] J4k3: you mean they didn't honor your ptime? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:28:46 [J4k3] bkw_: yep... neither did my copy of asterisk 1.2 :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:29:09 [MichaelGG] yea i wouldnt be surprised if they dont deal wit hthat #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:30:05 [bkw_] J4k3: you on the conference call? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:30:12 [J4k3] bkw_: negative #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:30:43 [MikeJ] wchance_work: the changes to sofia require a re-bootstrap :( #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:30:56 [J4k3] bkw_: I could, say, do full blown transcoding of the call... pcmu@20i to pcmu@120i #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:31:07 [wchance_work] ok will do that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:31:17 [bkw_] J4k3: that should work great #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:31:19 [J4k3] which would add another ~30ms to the call, and use a lot of overhead... but it'd work #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:31:41 [J4k3] bkw_: so far, it seems like it just proxy's the call... 8 pps out, 50pps in ;0 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:31:44 [J4k3] ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:31:48 [sack] guys svn is "broken" src/mod/endpoints/mod_iax/iax.c:2996 in linux i had to define socklen_t sinlen; #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:31:52 [dasbus] asterisk only sends 20ms ptime AFAIK #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:32:03 [J4k3] dasbus: 1.4+ can do other ptimes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:32:14 [MikeJ] sack: what svn revision #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:32:19 [sack] latest #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:32:21 [dasbus] I bailed to FS and never tried 1.4 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:32:29 [MikeJ] sack: which is what revision? :D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:32:38 [MikeJ] I changed it a couple min ago #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:32:41 [anders__] http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Sidebar #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:32:44 [sack] 8406 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:32:44 [J4k3] well, I found reference to someone doing 50ms rtp on 1.2.4 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:32:55 [dasbus] prolly with a code hack #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:33:00 [MikeJ] can you svn update #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:33:09 [J4k3] yeah, prolly #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:33:15 [MikeJ] and try it again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:33:26 [MikeJ] you may need to re-bootstrap #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:33:44 [sack] ahh yah ... well i already fixed on my side 5 minutes ago ,-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:34:01 [MikeJ] I want to make sure that my fix in tree works everywhere #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:34:11 [J4k3] ahh yeah, 1.2 ptime is a hack.. wonder if 1.4's is too #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:34:21 [sack] ok let me re-bootstrap #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:34:37 [MikeJ] update, revert your change, bootstrap, build #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:35:44 [cypromis] configure breaks in openmrcp #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:35:50 [J4k3] in the meantime, I'm going to take a shower. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:35:51 [cypromis] *sigh* #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:36:45 [cypromis] bootstraping again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:37:48 [dasbus] http://lists.freeswitch.org/pipermail/freeswitch-users/ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:38:35 [MichaelGG] hah if we get it our way, most ITSPs will use FS :D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:38:37 [bkw_] http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/FreeSwitch_FAQ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:40:15 [MikeJ] cypromis: its the sofia changes I just did.. some reason they require new bootstrap #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:41:40 [cypromis] hmm it died in openmrcp #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:41:48 [cypromis] have to use a terminal to be able to copy and paste #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:43:37 [pestouille] the bootstrap is mandatory for each update ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:44:04 [MikeJ] no #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:44:06 [MikeJ] just this time #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:44:25 [pestouille] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:44:32 [pestouille] someone manage to build the mod_java ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:47:44 [MikeJ] not this week.. but before.. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:51:00 [pestouille] using sqlite is very sweet #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:53:20 [cypromis] WOW WOW WOW #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:53:23 [cypromis] bkw can count #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:53:25 [cypromis] :D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:53:57 [bkw_] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:54:30 [anthm] C is for kooky volume 2 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:54:33 [dasbus] wtf is LUA #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:54:38 [dasbus] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:54:51 [anthm] ~google lua language #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:55:10 [dasbus] should change the ~google to ~wtf :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:55:31 [bkw_] dasbus: haha you know what lua is.. you helped me write the docs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:56:47 [cypromis] === configuring in libs/openmrcp (/export/home/cypromis/Projects/fstrunk/libs/openmrcp) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:56:47 [cypromis] configure: running /bin/sh ./configure.gnu '--prefix=/opt/freeswitch' 'CC=cc' 'CXX=CC' --cache-file=/dev/null --srcdir=. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:56:47 [cypromis] configure: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in build/config "."/build/config #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:56:48 [cypromis] configure: error: ./configure.gnu failed for libs/openmrcp #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:56:50 [cypromis] not good #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:56:54 [cypromis] nooooooooooooooooot good #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:56:54 [cypromis] :D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 15:58:25 [CtRiX] cypromis, you use yum ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:00:19 [MikeJ] cypromis: is this on a fresh checkout? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:00:49 [cypromis] Ctrix: on solaris ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:00:56 [cypromis] mikej: one update #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:00:59 [cypromis] so doing a fresh one #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:01:16 [MikeJ] nothing werid changed there.. the autodrool ate itself #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:01:24 [anthm] ~say #Callie-8khz#hello #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:01:33 [cypromis] hello mello #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:01:47 [cypromis] virtualised excitement #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:02:22 [CtRiX] ah that was c888 , sorruy #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:02:31 [mishehu] oy I feel see heavy now... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:02:32 [anthm] ~say #Callie#hello this is callie #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:02:38 [mishehu] Humus and melawaH #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:02:43 [mishehu] and felafel #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:02:49 [cypromis] in chicago ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:02:52 [cypromis] bah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:03:07 [anthm] ~say #David#what's wrong with me dammit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:04:06 [anthm] ~say I decided to sell out to the orange haze so I refuse to contribute any more voice overs to open source from now on #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:04:38 [anthm] ~say #Allison#I decided to sell out to the orange haze so I refuse to contribute any more voice overs to open source from now on #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:04:51 [MikeJ] ~say refuse #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:05:31 [mishehu] cypromis: don't know about the availability of melawaH in chiacgo, but I do know you can get good felafel at one restuarante there. nah, I'm in israel right now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:06:00 [nick8] bkw_: I worked on OZ wiki #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:06:17 [bkw_] nick8: kewl.. you wanna join #freeswitch-docs? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:06:36 [nick8] bkw_: irshad here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:07:16 [nick8] I edited OZ keepind TDM400 in mind #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:08:37 [nick8] may be something obvius to me is something not clear to others #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:09:21 [MikeJ] Irshad: I think we have some bugs still o pen on jira w/ you.. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:09:24 [MikeJ] are they not resolved? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:09:27 [nick8] can you just gimme some pointers what exactly you need for OZ TDM400 2 FXS/2 FXO !! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:09:43 [nick8] MikeJ: lemme check #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:10:31 [MikeJ] maybe I closed it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:10:32 [MikeJ] nm #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:11:13 [MikeJ] oh wait #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:11:20 [MikeJ] ~bug MODENDP-71 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:11:39 [MikeJ] ~bug MODENDP-73 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:11:44 [MikeJ] what is the status of those? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:11:45 [nick8] MikeJ: yeah all of them are either closed or resolved #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:11:56 [MikeJ] are those both ok to close? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:11:59 [MikeJ] we are all set? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:12:04 [nick8] MikeJ: call waiting is working now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:12:51 [nick8] MikeJ: Attended transfer which i referred here is as per SIP Draft using REFER method which is not supported as of now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:13:35 [nick8] MikeJ: only blind Transfer is supported I guess as of now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:13:51 [nick8] I mean Blind Transfer with REFER #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:13:51 [MikeJ] we do refer #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:14:07 [MikeJ] what exactly do you mean #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:14:17 [nick8] I mean Attended Transfer with REFER #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:14:20 [vilito] ~take-a-number please for some help connecting FS and Asterisk (so i can route calls between them). Thanks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:14:23 [MikeJ] your trying to do initiate a transfer from the analog side? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:14:35 [nick8] yeah from FXS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:14:51 [MikeJ] anthm: did you add an app you can use from those flexible feature codes that will do that? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:16:07 [dasbus] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:16:16 [dasbus] vilito: http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Connecting_Freeswitch_And_Asterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:16:48 [MikeJ] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:16:55 [MikeJ] vilito: see above #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:17:03 [MikeJ] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:17:27 [nick8] MikeJ/anthm: Was this bug MODENDP-76 verified ? coz I still get it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:17:44 [cypromis] +list #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:17:47 [MikeJ] ~bug MODENDP-76 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:18:12 [MikeJ] nick8: you said that was fixed.. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:18:29 [nick8] my bad...it's MODENDP-75 :-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:18:44 [nick8] Shutdown problem #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:19:40 [nick8] I mean when i do shutdown ... REGISTER for unregistration goes out and then I receive 200 OK for the same...for which I reply with ICMP: Destination not reachable #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:20:09 [MikeJ] I am sure we tested that and it works.. yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:20:12 [nick8] that means its not graceful shutdown but a forced #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:20:32 [nick8] I was trying with sipx proxy and its still consistent #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:21:15 [MikeJ] how are you shutting down? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:21:31 [nick8] through console command...shutdown #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:21:34 [MikeJ] you should see debug of r_shutdown status 101 until we get all resonses #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:21:45 [MikeJ] or timeout #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:21:59 [nick8] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:22:21 [MikeJ] maybe nat issue? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:22:27 [MikeJ] not getting responses.. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:22:33 [nick8] I dont have NAT in my case #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:22:52 [MikeJ] I am sure that it does wait on those #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:23:55 [nick8] i c #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:24:03 [jmirror] fragalot hai #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:24:09 [jmirror] hey Riekal #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:24:33 [jmirror] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:24:40 [jmirror] why? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:25:08 [nick8] MikeJ: may b I am asking for more... is that Call waiting tone played only once at the start of the call !! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:25:45 [nick8] coz I never hear the Call waiting beep again during the call after the first beep #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:26:49 [cypromis] random disconnects suck #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:26:54 [cypromis] +list #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:27:04 [cypromis] I am in there and not ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:27:07 [cypromis] now thats funky #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:27:10 [MikeJ] please double check #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:27:23 [anthm] http://conference.freeswitch.org #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:28:45 [CtRiX] anthm, the swig.swf at least here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:28:47 [nick8] was that double check for me MikeJ !! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:28:49 [nick8] :-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:28:54 [MikeJ] yeah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:29:00 [CtRiX] seems to play mp3 created by record at speedx4 or somethinf #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:29:06 [MikeJ] and anything currently still an issue, make sure there is a bug on jira for it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:29:12 [nick8] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:29:21 [anthm] CtRiX, you have to set it to 11khz #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:29:28 [anthm] it's a limitation in the flash shit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:29:47 [CtRiX] ah good #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:29:50 [nick8] I thought of updating the FLASH hold issue on JIRA #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:30:01 [CtRiX] i tried at 44100 but didn't work #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:30:44 [cypromis] hmmm I have the same issue on a fresh checkout #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:30:59 [nick8] but as its very much to do with zaptel I just held it back #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:31:08 [MikeJ] cypromis: bootstrap then configure? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:31:13 [nick8] is it OK to update this issue on JIRA?? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:31:14 [cypromis] configure: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in build/config "."/build/config #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:31:14 [MikeJ] where does it blow up? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:31:14 [cypromis] configure: error: ./configure.gnu failed for libs/openmrcp #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:31:17 [cypromis] yep #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:31:47 [MikeJ] try autoreconf in libs/openmrcp #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:31:49 [MikeJ] see if that fixes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:32:15 [MikeJ] this is solaris specific? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:33:08 [cypromis] dunno #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:33:28 [cypromis] but it sure wasn't there round noon when stefan was buolding #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:33:29 [nick8] bkw_: Can you just gimme pointers what you expect exactly for Openzap wiki for TDM 400 2 FXS/ 2 FXO !!! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:33:45 [MikeJ] cypromis: nothing changed in that.. just sofia #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:33:50 [MikeJ] weird #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:33:59 [cypromis] but he is right #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:34:01 [anthm] set the var record_rate to 11025 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:34:06 [cypromis] install.sh is missing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:34:12 [MikeJ] but why? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:34:14 [anthm] it's only able to play 11 afaik #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:34:18 [MikeJ] bootstrap should create it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:34:44 [bkw_] nick8: setup instructions and exact configs needed to make it work #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:34:55 [MikeJ] cypromis: how about from rc5 tarball? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:35:07 [bkw_] nick8: written in the most basic language as to not confuse someone #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:35:12 [MikeJ] cypromis: who is right? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:35:13 [cypromis] dunno its all in the vm currently #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:35:16 [bkw_] nick8: maybe a script to just do it for you? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:35:27 [cypromis] confiure is right #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:35:27 [cypromis] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:35:49 [MikeJ] heh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:35:58 [cypromis] and I need to use force on reconf #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:35:58 [cypromis] cause #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:35:59 [cypromis] module/plugin/Makefile.am:5: HAVE_SWIFT_SYNTHESIZER does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:36:00 [MikeJ] may be missing one of the args in bootstrap there #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:36:24 [MikeJ] that appears a bug to me... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:36:43 [nick8] bkw_: As you see in the existing OZ page, setup does say about FXO/FXS. Do you need that to be extended to 2 FXO/ 2 FXS stuff!!! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:36:57 [cypromis] running configure now again, lets see if it spit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:37:11 [bkw_] nick8: I want a start to finish for "If you have 2 FXO and 2 FXO TDM board do exactly these steps" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:37:21 [bkw_] nick8: seems people stumble on that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:37:30 [nick8] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:37:30 [bkw_] or "I have an X100P how do I set it up?" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:37:43 [CtRiX] i have a winmodem #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:37:53 [CtRiX] how do i set it up? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:38:30 [CtRiX] anthm, BTW the winmodem on my laptop works exactly like a sound card #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:38:44 [nick8] bkw_: Can you ask whoever does this Openzap stuff to put a mail to the list !!! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:38:44 [bkw_] CtRiX: port audio? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:38:56 [bkw_] nick8: sure if you want #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:39:08 [cypromis] mikej put a mail to the list #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:39:09 [cypromis] :D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:39:17 [CtRiX] $what'ì's the endpoint name of that stuff to use the sound card ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:39:18 [nick8] so that we all can know where people are going wrong and it will be useful for someone like me to edit that info #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:39:38 [MikeJ] cypromis: ?? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:40:02 [nick8] I mean if someone stumbles while configuring or installing.. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:40:17 [nick8] let others know about it on mails #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:40:19 [bkw_] nick8: yes thats fine.. I just want to make sure the docs are clear #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:40:34 [bkw_] nick8: that also gives people out there a chance to pitch in some assistance and gets the community more involved #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:40:37 [nick8] yeah I am also new to this documentation stuff #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:40:44 [nick8] :-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:40:54 [bkw_] nick8: join #freeswitch-docs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:41:15 [nick8] may be I am little rough doing that but I wanna definitely give a try #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:41:30 [nick8] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:42:28 [nick8] my bad ... I was the one who added that ring_ready at channel variables instead of dialplan apps :-( #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:42:41 [nick8] hs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:42:50 [bkw_] naughty naughty :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:42:56 [bkw_] I think thats corrected now? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:42:59 [bkw_] hmmhesays: did so right? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:46:55 [cypromis] hmmm the whole openmrcp thing is borked #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:47:19 [cypromis] of course when I did the autoreconf in there #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:47:23 [cypromis] it misses the dependencies to apr #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:47:34 [cypromis] and all the check scripts are screwed up now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:47:53 [_Vile] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:05 [MikeJ] what does autoreconf have to do with apr? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:08 [MikeJ] not do configure #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:20 [MikeJ] literally go into the libs/openmrcp dir #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:20 [cypromis] ./configure[13364]: MRCP_CHECK_APR: not found [No such file or directory] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:20 [cypromis] ./configure[13365]: MRCP_CHECK_APU: not found [No such file or directory] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:20 [cypromis] ./configure[13367]: MRCP_CHECK_SOFIA: not found [No such file or directory] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:20 [cypromis] ./configure[13369]: MRCP_CHECK_SWIFT: not found [No such file or directory] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:21 [cypromis] ./configure[13372]: --apr-libtool: not found [No such file or directory] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:25 [MikeJ] and type autoreconf #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:31 [cypromis] I did autoreconf -if #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:44 [cypromis] in the directory #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:48 [cypromis] and than configure in the topdir #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:50 [MikeJ] thats running configre? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:48:54 [MikeJ] wtf #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:49:03 [cypromis] probably needs to rebootstrap again after the autoreconf #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:49:23 [_petedao] bkw_: you mentioned before that fs will support native opal, what specific opal features you are looking for but are not in Sofia-sip? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:49:33 [cypromis] h323 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:50:12 [_petedao] right #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:50:40 [MikeJ] run bootstrap in the libs/openmrcp dir #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:50:42 [MikeJ] try that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:51:04 [MikeJ] thats it... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:51:24 [MikeJ] I'll fix it so our bootstrap calls their bootstrap #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:51:50 [cypromis] what broke it ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:51:56 [MikeJ] dunno #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:52:03 [MikeJ] I don't see any changes in that stuff #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:52:25 [MikeJ] so #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:52:25 [cypromis] magic ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:52:33 [cypromis] like the magical phonecalls that haven't been done yet ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:52:35 [cypromis] :D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:52:39 [hohum] osmosis (technical term for magic) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:52:58 [MikeJ] ./bootstrap.sh && cd libs/openmrcp && ./bootstrap && cd ../.. && ./configure && make install #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:53:24 [cypromis] my poor vm is boiling #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:53:25 [cypromis] :D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:54:49 [bkw_] _petedao: yah h323 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:57:58 [_petedao] bkw_: reason why I am asking is because it seems like opal is coming up with something to support t38 fax on sip, so I wonder if it may become a fs feature soon #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:58:19 [bkw_] _petedao: they already do it on sip #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:58:28 [bkw_] _petedao: t38modem already does it also via SIP #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:58:33 [bkw_] _petedao: you're about 6 months behind :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 16:59:03 [intralanman] ~whatis event_socket #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:00:06 [_petedao] bkw_: oh, really? cuz when I asked, they said I could test out "something new" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:00:21 [bkw_] _petedao: what did you ask? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:00:27 [bkw_] or who I should say #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:01:33 [_petedao] bkw_: Craig? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:01:43 [bkw_] via email? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:01:59 [_petedao] bkw_: yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:02:04 [bkw_] well we want opal for H323 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:02:19 [_petedao] bkw_: so only H323 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:02:33 [bkw_] _petedao: at first yes.. but we will be doing t38 at some point #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:02:38 [bkw_] I think CtRiX is working on such things #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:03:02 [_petedao] intra: i modified your event socket PHP stuff, if you want, i can send you #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:03:23 [intralanman] _petedao: maybe.... what did you change? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:03:29 [_petedao] bkw_: if opal has, why not just use? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:03:40 [bkw_] _petedao: ok you write it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:03:55 [_petedao] intra: make it simplier and the event formating to array #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:04:07 [bkw_] _petedao: Opal I suspect is using SpanDSP #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:04:21 [_petedao] bkw_: that is what they say #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:04:30 [bkw_] _petedao: the opal out of the box doesn't fit well with the FreeSWITCH mentality since Opal wants to do all the media for you and hide it all from you #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:04:44 [bkw_] that stops doing things like H323 to SIP signal conversion and having RTP go p2p #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:05:20 [bkw_] _petedao: I suspect you can use the two together which is the point #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:05:59 [xachen] ya #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:06:05 [xachen] and clearly asterisk is fucking 100% better than freeswitch #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:06:06 [bkw_] xachen: ya what? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:06:07 [xachen] moron ppl blah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:06:10 [pestouille] +list #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:06:14 [xachen] sorry, i'm ranting #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:06:45 [bkw_] the bottom line is we know Craig and work with him.. so thats a plus #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:06:50 [cypromis] +list #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:07:23 [_petedao] bkw_: so is Citrix writing some t38 stuff for fs ? His fax stuff in CW is quite nice #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:07:44 [bkw_] _petedao: if you want fax stuff in FS faster you might want to consider a bounty for it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:07:49 [bkw_] we do T.38 passthru #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:08:04 [bkw_] and I think coppice had something to do with the fax stuff in CW #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:08:07 [_petedao] bkw_: i don't want to bring up one additional server #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:08:15 [bkw_] _petedao: why not? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:08:19 [_petedao] bkw_: too much to worry about in production #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:08:22 [bkw_] CtRiX: you should just release your nfax stuff #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:08:32 [bkw_] _petedao: then use CW #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:08:54 [_petedao] bkw_: it is too close to asterisk which I don't like #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:09:07 [bkw_] because to scale you need multiple servers and processes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:09:14 [_petedao] bkw_: so I am struggling. let me think more #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:09:39 [_petedao] bkw_: fs passthur to CW is my first choice #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:09:56 [sekil] petedao: do you want faxing over VoIP to PSTN? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:10:02 [cypromis] hm ikej that did not fix it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:10:06 [cypromis] mikej #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:10:12 [cypromis] something is screwed and I do not know waht #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:10:26 [_petedao] sekil: preferably #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:11:16 [sekil] petedao: as I told you some day before use CW...buy some ISDN or something...and there is T.38 gw ready #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:11:46 [_petedao] sekil: like the audiocodes, I checked #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:12:50 [pestouille] I experienced problems with audiocodes MP408 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:13:11 [_petedao] pestouille: what is the problem? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:13:15 [sekil] MikeJ: latest svn won't compile...something with xmlrpc #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:13:17 [pestouille] need to reboot it one time (sometimes more) per month #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:13:22 [bkw_] _petedao: we have Free in our project name doesn't mean everything is free... New features take time.. effort and many hours of testing to ensure they are all good for production. So adding a single thing to the current code can cause HOURS of testing to have to be done. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:13:48 [pestouille] _petedao: like it was not able to release isdn lines #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:14:01 [pestouille] _petedao: pretty annoying #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:14:36 [_petedao] bkw_: oh, no, i don't mean to request new feature, I will find ways to work around with what I can get now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:15:01 [sekil] petedao: CW is the best thing around T.38 for the time being...coppice is he's doing this stuff like many years #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:15:05 [_petedao] pestouille: that is horrible #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:15:11 [bkw_] _petedao: why not drum up interest or funding for such things? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:16:12 [pestouille] I don't know anything about T38 could someone how and when it s used ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:16:24 [pestouille] explain please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:16:30 [bkw_] pestouille: faxing over voip #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:16:32 [bkw_] use it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:16:48 [sekil] T.38 is the protocol for transporting fax over voip #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:17:09 [_petedao] bkw_: typically how much does it cost? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:17:23 [bkw_] _petedao: well anything is better than nothing :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:17:41 [bkw_] if you find someone that just loves doing faxing and get them involved with the project they might just write such things... you never know #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:18:14 [_petedao] bkw_: that person maybe me #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:19:05 [pestouille] bkw_: and what endpoint are used a real fax ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:19:32 [bkw_] ata units hooked up to real fax machines #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:19:34 [pestouille] it s like FAX <-> ATA ? <-> CW <-> SIP GW <-> PSTN ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:19:39 [bkw_] pestouille: yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:19:49 [bkw_] or the reverse of that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:19:56 [pestouille] the ATA device must implement T38 and CW and SIP GW #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:20:06 [pestouille] that's it ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:20:17 [bkw_] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:20:31 [sekil] FAX -> T.38 GW -> SIP/H323/anything -> ATA T.38 or FAX with T.38 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:20:56 [pestouille] sekil: some FAX implements T38 (over IP ?) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:21:05 [sekil] pestouille: yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:21:21 [sekil] pestouille: you have faxes with ethernet ports now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:21:33 [pestouille] sekil: never seen that yet #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:21:49 [pestouille] is there some FAX server supporting T38 ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:21:59 [bkw_] pestouille: yes CW #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:22:14 [pestouille] bkw_: oh Ok I understand #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:22:27 [pestouille] I can send email to CW that will send T38 to the PSTN GW #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:22:40 [bkw_] you could rig something up for that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:22:48 [intralanman] ~whatis TLS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:22:53 [pestouille] I've tested some FAX send/receive using SIP/G711 and it worked #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:23:00 [bkw_] pestouille: its not reliable #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:23:05 [bkw_] you loose a packet all hell willb reak loose #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:23:18 [pestouille] bkw_: unlike T38 I suppose #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:23:32 [sekil] pestouille: it works in LAN #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:23:49 [pestouille] sekil: Well my test where using my centrex #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:24:05 [pestouille] but you are right it worked most of time but sometimes it failed #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:25:06 [_Vile] t38 is a managed packet protocol, you're best to use it.... t.30 over 711 will work many times, but t.38 is reliable #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:25:36 [_Vile] as reliable as the endpoint's firmware that is :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:26:35 [pestouille] much clearer now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:27:00 [pestouille] sekil: could you help me to debug why my device could not be pinged ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:27:15 [_Vile] I've seen perfect test cases where metaswitch and others have, still have to update their firmware on a continuing basis, just to hit more and more fax machines -- not much different than steve's spandsp #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:27:19 [sekil] pestouille: I think that option is not working #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:27:47 [CtRiX] i've seen big voip transport providers #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:27:58 [CtRiX] support T38 in SDP and completely fail to bridge a single packet #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:28:14 [bkw_] yep #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:28:15 [CtRiX] people out there knows nothing about T38 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:28:30 [pestouille] sekil: ok I thought you were able to use it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:28:38 [CtRiX] and really cares nothing about faxes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:29:03 [_petedao] CtRix: are you working on some fax stuff for fs? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:29:59 [CtRiX] at the moment i have a temination application that lives on it's own #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:30:01 [sekil] CtRiX: has there been a V.34 implementation for voip? that is more than 9600 bps across T.38? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:31:28 [pestouille] sekil: pinging remote device could let the udp port open on the remote router... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:31:35 [_petedao] CtRiX: do you plan to make is an open source project or commericalize it? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:32:01 [bkw_] sekil: yes you can do 14400 over t.38 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:32:42 [CtRiX] callweaver does that, _petedao #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:33:01 [CtRiX] _petedao, ATM the code is shared among a very few circle of people #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:33:10 [CtRiX] that contributed knowledge or money for the developement #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:34:21 [_petedao] CtRix: understand #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:35:00 [bkw_] _petedao: so do you need the address to send the check to? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:36:15 [hohum] t.38 is worthless for modem tones and super G #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:36:42 [CtRiX] t.38 doesn't even do colour faxes, so it's crap #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:36:56 [CtRiX] t.38 doesn't needs modem tones #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:37:23 [bkw_] _petedao: so what exactly are you building? Seems to be a service provider type setup... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:37:27 [CtRiX] and super girl is useless as well #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:44:44 [CtRiX] branchcut, why did you use python and all that stuff for wikipbx ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:45:54 [CtRiX] if you used perl pr php i could have helped a bit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:46:10 [CtRiX] but pyton should have been called PITAon #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:47:42 [hads] Opinions opinions #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:48:59 [pestouille] CtRiX: I recommended using ruby on rails :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:50:46 [_Vile] i love ruby, but that hot word of ror, gimme a break on the use today plz #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:51:34 [intralanman] what a dick #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:51:35 [intralanman] lol #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:52:29 [hads] Indeed #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:53:24 [CtRiX] ror is not bad #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:53:35 [CtRiX] it's problem is that it leaks like a sieve #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:53:51 [CtRiX] but i consider it as a framework, not as a language #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:54:09 [CtRiX] php is best at web stuff #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:54:17 [bkw_] and thats where it should stay #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:54:21 [[intra]lanman] agreed ;-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:54:22 [bkw_] ON THE WEB and out of my shell #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:54:23 [CtRiX] perl is best at scripting robust stuff #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:54:29 [CtRiX] bkw_, agreed #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:54:56 [CtRiX] python.. i still have to understand what's it's suitable for, except for bitching about spaces #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:55:14 [hads] yawn #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:55:27 [CtRiX] hads is a PITAon fan, i suppose #freeswitch 2008-05-14 17:55:31 [CtRiX] :-D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:10:19 [pestouille] good night #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:17:31 [mercutioviz] quick event socket question - how do i subscribe to command/reply events as well as "events plain all"? I don't see any replies when I do "events plain all" - I just see the plain stuff #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:18:10 [jmacz] Hi everyone, since FS doesn't yet support g.729 transcoding, I was wondering if is it possible to use a Digium TC400B transcoding card to acomplish this. Has any one tested it with openzap/zaptel or knows if it might work? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:22:21 [mercutioviz] event socket followup - perhaps i'm just missing something - if i send "bgapi show channels" shouldn't I see an event come back with the results of show channels? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:22:55 [vilito] ~take-a-number Please help in connecting FS and Ast. I following the link provided and I have inbound from Ast. But this is what i get when i call from a FS extension to a Ast extension: 2008-05-14 17:02:47 [NOTICE] switch_channel.c:531 switch_channel_set_name() New Channel sofia/internal/1010@ [1ae5eb10-21f9-11dd-a498-7d835905d6ff] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:22:55 [vilito] 2008-05-14 17:02:47 [ERR] sofia_reg.c:841 sofia_reg_handle_sip_r_challenge() No Matching gateway found #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:22:55 [vilito] 2008-05-14 17:02:47 [NOTICE] sofia_reg.c:861 sofia_reg_handle_sip_r_challenge() Hangup sofia/internal/1010@ [CS_CONSUME_MEDIA] [MANDATORY_IE_MISSING] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:22:56 [vilito] 2008-05-14 17:02:47 [INFO] mod_dptools.c:1702 audio_bridge_function() Originate Failed. Cause: MANDATORY_IE_MISSING #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:22:59 [vilito] 2008-05-14 17:02:47 [NOTICE] mod_dptools.c:1729 audio_bridge_function() Hangup sofia/internal/1000@ [CS_EXECUTE] [MANDATORY_IE_MISSING] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:28:37 [whyter] ~take-a-number conference question: I'm trying to "dial" a local extension from my conference, the local extension connects to a shoutcast stream. I can't quite comprehend the dial command, this doens't work "conference 3001 bgdial sofia/default/7777". Thanks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:46:46 [J4k3] ok, so... I'm pretty sure freeswitch is making the right choice in this situation by default and not transcoding these ulaw@120<->ulaw@20 calls #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:46:55 [J4k3] and my voip provider says they can't fix it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:47:17 [J4k3] and all I want is my *extensions* to have 120ms timing, the itsp side will preferably run 20ms anyways #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:47:35 [J4k3] so, what I need to know is how to force freeswitch to 'transcode' the calls from pcmu@20 to pcmu@120 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:55:35 [bkw_] J4k3: it doesn't have too #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:55:39 [bkw_] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:55:56 [vilito] hi #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:55:58 [vilito] ready #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:56:03 [bkw_] just let me in your box #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:56:03 [J4k3] bkw_: it needs to, I end up with asymmetric packet rates #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:56:14 [bkw_] J4k3: get a new provider #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:56:17 [J4k3] I mean, the calls work, but my goal is to keep the pps low on the extension network #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:56:21 [J4k3] bkw_: working on that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:56:32 [J4k3] its not like my provider is exceptionally good or exceptionally cheap #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:56:59 [bkw_] vilito: what are you trying to do? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:57:13 [bkw_] vilito: you have an outbound registration to Asterisk? right? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:57:59 [bkw_] vilito: and you're trying to have that call from asterisk to FS come in right? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:58:02 [vilito] i put "" in sip_profiles/external.xml since i don't have outbound.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:58:03 [J4k3] bkw_: I'm also somewhat afraid of the situation of everything using 120ms latency. it seems like 3-way calls would suck #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:58:06 [bkw_] vilito: what profile do you have your outbound registration on? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:58:07 [vilito] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:58:18 [vilito] i have askterisk to FS working #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:58:23 [J4k3] if it was 20+20->120, it'd suck a bit less, I suspect #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:58:27 [vilito] it is FS to AST that is not working #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:58:49 [vilito] i have sent u the info to log into my box via /msg #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:58:56 [bkw_] let me guess you have your outbound registration on the internal profile? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:59:31 [vilito] i followed the instructions here: http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Connecting_Freeswitch_And_Asterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:59:32 [bkw_] it would seem you have your outbound registration on the internal profile.. instead of the outbound/external one #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:59:41 [bkw_] vilito: just give me ssh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 18:59:46 [bkw_] I don't have the patients for this :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:00:03 [J4k3] patents? we don't need no stinking patents! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:00:15 [rob0] Doctor bkw_ :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:00:41 [bkw_] well looks like vilito has his outbound reg hitting the internal profile #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:00:44 [bkw_] and not the external one #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:00:47 [bkw_] so that would be the problem #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:00:58 [bkw_] if you go add the apply-inbound-acl to your sip_profiles/internal.xml you would be fine #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:01:03 [bkw_] because you have you outbound reg on that profile #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:01:13 [bkw_] which means that inbound call from Asterisk to FS would hit the wrong profile #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:01:16 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:01:17 [bkw_] thus not work #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:01:17 [vilito] thanks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:02:03 [bkw_] vilito: where is your outbound registration from FreeSWITCH can you please verify that for me? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:02:13 [bkw_] I wanna be 100% sure i'm giving you the right info #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:02:16 [bkw_] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:02:37 [bkw_] whyter: what now? You want to call registered user 7777? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:02:39 [vilito] i just moved it to internal.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:02:43 [vilito] it was in external.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:02:49 [whyter] no, I guess I didn't explain well.. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:03:03 [bkw_] vilito: I guess you just pointed the call at SIP/blah@fsip? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:03:07 [whyter] there is no registered user on 7777, just an extension that points to a shoutcast stream #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:03:11 [bkw_] and didn't specify port 5080 on the asterisk side? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:03:21 [bkw_] whyter: you can't #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:03:40 [bkw_] whyter: you can setup a conference to use MOH always that is pointed at a shout cast stream #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:03:48 [whyter] aha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:03:54 [bkw_] check the default configs for a bit of a clue on how .. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:04:07 [whyter] thank ya sir #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:04:17 [bkw_] I think the wiki might have some of this info too #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:04:56 [J4k3] bkw_: my girlfriend just dished that out #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:05:01 [J4k3] in her case, it paid off in 3 months #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:05:12 [vilito] on the asterisk side, i have port 5080 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:05:15 [J4k3] in my case, paying verizon $154/mo and my payoff being $95, it was more like 1.5 months #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:05:34 [bkw_] vilito: can I get in your box so I can see what is going on and fix the docs.. because you apparently have something all crossed up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:05:54 [bkw_] and on asterisk how were you dialing to the FS box? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:05:54 [J4k3] she was also on her 3rd phone in 4 months due to it being common knowledge that GSM phones are theft-friendly #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:06:35 [bkw_] I think my in my mind I know what is going on.. if you can show me the extensions.conf entry that was dialing the FS box #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:06:58 [bkw_] because if you're using the ACL's why on earth are you doing a registration :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:07:06 [bkw_] J4k3: what phone do you recommend? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:07:43 [J4k3] bkw: I lack enough experience to make a good call #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:08:12 [J4k3] I don't recommend grandstream's low end phones except for laundry areas, bathrooms, etc. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:08:15 [J4k3] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:08:20 [bkw_] no wireless phone dear #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:08:37 [J4k3] oh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:08:44 [J4k3] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:08:51 [vilito] i am using extensions.ael and this is what i have: _31XXX => { #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:08:51 [vilito] NoOp(Dialing ext-31xxx); #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:08:51 [vilito] Dial(IAX2/epusnj03/${EXTEN:1}); #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:08:51 [vilito] Hangup(); #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:08:51 [vilito] }; #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:08:53 [J4k3] I Got the moto q... it seems useful so far, except its wm5 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:09:02 [vilito] and it WORKS from AST #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:09:11 [J4k3] if money was totally not an issue, I'd pay the extra service fee and the extra money and get a bb pearl #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:09:13 [bkw_] you're using IAX and not SIP #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:09:21 [bkw_] I hate the pearl #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:09:24 [bkw_] I had one.. HATED IT #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:09:29 [bkw_] the keyboard sucks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:09:29 [whyter] bkw: I found it - #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:10:10 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:10:10 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:10:10 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:10:10 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:10:22 [J4k3] bkw_: but wm has all the warez! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:10:27 [bkw_] vilito: your ACL is wrong #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:10:33 [J4k3] personally, I'd rather use DOS than PalmOS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:10:36 [vilito] i have that in autoload_configs/acl.conf.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:10:37 [bkw_] you want to allow all the #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:10:37 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:10:47 [J4k3] DOS, on like, my original 8088/4.77 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:10:47 [bkw_] you do realize that a /32 is ONE IP #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:10:49 [J4k3] with 320kb ram #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:11:03 [bkw_] and unless you are using as your IP the acl won't match #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:11:04 [vilito] yeah, i have ast boxes on two networks which i eventually would like to have connected to the FS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:11:11 [J4k3] and two floppies, one that you had to hold the door shut with tape cuz the door broke in half (wtf, the drives were built like tanks, too) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:11:14 [vilito] some are on on 10.10.2.x and some are on 10.10.1.x #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:11:32 [J4k3] bkw_: 32 is more than one IP.... in ipv6! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:11:32 [bkw_] vilito: then and #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:11:49 [vilito] shite, i am such a ... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:11:58 [vilito] i totally missed that. shit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:11:59 [vilito] thanks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:12:02 [bkw_] vilito: so this problem was a three dimensional issue #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:12:21 [bkw_] more than one thing was wrong and from my view it takes longer to get a clear image of what is going on #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:12:38 [vilito] ok, so i have correct that with 24 instead of 32, so that entry is ok now? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:12:47 [bkw_] that should be #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:12:52 [bkw_] now move your registration back to external #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:12:54 [bkw_] and try again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:12:57 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:13:30 [bkw_] also "console loglevel 8" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:13:33 [bkw_] try that before your next call #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:13:41 [bkw_] then put it on pastebin if it does it again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:13:43 [bkw_] ~whatis pb #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:13:51 [vilito] now i have this in sip_profiles/external.xml: #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:13:51 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:14:01 [bkw_] that should be ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:15:04 [bkw_] J4k3: I was looking at the Treo 755p #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:15:18 [J4k3] bkw_: my friend really likes his #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:15:23 [bkw_] J4k3: I can get a super extended battery and get like 12 hour of talk or 720 hours of standby #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:15:30 [bkw_] http://www.wirelessground.com/755psuperbatt.html #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:18:38 [J4k3] but... but... but... its palmos #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:21:25 [bkw_] but but but #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:22:23 [vilito] still getting problems here: i have tried this in both dialplan/public.xml and dialplan/default.xml: #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:22:23 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:22:23 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:22:23 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:22:25 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:22:27 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:22:54 [vilito] so u would have to dial a 5-digits number on FS to get to AST, but only a 4 digits would be sent to ast. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:23:46 [vilito] i get this error, slightly different from before: 2008-05-14 19:24:04 [INFO] mod_dialplan_xml.c:223 dialplan_hunt() Processing Verrol Adams->11010@public #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:23:46 [vilito] 2008-05-14 19:24:04 [NOTICE] switch_channel.c:531 switch_channel_set_name() New Channel sofia/internal/1010@epusnj00 [d79a9f54-220c-11dd-824b-6781c62188fe] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:23:46 [vilito] 2008-05-14 19:24:04 [NOTICE] sofia.c:2117 sofia_handle_sip_i_state() Hangup sofia/internal/1010@epusnj00 [CS_CONSUME_MEDIA] [NORMAL_TEMPORARY_FAILURE] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:25:29 [bkw_] vilito: so FreeSWITCH is registering to Asterisk? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:25:54 [bkw_] vilito: let me ssh in #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:25:57 [vilito] no #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:26:11 [vilito] i just did a "sip show registry" on ast and i don't see any registration from FS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:26:19 [bkw_] can I get in and look at this please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:26:26 [vilito] i have provided u with the information /msg #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:26:38 [bkw_] no you have to register and identify with nickservices for that to work #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:26:47 [bkw_] your messages are blocked till you do #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:26:52 [bkw_] so /query nickserv #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:26:57 [bkw_] and type help #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:27:05 [bkw_] or /msg nickserv register passwordehre #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:28:38 [bkw_] is asterisk? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:28:55 [bkw_] you don't have to set hangup_after_bridge its the default #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:29:23 [vilito] yes, is the ast box #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:29:31 [vilito] i have registered and sent u private messages #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:29:34 [vilito] r u getting them? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:29:37 [bkw_] I still don't have it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:29:37 [puzzled] hi #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:29:45 [bkw_] you need to msg nickserv identify password #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:29:52 [J4k3] c888 broken? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:29:54 [bkw_] puzzled: hi #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:29:56 [J4k3] or is the conference broken? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:29:57 [bkw_] c888: adsf #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:30:01 [bkw_] +list #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:30:05 [J4k3] thats me #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:30:10 [bkw_] +kick 36 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:30:19 [bkw_] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:30:22 [J4k3] oh, you dirty bastard #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:30:36 [vilito] i assume u got the messages now? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:30:43 [bkw_] nope #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:30:51 [bkw_] ~whatis shinzon #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:30:59 [bkw_] do that and just give me the IP address and username #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:31:04 [bkw_] we'll juse use our SSH key to get in #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:32:05 [J4k3] +list #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:32:09 [hmmhesays] tricky #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:32:13 [J4k3] +kick 37 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:32:17 [hmmhesays] I think I got my first bug up my nose thise year #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:32:18 [J4k3] see, no trust #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:32:32 [hmmhesays] that was good motorcycle ride #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:32:40 [J4k3] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:32:40 [bkw_] hmmhesays: no helmet ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:32:51 [hmmhesays] not this time around #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:32:56 [bkw_] hmmhesays: idiot #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:33:10 [bkw_] hmmhesays: thats almost like having sex without a condom #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:33:14 [hmmhesays] not even close #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:33:17 [hmmhesays] especially around here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:33:23 [bkw_] oh yah nobody lives there but you #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:33:27 [bkw_] for miles and miles #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:33:30 [bkw_] it is fargo ya know #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:33:43 [bkw_] did you wear your boots, jeans and leather jacket? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:33:45 [hmmhesays] you can also get bugs up your nose with helmets on #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:33:48 [J4k3] fargo... cuz you got a far way to go. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:33:50 [hmmhesays] oh hell no #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:34:10 [J4k3] bkw_: hey, thats what always gets me laid #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:34:17 [J4k3] of course, it is texas #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:34:20 [bkw_] hmmhesays: I don't know about you butI don't like the pavement grinding my back, arms, hands, knees and such to the bone #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:34:29 [J4k3] boots, jeans, leather jacket, big dodge truck = love from the ladies #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:34:32 [bkw_] I suit up even if its 100 outside #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:34:50 [hmmhesays] bkw_ yeah i've laid my bike down in a t-shirt and jeans, it isn't pleasant #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:34:54 [hmmhesays] but it also heals #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:35:18 [hads] It also hurts :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:35:19 [J4k3] bikes are kinda scary #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:35:25 [hmmhesays] pain is relative #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:35:30 [J4k3] of course, I'm about to rice out a cushman 3-wheeler, so 'safety' isn't a huge concern. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:35:38 [hmmhesays] its just another electrical impulse #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:36:26 [hmmhesays] can't sell 3 wheelers in the states anymore #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:36:54 [J4k3] yep, mine's kinda grandfathered in #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:37:05 [sekil] why are the natted clients given only couple of minutes for expiration time of register? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:37:15 [J4k3] I just wish I could manage to lift the old stickers on and reapply them #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:37:24 [J4k3] its got Lockheed and NASA logos on it, from its original job #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:37:45 [J4k3] its been bumping around a metal foundry for the last 10-15 years #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:38:04 [bkw_] sekil: to keep them alive #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:38:11 [J4k3] old kohler motor finally gave up (we used to give it hell back when my friend worked security there) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:38:27 [bkw_] sekil: you can not have a nat client register every hour and expect the nat translation to stay there the whole hour without any activity on it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:39:42 [sekil] bkw_: true but something like options packet will keep them alive, as well? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:40:18 [bkw_] sekil: yes voice your opinion to anthm or mikej :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:40:51 [J4k3] or most routers that are stuck in nat applications are shit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:41:04 [vilito] bk2_, you should be all set, host: esuerlabs.homelinux.net, port: 24322, username: bkw #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:41:10 [exothermc] Is there no way to update your VM password from within the IVR? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:41:12 [vilito] bkw_, you should be all set, host: esuerlabs.homelinux.net, port: 24322, username: bkw #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:41:43 [J4k3] wildgoo #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:41:50 [J4k3] the goo's gone wild! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:41:57 [hads] exothermc: I don't believe so at the moment. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:42:08 [mercutioviz] FYI, I solved my event socket questions #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:42:27 [sekil] bkw_: also telephones can be also send for sending keep alive packets...I see that FS responds to Linksys keepalive events #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:42:42 [sekil] s/send/set #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:42:47 [bkw_] sekil: yes as I said take it up with anthm its a one line change in the code #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:42:49 [mercutioviz] Next: where is the source code for the built in web server and the webapi stuff? (i'm being lazy) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:42:50 [bkw_] but you'll have to make your case with him #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:43:00 [bkw_] mercutioviz: mod_xml_rpc #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:43:07 [mercutioviz] bkw_: noted! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:43:15 [bkw_] sekil: its one of those just make it work type things vs someone bitching about it later on #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:43:17 [exothermc] hads: Any idea what the plan is for that? Pretty basic functionality. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:43:19 [vilito] bkw_, i provided the login info above #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:43:25 [vilito] bkw_, you should be all set, host: esuerlabs.homelinux.net, port: 24322, username: bkw #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:43:52 [sekil] bkw_: I don't want to bitch...just to learn something here...I'm focused on positive side #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:44:14 [hads] exothermc: I'm just a user, so no. At a guess, a patch or a bounty would get it done :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:44:24 [bkw_] sekil: no no.. I was saying if we didn't do that someone would bitch. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:44:32 [bkw_] sekil: I see both sides of this.. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:44:39 [bkw_] sekil: I see the reason to do it.. and the reason not to #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:44:43 [bkw_] sekil: its about balance #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:44:51 [bkw_] vilito: ZAPPP try again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:44:51 [bkw_] ssh: esuerlabs.homelinux.net: no address associated with name #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:44:55 [J4k3] its about how much you *really* want your voip to work ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:44:57 [bkw_] vilito: just email it all to brian@freeswitch.org #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:46:34 [vilito] bkw_, email sent #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:46:53 [bkw_] spam received #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:47:24 [bkw_] vilito: ok where is your FS ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:47:36 [vilito] /usr/local/freeswitch #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:47:39 [bkw_] vilito: ok make a calln ow #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:48:03 [vilito] just tried #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:48:09 [bkw_] vilito: and that was from asterisk to fs? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:48:13 [sekil] bkw_: I'm thinking whether all this constant REGISTER packets are presenting additional bw...b.t.w I set my phones not to be able to call if not registered..then again I'm sure anthm is right...well most of the time he is....as I said I'd like to stay positive and be helpful #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:48:20 [vilito] no, from FS to astk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:48:25 [vilito] AST to FS works #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:48:43 [bkw_] try again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:49:09 [vilito] here is a call from AST to FS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:49:12 [bkw_] let me guess #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:49:12 [bkw_] Processing Verrol Adams->11010@public #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:49:17 [bkw_] do you have that in public? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:49:42 [bkw_] wth is epusnj00? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:50:00 [vilito] epusnj00 is the ast box ( #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:50:05 [vilito] which is in the /etc/hosts #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:50:41 [bkw_] vilito: ok this is a call coming from Asterisk to FS? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:50:42 [_Vile] hahah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:50:42 [[intra]lanman] ;-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:50:42 [bkw_] right? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:50:45 [bkw_] what should this call do #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:50:55 [bkw_] when it comes in from AST? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:51:01 [bkw_] what should it do after that? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:51:06 [dasbus] bkw_: ring maybe #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:51:08 [dasbus] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:51:15 [dasbus] answer #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:51:17 [bkw_] dasbus: shush #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:51:18 [dasbus] conference #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:51:20 [vilito] i was showing u that a call from ast to FS works, it rings the 1000 extension #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:51:22 [dasbus] moh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:51:35 [vilito] it is the calls from FS to AST that doesn't work. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:51:36 [bkw_] FS to AST? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:51:40 [bkw_] that is what we are workign on? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:51:49 [bkw_] and you're calling from 1000 to something on asterisk right? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:51:55 [vilito] i have the extens 1010 on my asterisk box (epusnj00) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:52:08 [bkw_] vilito: Make the call that doesn't work again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:52:08 [vilito] i ahve the exten 1000 on FS ( #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:52:23 [bkw_] Only once please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:52:30 [vilito] sorry #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:52:49 [vilito] i want to use 1xxxx from FS to get to AST extens xxxx #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:52:50 [bkw_] is your phone 1000? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:53:01 [bkw_] does asterisk register to freesiwtch? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:53:11 [vilito] (1000) is the exten on FS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:53:12 [vilito] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:53:24 [bkw_] what extension should be registered to FreeSWITCH? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:53:32 [bkw_] I'm fucking lost here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:53:36 [bkw_] I have no clear picture of wtf you're doing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:53:48 [bkw_] and you're not making this easy.. even looking at your box I don't see what the end result is #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:53:53 [vilito] please let's start over #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:53:57 [bkw_] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:53:58 [bkw_] zero it out #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:54:00 [bkw_] step 1 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:54:03 [bkw_] what do you want to do #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:54:22 [vilito] i would like to have calls go between FS and ast #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:54:30 [bkw_] Ok I get that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:54:36 [vilito] the FS server is running on #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:54:49 [vilito] teh ast server is running on #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:55:15 [vilito] just so u know, i have several ast servers, but we we only deal with one for the moment, the one at .2.240 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:55:36 [bkw_] so FS to Asterisk is what we are working on #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:55:54 [bkw_] what I don't get is why its looking in public for the dialplan #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:55:55 [vilito] now, the configuration i have so far, allows me to dial an extension on the FS from AST. so on AST, i use 3xxxx and i get #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:56:04 [vilito] ringing on the xxxx FS server #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:56:06 [vilito] that works #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:56:11 [vilito] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:56:27 [bkw_] so does Asterisk register to FreeSWITCH? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:56:48 [vilito] i guess it does, cause the calls originating from AST get to FS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:56:56 [bkw_] you guess wrong #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:56:58 [bkw_] it doesn't register #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:57:00 [bkw_] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:57:01 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:57:06 [bkw_] can I get into your asterisk box too? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:57:16 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:57:32 [bkw_] vilito: you owe me SO BIG right now :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:57:41 [vilito] that is at #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:57:42 [vilito] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:57:44 [vilito] yeah man #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:57:52 [vilito] i will email u the account info #freeswitch 2008-05-14 19:58:08 [sekil] bkw_: I found a modus operandi.. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:00:21 [bkw_] vilito: ok you have no clue what you're doing do you :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:00:30 [vilito] no the slightest #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:00:53 [bkw_] grrr #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:01:03 [vilito] FS is so alien to me, it could be another language for all i know. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:01:09 [J4k3] bkw_: I'm going to work on documentation... I suck at coding, its the least I can do. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:01:22 [bkw_] I FUCKING HATE DEBIAN #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:01:29 [vilito] :) sorry #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:01:54 [bkw_] please tell me you have a syntax highligting editor for xml? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:02:15 [[intra]lanman] J4k3: you should join #freeswitch-docs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:02:30 [sekil] nite all.. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:02:39 [bkw_] vilito: ok this call you're sending from Asterisk.. show me how you're sending it to asterisk please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:02:44 [bkw_] I'm not going to login to your asterisk box just yet #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:03:13 [vilito] let me know when u r ready #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:03:22 [vilito] u can look at the bottom of sip.conf #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:03:40 [vilito] and search for 3XXX in extensions.ael #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:03:43 [bkw_] aklsdjfaeosu vwt9]qwery0ts9ev25siladruntv'w57 a0 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:03:43 [bkw_] ]9by aeos'p #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:03:49 [bkw_] hold up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:03:55 [bkw_] make the call from asterisk to FS now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:04:03 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:04:34 [bkw_] wtf was that? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:04:38 [vilito] i got rining on FS ext #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:04:39 [bkw_] can you for the love of GOD STOP USING IAX #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:04:55 [bkw_] SIP/exten@fsip:5080 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:05:25 [vilito] ok, y u hate iax so much? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:05:45 [dasbus] what else uses it? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:06:04 [bkw_] IAX SUCKS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:06:06 [bkw_] it just does #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:06:07 [vilito] ok, that has been changed #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:06:10 [bkw_] I refuse to help you if you use it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:06:28 [vilito] that has been changed #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:06:28 [bkw_] thats how i'll get the world to stop using IAX.. :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:06:34 [vilito] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:06:35 [bkw_] vilito: ok in extensions.ael #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:06:40 [bkw_] what IP is the FS ip? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:06:46 [vilito] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:07:06 [bkw_] funny I see no in your extensions.ael #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:07:14 [bkw_] or anywhere in /etc/asterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:07:22 [bkw_] is that the FS IP? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:07:27 [vilito] right, u see epusnj03, the ip is in /etc/hosts #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:07:33 [bkw_] asefihuiopaer hgsdf #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:07:36 [bkw_] learn to setup DNS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:08:06 [bkw_] Dial(SIP/epusnj03/${EXTEN:1}); <- That line? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:08:14 [bkw_] I see no :5080 on that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:08:29 [bkw_] and stop doing SIP/HOST/exten #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:08:31 [bkw_] that is so wrong #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:08:53 [dasbus] stop using asterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:08:55 [bkw_] If I find the person that allowed that syntax I'll beat the shit out of them #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:09:12 [bkw_] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:09:16 [bkw_] vilito: make the call now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:09:29 [bkw_] from Asterisk to FS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:10:02 [bkw_] helps if I start FS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:10:03 [bkw_] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:10:09 [bkw_] try again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:11:13 [vilito] ok, AST to FS still working. great #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:11:23 [bkw_] and FS to AST works? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:11:43 [vilito] lest #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:11:45 [vilito] let's try #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:11:59 [vilito] nope #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:12:28 [bkw_] try FS to AST again please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:13:06 [bkw_] tick tock tick tock #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:13:45 [vilito] just tried #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:13:54 [bkw_] ok and this is from FS to Asterisk? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:13:59 [vilito] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:14:12 [bkw_] from phone 1000 registered with FS? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:14:35 [vilito] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:14:41 [vilito] is FS running? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:14:52 [bkw_] not right now no #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:15:44 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:15:47 [vilito] thanks for ur help #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:16:02 [bkw_] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:16:04 [bkw_] 1. you're bhind nat #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:16:08 [bkw_] all your endpoints are behind nat #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:16:12 [bkw_] the external profile uses stun #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:16:13 [vilito] i will just leave FS for now until it is finished and there is some more doc i can read and figure this out #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:16:14 [bkw_] and uses the external IP #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:16:16 [bkw_] so #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:16:17 [bkw_] try now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:16:26 [bkw_] [oqewy4t0 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:16:27 [bkw_] ]9we47ytv60]w45 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:16:28 [bkw_] I give up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:16:33 [bkw_] your setup isn't designed for this #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:16:49 [bkw_] you're not really registered it seems #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:17:00 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:17:03 [vilito] thanks alot #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:17:09 [vilito] i really appreciate ur efforts #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:17:35 [bkw_] I'm still in here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:17:38 [bkw_] I'm gonna solve your problem #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:17:45 [bkw_] but your setup requires more info #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:18:14 [bkw_] vilito: I'm gonna wipe your configs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:18:19 [bkw_] and you're gonna learn this and understand it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:18:24 [bkw_] before you go any farther :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:18:36 [bkw_] where is your src? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:18:54 [vilito] i will wait until there is more info #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:19:12 [bkw_] no i'm in here.. we are going to have a one on one learning session #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:19:17 [_Vile] you should take brian's words right now. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:19:19 [bkw_] because you won't learn if i do it for you #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:19:27 [bkw_] I'll do this #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:19:32 [bkw_] get on your FS box and do screen -x #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:19:38 [bkw_] and we'll go thru this so you learn it ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:19:56 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:20:02 [vilito] i see my ast output #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:20:22 [bkw_] make your terminal bigger please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:20:26 [bkw_] 160x60 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:20:40 [bkw_] how can you work with 20 lines visible :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:20:47 [bkw_] thats insane hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:21:01 [bkw_] ok once your term is bigger do screen -x again please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:22:07 [bkw_] you're already in screen boi #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:22:49 [bkw_] vilito: you'll wanna learn emacs in a few after I show you this :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:23:05 [vilito] darn, i am a vi/vim guy #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:23:08 [_Vile] pico baby ! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:23:15 [bkw_] pico isn't an editor #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:23:25 [_Vile] nano ? ha ha ha ha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:23:28 [vilito] r we going to star a vi/pico/emacs flame war again? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:23:34 [_Vile] hahaha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:29:21 [bkw_] vilito: lets get you updated first #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:30:41 [coppice] pico and nano are just weird. who wants to advertise "mine's smaller than yours"? :-\ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:30:42 [bkw_] vilito: ok dial 9999 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:30:51 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:30:52 [bkw_] coppice: thats awesome #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:31:14 [bkw_] vilito: do it from 1000 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:31:40 [vilito] i am #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:31:49 [bkw_] no you're not #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:31:59 [bkw_] you just tried to register as user 9999 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:32:05 [bkw_] sofia_reg.c:558 sofia_reg_handle_register() send challange for [9999@] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:32:09 [bkw_] sofia_reg.c:997 sofia_reg_parse_auth() can't find user [9734158131@] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:32:19 [bkw_] please set it up to register as 1000 with password 1234 and #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:32:26 [vilito] no, i have ekiga and i haven't done anything with registeration or accounts #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:32:31 [vilito] i simply tried to dial 9999 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:32:53 [bkw_] take ekiga and toss it out the window please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:32:54 [vilito] i have already done that and haven't touched my accounts in hours #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:33:02 [bkw_] yes I wiped them out #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:33:06 [vilito] i can unregister and register #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:33:41 [bkw_] try 9999 now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:33:56 [bkw_] I put your 9734158131 user back since you didn't get I said to register to FS as 1000 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:34:07 [coppice] there are lots of articles and awards praising ekiga, yet actual users seldom have a kind word for it. do they have some secret budget to bribe he reviewers? :-\ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:34:07 [bkw_] ok the phone MUST register #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:34:35 [vilito] i get that u said to register, i have ekiga set up with two accounts, 1000, and 973...., 1000 is the default #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:34:37 [bkw_] vilito: that is why you're hitting public #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:34:52 [bkw_] you have this all messed up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:34:59 [bkw_] do not register as 9734158131 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:35:02 [bkw_] please remove that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:35:10 [vilito] just unregistered it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:35:17 [vilito] trying to register with 1000, failed #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:35:24 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:35:26 [vilito] registered #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:36:15 [bkw_] no its not #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:36:35 [bkw_] you're not registered #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:36:59 [bkw_] let me spell this out again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:37:08 [bkw_] your phone is not registering to FreeSWITCH #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:37:21 [bkw_] not authenticating at all #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:37:35 [bkw_] what OS you running on your desktop? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:37:40 [vilito] ubuntu #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:37:49 [vilito] ekiga is saying that it is registered #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:37:57 [bkw_] ok its registered now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:38:00 [vilito] i click the unregister/registered button #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:38:14 [bkw_] ok call 9999 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:38:28 [bkw_] wtf we aren't challenging the call #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:39:17 [bkw_] try now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:40:51 [bkw_] once more please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:42:29 [bkw_] vilito: do you have any hard phones you can use? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:42:32 [bkw_] ekiga is ass #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:42:49 [vilito] let me see #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:43:11 [vilito] twinkle is installed #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:43:14 [vilito] but i never used it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:43:20 [dasbus] wtf, snom is taking their sweet time with 7.1.33 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:43:28 [bkw_] get a real phone #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:43:33 [bkw_] I don't count ekiga or twinkle as real phones #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:43:47 [bkw_] ok make the call now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:44:22 [dasbus] vilito: use FreeSWITCH port audio #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:44:24 [dasbus] :D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:44:34 [dasbus] muhahahahahahaha, bkw_ can help you with that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:44:41 [bkw_] dasbus: shush don't complex this problem more than it already is #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:44:57 [[intra]lanman] mr grammar at work #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:45:20 [vilito] what FS port audio? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:45:31 [[intra]lanman] a headache #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:45:33 [bkw_] vilito: try the call now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:46:40 [bkw_] vilito: do me a favor #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:46:42 [bkw_] REMOVE 2008-05-14 20:51:14 [WARNING] sofia_reg.c:997 sofia_reg_parse_auth() can't find user [9734158131@] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:46:51 [bkw_] I don't want a trace of that number in your client #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:46:58 [bkw_] delete all the accounts in ekiga #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:47:18 [bkw_] then add user 1000 proxy #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:47:20 [bkw_] pass 1234 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:47:24 [bkw_] that my friend is the problem #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:47:26 [bkw_] its matching that user #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:47:28 [bkw_] and going to public #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:48:04 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:48:04 [bkw_] ok now dial 9999 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:48:05 [vilito] done #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:48:37 [bkw_] Digest username="9734158131", #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:48:42 [bkw_] you still got it wrong :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:49:08 [bkw_] you still have that 973 in as an auth username somewhere #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:49:11 [vilito] i removed all account from ekiga #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:49:16 [bkw_] restart it please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:49:26 [vilito] and then i created one account, 1000 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:49:27 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:49:45 [bkw_] Authorization: Digest username="1000" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:49:48 [bkw_] ok its registered #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:49:51 [bkw_] now dial 9999 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:50:11 [vilito] it died after that. i have to restart it again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:50:16 [hads] heh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:50:30 [bkw_] TADA #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:50:32 [bkw_] your client sucks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:50:32 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:50:36 [vilito] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:50:46 [vilito] alright, which client u recommend, x-lite? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:50:48 [dasbus] hip hip #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:51:00 [bkw_] vilito: a Snom #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:51:05 [bkw_] something != software client #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:51:18 [bkw_] ok now your problem was you were trying to register TO freeswitch as the gateway user too #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:51:22 [bkw_] which is why it was hitting public #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:51:24 [bkw_] thus not working #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:51:25 [[intra]lanman] bkw_: look in docs please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:51:49 [vilito] so now we should be able to get from FS to AST? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:51:59 [bkw_] yes what is the IP and extension? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:52:04 [bkw_] that you want to send to Asterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:52:15 [vilito] (ast) ext 1010 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:52:22 [bkw_] why that? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:52:27 [bkw_] I need to add a prefix #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:52:34 [vilito] i want to dial 11010 on FS and get to 1010 on AST #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:52:51 [vilito] add 1 as prefix #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:53:15 [vilito] ok, i see u use 3 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:55:52 [bkw_] ok go take that 5080 off on the extensions.ael on the asterisk side please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:56:22 [vilito] done #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:57:14 [bkw_] ok what does asterisk dia@FS IP? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:57:51 [vilito] where do u see that? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:57:54 [bkw_] now make it dial 1000 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:58:04 [bkw_] from the Asterisk side please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:58:08 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:58:15 [bkw_] prefix+1000 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:58:28 [vilito] busy #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:58:29 [vilito] nothing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:58:40 [bkw_] try now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:58:43 [bkw_] from .240? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:58:47 [anthm] try pouring a pitcher of water on it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:59:04 [bkw_] vilito: once more please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:59:05 [vilito] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 20:59:35 [bkw_] ast to fs once more please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:00:18 [bkw_] vilito: once more I have to narrow dow the debug so I can only see that info #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:00:26 [bkw_] i'm in your asterisik box btw #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:00:40 [bkw_] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:00:52 [vilito] i think the extensions.ael is messed up. dialing to wrong trunk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:01:08 [bkw_] no its fine #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:03:22 [bkw_] vilito: again please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:04:38 [bkw_] vilito: once more #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:05:05 [vilito] it didn't reach FS this time #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:09:08 [bkw_] vilito: chillax for a sec #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:09:17 [bkw_] keep your finger on the dial button :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:09:23 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:11:11 [bkw_] vilito: try now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:11:47 [vilito] cool, working again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:11:51 [vilito] from AST to FS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:11:56 [bkw_] now try FS to AST #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:12:46 [bkw_] ok asterisk has to trust the FS IP #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:12:48 [luisjimenez] http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Connecting_Freeswitch_And_Asterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:12:50 [vilito] i am using the prefix 3, so i dialed 31010 (1010 is a AST exten) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:13:00 [bkw_] yes and asterisk didn't trust it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:13:08 [bkw_] luisjimenez: thats about ot get an update from me #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:13:37 [vilito] so do i do on the ast side to let it trust the FS IP? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:13:52 [bkw_] vilito: you don't know how? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:13:56 [dasbus] dude #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:13:58 [bkw_] what context is the asterisk extension in? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:14:06 [vilito] default #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:14:20 [bkw_] that FS? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:14:27 [vilito] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:14:46 [bkw_] vilito: try nw #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:15:10 [sye] ~ I couldn't make any call. Everytime I try a call, i get this [DEBUG] sofia.c:219 sofia_event_callback() event [nua_i_state] status [407][Proxy Authentication Required] session: n/a #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:15:37 [bkw_] vilito: asterisk is still sending a challenge when it shouldn't be #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:16:23 [bkw_] vilito: do you know how to make Asterisk trust the FS IP? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:16:36 [bkw_] sye: you're going to have to provide a bit more details #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:16:39 [vilito] no, i will do some googling to see how to do that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:17:06 [bkw_] vilito: how did you get this far with Asterisk and you don't know how to do that? Did you hire someone to set Asterisk up for you? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:17:16 [vilito] no #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:17:20 [dasbus] well you're lucky vilito bkw_ is ambidextrous #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:17:32 [anthm] ~":"hotword 407|Authentication Required:It means you have to supply a login and password to get in #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:17:43 [anthm] ~":"hotword:407|Authentication Required:It means you have to supply a login and password to get in #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:17:59 [vilito] the fact that i dont' know much about voip and just and got this going, is probably y it is so jacked up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:18:14 [bkw_] there we go #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:18:15 [bkw_] try now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:18:17 [bkw_] I found it and fixed it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:18:22 [vilito] how? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:18:24 [anthm] once you know about it, you will be jacked up instead #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:18:27 [bkw_] I have some tips for you.. learn to setup DNS and not use the hosts file on every box #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:18:28 [bkw_] or use IP's #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:18:45 [anthm] you may want to look for a therapist now to save time later #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:18:53 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:19:08 [J4k3] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:19:14 [bkw_] let me get emacs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:19:21 [J4k3] voip and sql #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:19:31 [J4k3] screw 'em both... I'd rather repair transmissions or small engines for a living #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:19:35 [J4k3] ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:19:59 [sye] I have no problem to register, but after successfully register, I call another sip #, the sip phone get this status: Security check failed, where should put password? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:21:05 [bkw_] sye: hold please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:21:13 [bkw_] vilito: your sip.conf has a broke comment in it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:23:49 [bkw_] vilito: try dialing from FS to Asterisk again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:23:55 [bkw_] epusnj03 5060 Unmonitored #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:24:38 [bkw_] asterisk just isn't trusting it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:24:42 [bkw_] I know why to #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:26:18 [bkw_] vilito: try now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:26:23 [bkw_] they still haven't fixed that bug #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:26:24 [bkw_] damn #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:26:36 [bkw_] I mean really people #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:26:44 [bkw_] vilito: you're gonna need to restart Asterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:26:46 [bkw_] is that OK? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:27:21 [vilito] not at the moment #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:27:26 [vilito] there are some calls in there #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:27:30 [bkw_] two calls #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:28:09 [dasbus] it's asterisk... will anyone know the difference? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:28:14 [_Vile] can you hear me now ? whoops, phone call got dropped, what were you saying ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:28:15 [bkw_] dasbus haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:28:23 [vilito] the users who r talking will know. :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:28:30 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:28:32 [vilito] restart #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:28:38 [bkw_] you do it please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:28:42 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:29:07 [vilito] it's back #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:30:14 [bkw_] luke-jr: don't even #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:30:26 [luke-jr] :þ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:30:28 [bkw_] luke-jr: What did you call FreeSWITCH in #asterisk? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:30:43 [luke-jr] bkw_: "FS"? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:30:56 [bkw_] I think you said something like a copy of asterisk? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:31:12 [bkw_] vilito: make the call please #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:31:35 [luke-jr] bkw_: maybe I said it does the same stuff #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:31:39 [luke-jr] which is more or less true #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:32:08 [dasbus] it doesn't do the deadlock stuf #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:32:12 [bkw_] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:32:20 [bkw_] vilito: your asterisk sucks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:32:24 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:32:30 [bkw_] vilito: its still trying to proxy auth when its been told NOT TO #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:32:37 [_Vile] dasbus, actually that is a module that we coded in #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:33:15 [dasbus] _Vile: kewl, is it in tree? :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:33:17 [vilito] when i learn more about FS, i will migrate my SIP trunks to FS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:33:21 [J4k3] asterisk is nothing but a glorified technology demo #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:33:23 [J4k3] deal with it. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:33:30 [bkw_] vilito: at this point I would help you to some extent #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:33:40 [vilito] one question, how does FS handle billing? i am using a2billing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:33:55 [bkw_] vilito: well it spits out CDR's just like asteirks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:34:12 [[1]NormFree] or xml... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:34:43 [bkw_] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:34:54 [vilito] but then i would have to write a biling software, unlike a2biling which answers and prompts the user for pin and manage the whole call #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:35:22 [bkw_] vilito: you want a drop in replacement... consulting@freeswitch.org ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:35:30 [vilito] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:35:39 [danchris] ~take-a-number Coming from the FreeSWITCH development team, what is the ideal load balanced solution? Is it using UltraMonkey? (The source appears stagnant). #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:35:40 [vilito] got ya #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:35:59 [J4k3] number 1 at a number 2 business #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:36:03 [bkw_] vilito: the best way now is to setup a gateway tht can auth to Asterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:36:23 [dasbus] danchris: you use openser at all? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:36:25 [bkw_] vilito: lets pick this up tomorrow but I want you to understand it.. so i'll go thru it with you and help you understand it.. my head hurts right now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:36:31 [bkw_] ~waiting #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:36:34 [danchris] I was planning on integrating open ser #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:36:37 [bkw_] sye: ok you there? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:36:41 [vilito] :) sorry about the headache #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:36:50 [bkw_] vilito: no I had it before I started with your problem :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:36:56 [danchris] dasbus: yes to that. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:36:58 [vilito] if u r every in my neck of the woods, i owe u a few beers if u drink those ( i don't) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:36:59 [bkw_] vilito: so its not your fault :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:37:19 [bkw_] vilito: at this point its tequila shots #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:37:21 [bkw_] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:37:21 [vilito] i still owe ya some beers or dinner or lunch or something #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:37:28 [vilito] or at least moving to FS after all this #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:37:34 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:37:37 [dasbus] danchris: you can load balance easily with openser distributing to a FS cluster #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:37:46 [J4k3] j/k ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:38:01 [bkw_] sye: ping #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:38:05 [bkw_] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:38:10 [danchris] dasbus: i get mixed signals on what software to cluster with #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:38:14 [_Vile] dasbus, mod_dialplan_asterisk.c.svn-base: SWITCH_ADD_APP(app_interface, "AvoidingDeadlock", "Avoid", "Avoid", avoid_function, "Avoid", SAF_SUPPORT_NOMEDIA); #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:38:21 [vilito] well, i will be here tomorrow all day, so we can pick this up whenever u r ready for some * stress #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:38:30 [danchris] dasbus: I want to document my process as i go... I already have everything built.. only thing missing. is the FS cluster. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:38:34 [bkw_] vilito: w00t #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:38:48 [bkw_] vilito: something is very wrong on the host matching on Asterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:39:01 [bkw_] thats the flaw with using one UA for everything #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:39:02 [danchris] dasbus: all xen based now. http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Enterprise_deployment <-- looking here I want to know if the team wants me to go forward with using what appears to be legacy ultramonkey. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:39:15 [bkw_] danchris: I should delete that page #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:39:27 [bkw_] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:39:31 [bkw_] or update it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:39:37 [bkw_] OpenVZ works too btw #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:39:42 [danchris] bkw_: I remember you had mentioned a bit of issue with the SRV records... that won't be a problem.. but I think the xen mention is a joke. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:39:58 [bkw_] danchris: it ha ways to fail over #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:40:16 [bkw_] danchris: I think you want to keep call state in case a call dies #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:40:19 [vilito] bkw_, good night. later #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:40:26 [bkw_] vilito: just ping me on email in the morning #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:40:33 [bkw_] vilito: i'll stay logged in for now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:40:36 [bkw_] so we can pick up on this #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:41:05 [danchris] bkw_: yes you are correct. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:41:17 [bkw_] danchris: you have a check for about 500k? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:41:28 [bkw_] because that technology won't be something we just up and do for free #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:41:53 [vilito] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:42:01 [danchris] bkw_: not yet. I've been with you guys for awhile, and refuse to blow smoke up your a**es until I can produce $. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:42:17 [bkw_] danchris: hehe its one of those things that we have ideas how to do it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:42:18 [danchris] bkw_: I don't expect anythign for free either. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:42:22 [bkw_] but its not implemented it yet #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:42:36 [bkw_] danchris: its hard to tell .. seems everyone wants everything for free these days :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:42:46 [bkw_] danchris: forgive my assumption #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:42:48 [danchris] bkw_: gotcha. I'm going to implement something using heartbeat soon. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:42:49 [bkw_] hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:43:04 [bkw_] I have an idea of how to lock step two OpenVZ containers #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:43:10 [bkw_] but thats not possible yet #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:43:19 [danchris] bkw_: no worries.. i've been working a bit with you guys.. Mostly on the fringes. My business partner and I are searching now. When things happen, you will know. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:43:42 [bkw_] danchris: we'll do our best to make sure the solution isn't needed in the first place #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:43:51 [J4k3] did I just transcode... with like... effectively NO cpu consumption?!?! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:43:52 [bkw_] sye: ping #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:43:56 [danchris] bkw_: my intentions are good. But in the meantime.. I'll just architect around using heartbeat-2 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:44:01 [bkw_] J4k3: from what to what? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:44:06 [J4k3] bkw_: ulaw to speex #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:44:10 [J4k3] narrowband #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:44:13 [bkw_] J4k3: you might have #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:44:22 [bkw_] J4k3: why do you ask? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:44:28 [J4k3] well, it fell below 0.1% #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:44:32 [J4k3] and it was....working #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:44:37 [J4k3] that just suprised the hell out of me #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:44:42 [bkw_] why is that? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:44:44 [J4k3] of course, I have been running * on a P3-700 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:44:50 [sye] hi, I am here, was asking why do I got Authentication required 407 error #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:44:58 [bkw_] sye: can you give a bit more info? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:45:03 [bkw_] sye: console loglevel debug #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:45:05 [bkw_] make the call #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:45:08 [bkw_] and put it on pastebin #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:45:10 [bkw_] ~whatis pb #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:45:27 [danchris] bkw_: if you wouldn't mind, just humor me... or perhaps lanman: did ultramonkey product any solid results? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:45:54 [bkw_] danchris: not me.. I think that was trixter that was talking about it.. so I would just ginore it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:45:58 [bkw_] er ignore it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:46:13 [sye] only one line in log [DEBUG] sofia.c:219 sofia_event_callback() event [nua_i_state] status [407] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:46:14 [sye] [Proxy Authentication Required] session: n/a #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:46:31 [danchris] bkw_: thanks for that. almost sent me spinning off. Shall I put something as a warning on the Enterprise deployment wiki page? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:46:48 [bkw_] danchris: I would say something like "This is a work of Fiction" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:46:57 [danchris] bkw_: you got it. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:47:04 [bkw_] sye: is your machine accessible from the internet? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:47:05 [[1]NormFree] bkw: i am seeing this after running FS a while.... SIP Status: 487 \252* #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:47:17 [[1]NormFree] i think /252* is what I setup for the description. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:47:26 [sye] yes addr: #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:47:38 [bkw_] sye: describe what exactly it is you're doing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:48:31 [sye] It was working fine. After I restart the FS, It suddenly stops working. I use softphone, and couldn't make any phone call, even call between user 1000 and 10001 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:48:38 [sye] I mean 1001 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:48:41 [bkw_] what softphone? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:48:46 [sye] ekiga #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:48:59 [bkw_] have you restarted ekiga? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:49:07 [sye] I did #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:49:13 [sye] doesn't help. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:49:15 [bkw_] and does it work after you restart? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:49:22 [[1]NormFree] Yea. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:49:24 [bkw_] i'm gonna just lay down this rule soon #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:49:29 [bkw_] ekiga == NO HELP #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:49:37 [bkw_] its the worst pile of softphone on the planet #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:49:43 [sye] before I restart, it was working, #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:49:45 [bkw_] sye: happen to have anything else? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:49:57 [_Vile] ~setis ekiga ekwha ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:50:20 [sye] this is the default on on fedora ekiga #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:50:59 [sye] I used it in past week, working fine, I don't think it is softphone problem #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:51:07 [bkw_] sye: what did you change? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:51:13 [bkw_] backtrack #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:51:19 [bkw_] think about what you did or changed #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:51:22 [bkw_] had to be something #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:51:43 [bkw_] email me the user/pass brian@freeswitch.org #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:51:45 [bkw_] I gotta see this #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:52:05 [bkw_] sye: so I can login as root and take a gander at it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:52:11 [sye] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:52:22 [bkw_] are both accounts on ekiga? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:52:28 [J4k3] is the apparently change in tone when listening to a milliwatt using ulaw the jitter buffer moving around? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:52:30 [bkw_] or two machines? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:52:38 [J4k3] theres an obvious frequency shift occasionally, just a *little* bit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:52:52 [bkw_] J4k3: could be that or your machine sucks.. or something is late... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:53:10 [J4k3] bkw_: well, possibly #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:53:23 [J4k3] the pap2 doesn't noticably do it.. its just xlite on both laptops here do it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:53:39 [J4k3] its funny to have the laptop in one ear and the pap2 in the other, both off the 9997 milliwatt #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:53:50 [_Vile] remove the middleman and retest #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:53:54 [J4k3] sometimes its perfect, sometimes its wowowowoowowowowowowow #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:53:55 [bkw_] J4k3: it could be your phone my snom 300 freaks out and starts to jitter the audio.. but if I switch to g722 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:53:57 [bkw_] its flawless #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:54:06 [bkw_] and no jitter at all #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:54:09 [J4k3] possibly #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:54:30 [bkw_] I know what it is #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:54:32 [bkw_] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:54:40 [bkw_] silence supression #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:54:44 [J4k3] ahhhh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:55:10 [_Vile] hah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:55:23 [dasbus] muhahaha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:56:15 [sye] bkw_: just sent email #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:57:41 [sye] bkw_: /opt/freeswitch #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:57:49 [bkw_] sye: let me eat #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:57:58 [bkw_] J4k3: blow on the mic #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:58:03 [bkw_] while the tone is playing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:58:06 [bkw_] does it stop fucking upu then? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:58:25 [sye] bkw_: I will be back in 15 minutes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:58:42 [J4k3] bkw: seems less angry. it also got less upset when I muted the mic on the laptop #freeswitch 2008-05-14 21:58:56 [J4k3] my guess is it was picking up its own speakers, or the other phone, or both, and having hell with it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:06:14 [bkw_] sye: ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:06:21 [bkw_] J4k3: I think I know what the problem is.. but not sure #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:06:28 [bkw_] when I mute it stops fucking up too #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:06:33 [bkw_] so maybe the echo can is freaking out? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:13:11 [bkw_] sye: FreeSWITCH Version 1.0.rc1 (7946) Started. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:13:19 [bkw_] I mean REALLY.. what the heck #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:13:30 [bkw_] we are at 8410 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:13:33 [bkw_] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:13:39 [bkw_] you're like 400 years behind in FreeSWITCH years #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:13:46 [bkw_] we might wanna get you updated #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:17:07 [MikeJ] good job.. scared him off :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:17:25 [dasbus] hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:18:29 [dasbus] what's wifie upto? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:19:18 [bkw_] I'm in his box :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:19:26 [bkw_] ok that came out wrong #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:19:47 [bkw_] seriously guys we need more people with FreeSWITCH clue to speak up daily :( #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:20:41 [bkw_] http://conference.freeswitch.org/irc.html #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:20:44 [dasbus] kick bkw_ we've got it from here on out :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:21:02 [bkw_] you all have some catching up to do #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:21:05 [bkw_] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:21:20 [[intra]lanman] yeah, i'm not gonna be catching up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:21:27 [bkw_] dasbus (1118) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:21:32 [bkw_] hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:21:37 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: you're in the top 4 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:21:38 [dasbus] ha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:21:50 [dasbus] I like your random quote tho #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:21:50 [bkw_] I have 21793 lines #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:21:52 [[intra]lanman] oh, well... ummm #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:21:52 [dasbus] ""dasbus: oh yes during the day when they setting off bombs?"" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:22:04 [bkw_] dasbus: haha yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:22:07 [bkw_] it'll change in a few #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:22:16 [bkw_] if you take half what I say out of context you'll laff your ass off #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:22:28 [bkw_] Is carnage_ stupid or just asking too many questions? 31.9% lines contained a question! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:22:29 [bkw_] jalsot didn't know that much either. 30.5% of his/her lines were questions. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:22:43 [bkw_] Poor head, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 5 times. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:22:59 [[intra]lanman] i like head #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:23:06 [[intra]lanman] i don't know about y'all #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:23:11 [[intra]lanman] but fucking seriously ;-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:23:18 [bkw_] bkw_ spoke a total of 142068 words! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:23:20 [lanwifie] heh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:23:31 [bkw_] I'm such a fucking chatter box #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:23:57 [[intra]lanman] fuck the dumb shit.... i'm gonna start doing more fucking cursing.... i wanna be mentioned in the damn foul mouth part of the fucking stats damn it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:24:12 [_Vile] what the fuck #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:24:13 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:24:15 [dasbus] bah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:24:25 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: you just have to say Asterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:24:34 [bkw_] its listed as a foul word #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:24:36 [[intra]lanman] _Vile: fuck of... trying to steal my damn thunder... asshole :-D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:24:50 [[intra]lanman] bkw_: are you serious? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:24:56 [_Vile] you know what? fuck you, I like my colors exactly where they are. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:25:04 [dasbus] bkw_ wasn't very popular, getting kicked 11 times! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:25:21 [dasbus] ROFL bkw_ talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 220 times! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:25:21 [[intra]lanman] i am the walrus #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:25:51 [_Vile] stfu donny #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:25:57 [[intra]lanman] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:26:11 [_Vile] my colors are perfect on irc.html #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:26:19 [bkw_] c888: NEVER #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:26:56 [[intra]lanman] c888 seems like he talks more than anyone else with all the +list shit that happens... are you sure this page is updating? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:27:20 [bkw_] did you notice http://conference.freeswitch.org/irc.html? most of those quotes have bkw_ in them #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:28:04 [_Vile] I deserve a kick, come on #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:28:07 [dasbus] ~take-a-number I keep getting 407 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:28:09 [[intra]lanman] i keep trying, but he keeps talking #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:28:19 [bkw_] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:28:20 [[intra]lanman] dasbus: then auth #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:28:24 [dasbus] :D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:28:27 [[intra]lanman] oh yeah, ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:28:28 [[intra]lanman] then auth #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:28:44 [dasbus] bah, just keeping you guys warmed up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:28:51 [bkw_] What are you waiting for? Nobody's gonna show you how.. Why work for someone else ... To do what you can do right now? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:29:07 [bkw_] Give it to me, yeah ... No one's gonna show me how #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:29:27 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: you want this music? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:29:39 [[intra]lanman] sure, why not :-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:30:19 [dasbus] ~take-a-number is this true "* c888 22:29 i agree, intralanman usually knows what he's talking about" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:30:46 [[intra]lanman] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:30:54 [[intra]lanman] of course it is #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:30:57 [bkw_] This msg is being ignored by AngelDust Anti-Spam. If your a real person get my attention in a channel #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:31:05 [[intra]lanman] dammit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:31:11 [[intra]lanman] ouch #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:31:34 [_Vile] ~take-a-number I am number what ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:31:38 [[intra]lanman] bkw_: try again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:31:40 [MichaelGG] ~take-a-number Is there anything magic/special about the C++ API, or could one choose to ignore it and just call the C API directly and be OK? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:31:45 [[intra]lanman] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:31:49 [[intra]lanman] ~waiting #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:32:00 [bkw_] MichaelGG: our headers are CPP compliant #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:32:09 [bkw_] MichaelGG: check out mod_lua.cc and mod_lumenvox.cpp are in C++ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:32:13 [[intra]lanman] angeldust fucking sucks.... i'm gonna uninstall that shit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:32:18 [MichaelGG] yea, I meant switch_Cpp #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:32:21 [MichaelGG] and the Coresession class #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:32:22 [MichaelGG] and so on #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:32:29 [_Vile] lanman yah it ignored a few msg's earlier #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:32:46 [MichaelGG] It's just a wrapper right to clean up the API to make it easier for other languages #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:32:53 [MichaelGG] it doesnt have any special functionality in and of itself, correct? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:32:58 [bkw_] MichaelGG: for switch_cpp? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:33:16 [bkw_] just call the API directly that you need #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:33:17 [MichaelGG] yea, the swtich C++ api. Class CoreSession, class IVRMenu, etc. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:33:33 [MichaelGG] as in, from mod_mono, if i choose to bypass CoreSession, for example #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:33:35 [bkw_] but anthm or Mikej can give you more guidance than I can #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:33:36 [MichaelGG] will doom befall me? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:33:37 [MichaelGG] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:34:27 [bkw_] doom? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:34:35 [MichaelGG] i.e., will something bad happen #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:34:43 [bkw_] trust me things are done in such away you can't get to stuff you're not ment to get to #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:34:46 [bkw_] include switch.h #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:34:50 [bkw_] if you can't access it their is a reason #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:34:59 [MichaelGG] I'm just trying to fully understand what the C++ API is; as far as I can tell, the C++ API and it's classes are just wrappers with some checking code #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:35:02 [MichaelGG] around the rest of the API #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:35:38 [MichaelGG] like API::executeString #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:35:57 [MichaelGG] just des some checks and then calls switch_api_execute #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:36:14 [MichaelGG] and it appears every other class is more or less the same in that it wraps similar things #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:37:41 [MichaelGG] so what im getting at is, is the following statement true: The switch C++ API (CoreSession, etc.) are just helper libraries and don't have anything "special" by themselves. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:37:49 [MikeJ] MichaelGG: when using swig, it does a better job swigging c++ into classes in object languages #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:38:01 [MichaelGG] MikeJ yep, so they're mainly to help with interop, correct? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:38:15 [MikeJ] well. its there to swig #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:38:17 [MichaelGG] its not like Coresession has some special deep ties into the switch I shoudl be aware of. IT just makes the API easier to deal with it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:38:32 [MikeJ] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:38:35 [MichaelGG] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:38:55 [MichaelGG] thanks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:38:55 [MikeJ] are you going to use swig? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:39:12 [MichaelGG] Yes, im planning on it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:39:21 [MichaelGG] just to quickly expose those functions #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:39:25 [MikeJ] then I would HIGHLY suggest using the wrapper #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:39:35 [MikeJ] as it will get updated with all the others ... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:39:38 [MichaelGG] yes im planning to Swig the C++ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:39:40 [MikeJ] when we add stuff #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:39:51 [MichaelGG] and from there see if there should be any more C# code #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:40:06 [MichaelGG] i.e., to implement a module, perhaps define a class to inheirt from #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:40:33 [MichaelGG] so if you wanted to write a C# logger, you'd inherit from "FreeSWITCH.LogModule" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:40:34 [MichaelGG] or something. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:41:00 [MichaelGG] and if you guys dont think thats appropriate for the FS trunk thats ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:43:36 [MikeJ] that all makes sense #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:44:04 [MichaelGG] OK #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:50:39 [[intra]lanman] freeswitch is only #2 on the irc stats for word most used? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:50:48 [[intra]lanman] it's the freeswitch channel for pete's sake #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:51:02 [[intra]lanman] freeswitch should be used a lot more often #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:52:31 [hads] freeswitch #freeswitch 2008-05-14 22:53:05 [[intra]lanman] :-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:00:58 [[intra]lanman] the dude just wanted his rug back #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:01:17 [hads] heh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:07:39 [xachen] [intra]lanman: we would have to use it as a verb of some sort #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:08:09 [xachen] Such as, Johnny and Sue went to FreeSWITCH #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:08:14 [[intra]lanman] i bet that wouldn't count #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:15:43 [J4k3] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:15:54 [J4k3] what does "linear services" mean in transport/telco/internet provider speak? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:16:07 [J4k3] they're talking about their fiber link into a town they don't really sell much for services in #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:25:42 [sye_] bkw_: are you still there? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:25:59 [dasbus] he's off watching porn #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:26:04 [dasbus] he wanted you to update #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:26:14 [dasbus] you were about 100 years behind in revisions #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:27:24 [dasbus] wait I was wrong #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:27:31 [dasbus] he said 400 years behind #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:27:51 [dasbus] [21:13] <@bkw_> sye: FreeSWITCH Version 1.0.rc1 (7946) Started. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:27:52 [dasbus] [21:13] <@bkw_> I mean REALLY.. what the heck #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:27:52 [dasbus] [21:13] <@bkw_> we are at 8410 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:27:52 [dasbus] [21:13] <@bkw_> :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:27:52 [dasbus] [21:13] <@bkw_> you're like 400 years behind in FreeSWITCH years #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:27:52 [sye_] oh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:27:54 [dasbus] [21:13] <@bkw_> we might wanna get you updated #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:28:06 [bkw_] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:28:11 [bkw_] what? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:28:14 [bkw_] oh sye_ is back #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:28:20 [sye_] i am back #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:28:29 [[1]NormFree] upgrading 8410 ... :) .... waiting for people to go to bed... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:28:32 [bkw_] sye_: your ekiga is farked up #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:28:40 [bkw_] its doing the exact same thing vilito's was #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:28:43 [bkw_] we challenge #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:28:45 [bkw_] you ack #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:28:50 [bkw_] you don't come back to auth again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:29:00 [bkw_] so you're client is bbbbbbrrrrroooookkkkkeeeeennnn #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:29:25 [bkw_] oh and you're behind nat? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:29:27 [_Vile] ~whatis ekiga #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:29:35 [bkw_] c888: a pile of sip! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:29:36 [_Vile] should keep it that way #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:29:37 [sye_] I was behind nat #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:29:48 [bkw_] sye_: and you're not now? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:29:51 [sye_] but , it worked before. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:29:59 [bkw_] answer me.. are you now? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:30:00 [sye_] I am at home,I guess not behind nat #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:30:04 [bkw_] ding ding ding #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:30:08 [bkw_] we found what differs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:30:41 [sye_] so my configuration doesnt have any problem, is that right? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:30:46 [sye_] i am FS conf #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:30:49 [sye_] i mean #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:31:52 [bkw_] ok update your FS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:31:59 [bkw_] you're like way behind :P many bugs fixed since this rev #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:32:11 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: you get that file yet? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:32:37 [[intra]lanman] oh, yeah, a while ago.... forgot to tell you, my bad #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:32:41 [dasbus] he's in a drunken stupppppper by now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:32:47 [dasbus] whoops too late #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:32:54 [[intra]lanman] nah, only two russians in #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:33:03 [[intra]lanman] three's coming now though ;-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:33:13 [dasbus] guzzle guzzle #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:33:18 [[intra]lanman] and it usually takes 5+shots to get me stuperfied #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:33:42 [[intra]lanman] i'm still typing relatively typo-free ;-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:33:56 [[intra]lanman] as much as is normal anyway :-D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:34:15 [dasbus] bkw_: you going to put a web cam on your roof so we can watch for tornados! #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:34:24 [bkw_] dasbus: I have thought about it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:34:25 [[intra]lanman] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:34:30 [[intra]lanman] really? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:34:32 [bkw_] sye_: can you update to svn trunk? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:34:43 [[intra]lanman] can we control your lights and stuff too? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:34:48 [_Vile] didn't the last one close to aslut relocate him ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:34:49 [dasbus] bkw_ shush you'll scare him away again #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:34:52 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: i'm not stupid #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:03 [bkw_] dasbus: nobody is that scared of me #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:07 [bkw_] OK I NEED OPINIONS #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:15 [[intra]lanman] i want someone to start one of those where we can contorl their garage door #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:18 [[intra]lanman] hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:21 [bkw_] dasbus: I'm sorry I have to ditch my poor iPhone #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:34 [dasbus] bkw_: really? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:36 [[intra]lanman] YYYAAAAAAAY, for bkw_ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:39 [[intra]lanman] ditch that bitch #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:40 [bkw_] dasbus: 1. Data is dog slow.. we are talking SLOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:41 [sye_] I am looking into it. actually, the other engineer installed it. try to find the place... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:44 [bkw_] when I was in dallas it was fast #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:47 [bkw_] i'm talking FAST #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:54 [bkw_] sye_: wiki.freeswitch.org #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:35:59 [[intra]lanman] dude, is anything fast in OK? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:01 [bkw_] dasbus: second.. dropped calls. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:03 [[intra]lanman] nothing's ok in OK #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:07 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: sprint has EVDO here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:13 [[intra]lanman] really? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:13 [bkw_] they are the only carrier with speed here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:16 [[intra]lanman] that's cool then #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:16 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: yep #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:22 [dasbus] too bad #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:23 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: what is your zip? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:29 [[intra]lanman] 23901 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:44 [dasbus] AT&T 3G was rate faster than EVDO #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:55 [dasbus] yes I know the current iphone doesn't have 3G #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:57 [_Vile] so what opinion do you need ? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:36:58 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: have you checked the Sprint Map? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:37:05 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: Farmville is covered with EVDO #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:37:12 [bkw_] C O V E R E D #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:37:24 [[intra]lanman] bullshit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:37:29 [bkw_] no it is #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:37:31 [[intra]lanman] really? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:37:35 [bkw_] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:37:36 [[intra]lanman] show me a link #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:37:46 [dasbus] www.showmealink.com #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:37:48 [_Vile] yeah bish show him #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:37:55 [J4k3] dasbus: AT&T 3G has very miniscule coverage #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:38:04 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: go to sprint.com #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:38:07 [bkw_] click coverage #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:38:08 [J4k3] unless you only use the phone in dense urban areas, forget it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:38:10 [dasbus] it's thick here in chi-town #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:38:16 [bkw_] put 23901 andclick map it #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:38:27 [J4k3] dasbus: yeah, and if I was in chi-town I might use it... to find a way to get the hell out of it asap #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:38:29 [bkw_] then on the right click Data, Email, and Multimedia #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:38:37 [J4k3] ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:38:45 [J4k3] out here, AT&T has EDGE #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:38:50 [dasbus] :) I'd prefer to leave as well #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:38:53 [J4k3] if I climb 30 ft up the tower to get enough signal #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:39:01 [J4k3] or clear enough signal #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:39:02 [bkw_] J4k3: hah #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:39:07 [J4k3] since its LOS, and only 6 miles, and 850 mhz #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:39:11 [_Vile] jake it's not ma bell anymore, keep in mind the case sensitivity issue... at&t #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:39:14 [J4k3] but GSM just doesn't do trees. #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:39:16 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: you see it now? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:39:30 [[intra]lanman] no, i'm on satellite, it hasn't loaded yet ;-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:39:38 [bkw_] haha tht might change soon #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:39:38 [J4k3] [intra]lanman: ouch #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:39:45 [J4k3] evdohs #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:39:58 [J4k3] it beats the shit out of directway/wildgoo/etc #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:40:04 [bkw_] wildgoo #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:40:05 [bkw_] hahahahahha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:40:10 [bkw_] dialup beats wildgoo #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:40:30 [[intra]lanman] i think i got some of that on my shoe once #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:41:06 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: it loaded yet? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:41:46 [[intra]lanman] well, the first page did #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:41:50 [[intra]lanman] working on the zip now #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:41:54 [[intra]lanman] :-( #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:41:55 [bkw_] holy hell let me take a screen shot :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:42:33 [[intra]lanman] haha, then i'd have to wait for that to load #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:42:39 [[intra]lanman] lmao, i mean, wtf #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:43:10 [[intra]lanman] dasbus: haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:43:47 [bkw_] http://web.mac.com/brian.west/sprint.png #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:44:06 [bkw_] they picked the wrong color #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:44:12 [bkw_] it should be red #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:44:16 [bkw_] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:44:47 [bkw_] now guys tell me what you think of the Treo 755p #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:44:54 [bkw_] its Rev 0 EVDO #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:45:00 [bkw_] it should still be phast #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:45:04 [dasbus] blah, it's palm #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:45:05 [[intra]lanman] dude, i'm soooo outside of that little orange block :-( #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:45:15 [dasbus] ahhh mang #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:45:19 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: how far? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:45:25 [bkw_] you can get one of those yagi's and a booster #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:45:29 [bkw_] for like 400 bucks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:45:31 [[intra]lanman] heh, i can't see the orange on the map #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:45:45 [bkw_] man that sucks #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:45:53 [[intra]lanman] i've got an 18dbi yagi laying around here already #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:45:53 [bkw_] bandwidth is so close yet so far away #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:45:56 [[intra]lanman] doesn't do shit from here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:07 [bkw_] thats what you get for moving out in the middle of nowhere #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:10 [bkw_] you hippie #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:10 [[intra]lanman] tell me about it... i'm only a couple mi from cable #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:11 [bkw_] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:19 [[intra]lanman] i fucking hate it here #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:21 [bkw_] shit I would buy three miles of RG6 #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:26 [[intra]lanman] this is my wife's thing #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:27 [bkw_] or go setup wifi #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:32 [bkw_] yah do that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:33 [[intra]lanman] "i have family in fuckville VA" #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:34 [bkw_] go setup wifi #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:37 [bkw_] it can go three miles easy #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:38 [[intra]lanman] so fucking what?!? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:52 [bkw_] and I just came back from VA #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:52 [[intra]lanman] from a wrt54g? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:46:57 [bkw_] was there for a few days #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:47:02 [[intra]lanman] and you didn't swing by? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:47:03 [[intra]lanman] asshole #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:47:05 [dasbus] LOS you can go further #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:47:08 [bkw_] mybad :P didn't have time #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:47:17 [[intra]lanman] oh, i understand that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:47:32 [[intra]lanman] i'm going to AL this weekend #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:47:49 [bkw_] don't let the rednecks get ya #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:47:57 [dasbus] or the red mudddd #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:48:07 [[intra]lanman] shit, you know where i live now? i know how do doge them #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:48:38 [bkw_] looks like sprint is doing that spotty EVDO shit all over the place #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:48:45 [dasbus] [intra]lanman: you try making moonshine in the backyard yet? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:49:04 [[intra]lanman] nah, i don't grow anything to get the rinds from, etc #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:50:01 [bkw_] dasbus: go look at sprint EVDO in Oklahoma #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:50:08 [bkw_] you'll go WTF did a drunk guy deploy that shit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:50:45 [bkw_] its swiss cheese #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:51:39 [bkw_] Funniest one is Ardmore Oklahoma #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:51:45 [bkw_] they coverd around the city #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:51:47 [bkw_] but not the city #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:51:47 [bkw_] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:51:57 [dasbus] yeah, like lawton #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:52:25 [bkw_] I think they are still in the process of roll out #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:52:34 [dasbus] guess it's no wonder why they are in trouble #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:52:50 [bkw_] well they just started this two weeks ago #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:52:54 [bkw_] I looked before I went to VA #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:52:55 [bkw_] and it wasn't there #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:52:58 [bkw_] none of that #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:53:11 [bkw_] I called a friend of mien and he said they just started this upgrade two weeks ago #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:53:23 [bkw_] he knows the sprint rep here in oklahoma #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:53:31 [bkw_] and the rep is puzzled as to the way they are doing it also #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:53:48 [bkw_] guess they can't just update it all at the same time.. minimal service interuptions and shit #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:54:22 [dasbus] suppose it depends on the radios at each tower #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:54:23 [bkw_] so should I get the Palm? it has IRC, IM and SSH #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:54:30 [[intra]lanman] bkw_: you have this irc stats page updating hourly? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:54:38 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: yes why? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:54:54 [dasbus] bkw_: can you wait for an android phone? #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:54:57 [[intra]lanman] it's not updating... i've had 7901 for the past couple of days.... #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:55:25 [bkw_] dasbus: I'm not running out ot do this tomorrow yo #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:55:25 [dasbus] you've been set to 'ignore' #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:55:33 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: vs intralanman #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:55:35 [[intra]lanman] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:55:36 [bkw_] let me go consolidate them #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:55:42 [[intra]lanman] oooohhhhhh #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:56:07 [[intra]lanman] oh, cool...i might bump anthm to #4 if they're merged #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:56:11 [dasbus] doh, shot yourself in dasfoot #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:56:36 [[intra]lanman] echofoxtrot #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:56:57 [[intra]lanman] echo "foxtrot"; ;-) #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:57:02 [bkw_] hrm #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:57:03 [bkw_] #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:57:06 [bkw_] it's already in there #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:57:07 [_Vile] alpha #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:57:20 [[intra]lanman] hmmmm #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:58:26 [bkw_] I added some foul words #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:58:48 [dasbus] ha, here's an old rumor #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:58:48 [dasbus] http://www.engadgetmobile.com/2007/11/12/google-to-acquire-sprint-nextel-for-mobile-wimax/ #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:58:58 [bkw_] 92 days, 135928 lines total #freeswitch 2008-05-14 23:59:57 [bkw_] weird #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:00:02 [[intra]lanman] 92 days starting when? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:00:08 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: none of your [] nic ones are getting tagged as you #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:00:13 [bkw_] so you might have way more than you think #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:00:14 [[intra]lanman] heheh it's a y2k8 bug #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:00:24 [[intra]lanman] aha #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:00:44 [dasbus] do you need to escape the [ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:00:54 [bkw_] I did #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:00:58 [[intra]lanman] it's probably based on regex, so ...... yeah, waht dasbus said #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:01:00 [[intra]lanman] lol #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:01:23 [bkw_] no its not #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:01:25 [bkw_] go reloda #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:01:27 [bkw_] that broked it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:01:46 [[intra]lanman] heh, wtf #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:02:11 [[intra]lanman] no, what the fuck is the irc page thinking #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:02:31 [bkw_] no telling #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:02:33 [bkw_] maybe today isn't in it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:03:20 [bkw_] the bot wasn't in here #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:03:22 [bkw_] someone kicked it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:03:24 [bkw_] no wonder #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:03:34 [[intra]lanman] oh, wtf #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:03:41 [[intra]lanman] who kicked it? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:03:48 [[intra]lanman] and it's not c888? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:04:07 [bkw_] no clue could have died in a netsplit #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:04:31 [bkw_] it happend on 2008.04.10 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:04:37 [bkw_] damn why didn't we notice that shit #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:04:40 [bkw_] ok there it goes #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:05:07 [bkw_] someone send me 100 bucks #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:05:21 [bkw_] dasbus: http://store.palm.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2927137&cp=1214570.1958887&parentPage=family #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:05:23 [dasbus] sure, send me your iphone #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:05:27 [bkw_] thats 12 hours of talk time and 720 hours of standby #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:05:38 [bkw_] dasbus: i'll send you the 4 gig iphone for 100bucks #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:05:48 [bkw_] and a spare invisishield #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:06:18 [dasbus] you're going to be sorry #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:06:20 [[intra]lanman] bkw_: i'll give you 100 for the iphone... just to say i have one ;-) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:06:45 [bkw_] dasbus: I can't even use the phone... and T-Mobile only has GPRS here and its worse #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:06:48 [dasbus] browsing sucks ass #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:06:56 [bkw_] thats what Opera Mini is for #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:07:00 [dasbus] video so so #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:07:10 [bkw_] and Slingplayer #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:07:16 [dasbus] and you're use to the iphone #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:07:30 [dasbus] talk about a shock to the system #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:07:43 [dasbus] your brain will explode #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:07:49 [bkw_] hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:08:01 [bkw_] hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:08:16 [bkw_] http://www.cellphonedigest.net/images/opera-mini-4.jpg #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:08:28 [bkw_] seems very similar #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:08:33 [bkw_] with the exception of the multi touch #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:09:55 [dasbus] have fun, come cluecon I hope to be 3G iphonified #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:11:01 [bkw_] dasbus: AT&T won't have 3g here for another 2 years #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:11:04 [dasbus] unless Apple pulls that lame shit where they announce and don't ship product for 6 months #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:11:06 [bkw_] so as you can see I have no hope #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:11:15 [bkw_] dasbus: they won't.. that would be stupid #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:11:19 [dasbus] true #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:11:25 [bkw_] http://downloads.slingmedia.com/get/spm-palm-us.html #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:11:25 [dasbus] and true #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:11:46 [bkw_] hell took me two weeks to get AT&T to fix their mobile to mobile calls #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:11:53 [bkw_] calls come up.. no audio #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:11:59 [bkw_] wtf are they running asterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:12:32 [dasbus] double nated #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:13:17 [bkw_] I'm in an area where they are consolidating Dobson with AT&T #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:13:22 [bkw_] and I think they fucked it up big time in the process #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:13:31 [bkw_] my numbers were originally dobson numbers #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:13:40 [bkw_] my number spells my lastname #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:13:43 [bkw_] and gregs spells his #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:13:46 [bkw_] how cute is that #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:14:03 [bkw_] oh look ssh http://www.tussh.com/ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:14:09 [bkw_] I can't do that from an iPhone without hacking it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:14:20 [bkw_] oh look another one http://www.sealiesoftware.com/pssh/ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:15:20 [bkw_] omg http://www.mitreo.com/motwit_twitter_palm_os/ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:16:13 [dasbus] that name is funny #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:16:14 [dasbus] MoTwit #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:17:00 [bkw_] yah thats funny #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:17:07 [bkw_] I call people twits all the time #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:17:09 [bkw_] is that bad? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:17:17 [bkw_] and if you use twitter does tha tmake you a twit? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:17:20 [bkw_] or is it tweet? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:17:27 [bkw_] I use twitter from time to time #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:17:33 [bkw_] people actually follow me on there .. its weird #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:20:51 [[intra]lanman] bkw_: did you ever start doing your youtube series? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:21:47 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: no but I got my videos of my lunch cruise in Chicago today.. I found them on a sd stick #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:27:01 [bkw_] Y MC A #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:28:28 [bkw_] dasbus: have you ever done one of the lunch cruises in Chicago? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:31:23 [[intra]lanman] bkw_: are you a village person? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:31:36 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: Yah I'm the Bitch #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:31:44 [bkw_] aka ALL OF THEM #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:31:48 [[intra]lanman] there was a bitch? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:31:51 [[intra]lanman] was that the cop? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:31:57 [[intra]lanman] oh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:32:03 [bkw_] no if you add them all up.. you got me #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:32:09 [bkw_] but I don't have a feather up my ass #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:32:19 [bkw_] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:32:47 [bkw_] dasbus: if you had to pick.. Blackberry or Palm.. which would you pick? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:32:55 [[intra]lanman] heheh, i was just thinking... "a cop that builds stuff while wearing feathers?" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:33:04 [[intra]lanman] blackberry #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:33:15 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: I"m not too sure about that #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:33:20 [bkw_] I'm not a crack berry fan #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:33:41 [bkw_] the only ssh client for the crackberry is like 99 bucks #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:33:48 [bkw_] or that real shitty midlet #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:33:53 [[intra]lanman] me either.... but i'm always seeing emails "sent from my blackberry".... something that popular can't suck taht bad, can it? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:34:02 [[intra]lanman] hmmmm, scratch that #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:34:04 [bkw_] ewwww #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:34:17 [bkw_] [intra]lanman: I send an email from my iphone once... to my insurance lady #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:34:23 [bkw_] and it adds that "sent from my iPhone" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:34:26 [_Vile] you're just wrong sent from my blackberry #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:34:32 [bkw_] she replies and at the end of hers she goes "Sent from my PC" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:34:40 [[intra]lanman] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:34:48 [bkw_] it was pretty funny #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:34:56 [bkw_] guess she thouht I was being a smartass or something #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:35:01 [[intra]lanman] hell yeah, it's pretty funny now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:35:23 [_Vile] did... whatever happened to ur car thing ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:35:58 [_Vile] where u purposely smashed sideways into someone else's ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:36:27 [bkw_] _Vile: thats fixed #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:36:34 [bkw_] my car is in the shop again getting the other side of the car fixe #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:36:34 [_Vile] did they total her ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:36:35 [bkw_] d #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:36:44 [bkw_] they should have.. shit both sides have been done now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:36:50 [bkw_] this last one was a hail storm #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:37:09 [bkw_] looks like someone took a hammer to it and dented her all to shit #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:37:14 [bkw_] 3100 dollars worth of damage #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:37:20 [bkw_] thats like 9k in damage to my car this year alone #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:37:23 [_Vile] jesus #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:37:23 [bkw_] I mean WTF #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:37:29 [bkw_] I lowered my deductible to 250 dollars now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:37:34 [bkw_] I can't pay out 1k every time someone hits me #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:37:43 [_Vile] better investment would be to MOVE #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:37:48 [bkw_] I mean REALLY jesus fucking christ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:38:24 [_Vile] stop driving, there we go. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:38:39 [_Vile] sell your car, that's a profit ! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:41:13 [_Vile] i flipped a car a few yrs back, only accident i've ever been in... was upside down, flying through the air in a Geo and thinking "ouch, this is gonna hurt", remember it vividly... took more than a few seconds it seemed, but it was instant #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:42:03 [_Vile] 40-50 miles an hour or so... only accident... but ya can't stop stupid drivers... someone the other day got smashed at a 4 way stop in front of me #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:43:31 [xachen] _Vile: that happened the other week for me! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:43:57 [xachen] if the vehicle I was in woulda tailgated like the one in frong of us was, I'd be in the hospital #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:44:02 [xachen] wihout US health coverage may I add #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:44:36 [_Vile] i was about to go, split a 90 degree angle on both cars right in front of me #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:44:39 [_Vile] feet away #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:45:07 [[intra]lanman] yeah, xachen, FL is full of stupid drivers #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:45:39 [[intra]lanman] hehe, and passed several stupid drivers a minute ;-) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:45:48 [supjigator] bkw_: Rhino lining works #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:46:00 [bkw_] supjigator: on the OUTSIDE of the car? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:46:04 [supjigator] Sure #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:46:45 [bkw_] sorry that won't work #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:46:55 [supjigator] invest in a bodyshop? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:46:55 [bkw_] if someone hits me at 50mph #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:46:58 [bkw_] its still gonna hurt #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:47:12 [bkw_] I already know that car will be totaled in the next year #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:47:20 [bkw_] and its gonna be some idiot #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:47:22 [bkw_] I already know this #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:47:22 [supjigator] thats just bad luck #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:48:02 [bkw_] on Dec 23rd when I pulled out of the driveway.. I had this moment where I thought "hmm some idiot is gonna hit me I just know " #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:48:03 [bkw_] I ignored it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:48:07 [bkw_] and 2 min later BLAMO #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:48:55 [bkw_] its in the shop #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:48:57 [bkw_] good luck #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:49:43 [_Vile] oh, tornado's are in fashion #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:49:51 [Irshad] _Vile: so you are the one in china ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:50:04 [_Vile] coordinates were wrong, sorry #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:50:45 [bkw_] ok bed time #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:51:02 [_Vile] that was pretty fucked up, I've read a bit on those reports irsh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:53:28 [_Vile] one thing that I do not like is how the myanmur (?) after the last hurricane is not actively as well as they can pushing aide to its own citizens and putting politics in the middle... pushing death tolls up... making papers... take care of the issues, don't let it hit news. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:53:43 [dasbus] bkw_: I've never played with a crackberry... just palm so I couldn't recommend on those two #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:53:55 [Irshad] _Vile: yeah very much scary thing!! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:54:09 [Irshad] quake claims more than 15000 now :-o #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:54:37 [_Vile] it ain't the quake. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:55:01 [Irshad] China quake #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:55:13 [Irshad] yeah Nargis rocked Myanmar #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:55:44 [_Vile] again, it's not the quake that causes death.. lack of care and/or response does. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:56:14 [[intra]lanman] are we talking about the fuckers that wouldn't allow the foreign aide? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:56:25 [Irshad] true ... authorities can put a check on the severity of loss #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:56:45 [_Vile] them, too. that's entirely political right now, even distribution of aid that was let in. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:56:49 [_petedao] _Vile: that place is a very remote area and buildings are not built to withstand an earthquake, so they collapsed #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:58:21 [_petedao] _Vile there are several accounts for aid in HK #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:58:22 [Irshad] whatever may be the case ...I see no wrong in taking aide from others....it's all about humanity man #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:58:49 [_petedao] _Vile any aids can definitely go through the HK accounts to help #freeswitch 2008-05-15 00:59:15 [_petedao] _Vile: the accounts are setup by the HK government #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:00:49 [[intra]lanman] have fun y'all.... l8rs #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:06:22 [Irshad] [intra]lanman: good night ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:39:40 [bs1977] Has anyone used IVR on windows ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:42:15 [sye_] ~ I am using mod_xml_url for dialplan, but got error [ERR] mod_dialplan_xml.c:245 dialplan_hunt() open of dialplan failed #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:42:34 [sye_] web server doesn't get any request #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:43:02 [MikeJ] bs1977: the thing that does the soundfiles into the rate directories is busted on windows atm #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:43:17 [MikeJ] so you need to put the sounfiles in the right place #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:44:00 [s0lid] is there a billing system integration for freeswitch? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:45:45 [bs1977] Hi Mike. I just installed freeswitch on my win server and rebuild whole thing ..after some hickups finally it came up fine #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:45:59 [bs1977] now I can register xlite user and they can talk #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:49:28 [whyter] can anyone point me to info regarding answering machine detection with fs? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:50:10 [whyter] or clue me in on how I might accomplish it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:50:52 [MikeJ] http://svn.freeswitch.org/svn/freeswitch/trunk/src/mod/applications/mod_amd/mod_amd.c #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:53:02 [whyter] 404 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:53:38 [MikeJ] bingo #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:53:44 [whyter] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:54:10 [bs1977] 2008-05-14 22:49:53 [NOTICE] switch_channel.c:1380 switch_channel_perform_mark_pre_answered() Ring-Ready sofia/default/1 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:54:10 [bs1977] 000@! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:54:10 [bs1977] 2008-05-14 22:49:53 [NOTICE] mod_sofia.c:1080 sofia_receive_message() Pre-Answer sofia/default/1000@! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:54:10 [bs1977] 2008-05-14 22:49:53 [ERR] switch_ivr_play_say.c:145 switch_ivr_phrase_macro() can't find language tag. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:54:10 [bs1977] 2008-05-14 22:49:53 [WARNING] switch_ivr_play_say.c:333 switch_ivr_phrase_macro() macro [demo_ivr_main_menu] did not mat #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:54:13 [bs1977] ch any patterns #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:54:26 [whyter] you telling me to write it and check it in? sheesh, gonna be a long night then ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:55:01 [bs1977] Mike...how do I look into "can't find language tag' #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:58:17 [MikeJ] bs1977: freeswitch.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-15 01:58:26 [MikeJ] change the */*.xml to en/*.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:00:06 [bs1977] I changed that ..but let me check again #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:03:30 [bs1977] oops..silly me. I had changed it to incorrectly .thanks for help. but I don't have prompts so it can't find actual wav files #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:04:27 [MikeJ] http://file.freeswitch.org #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:04:46 [bs1977] At this point I'm trying to follow write siple IVR application in using c++ or C# using this link http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_mono #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:05:12 [bs1977] I can't follow these two steps on windows ..# make installall #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:05:12 [bs1977] # Rename the FreeSwitch.NET.dll to FreeSwitch.Net.dll in “Installdir”/lib #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:05:26 [MikeJ] there is no working mod_mono at the moment #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:05:54 [MikeJ] there is a .net event socket lib in tree that lets you control ivr's over a socket #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:06:01 [MikeJ] scripts/contrib #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:12:20 [whyter] bs1977: check out http://svn.freeswitch.org/svn/freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/verifier/EventSocket/trunk #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:12:53 [whyter] windows/visual studio examples in there #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:14:21 [bs1977] thanks whytler! ...going to dig into this now. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:14:29 [whyter] add a reference to the FreeSwitch.EventSocket dll that exists #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:14:45 [whyter] if you try to build that it will ask you for a password since it's singed #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:15:27 [whyter] no need to build it, it exists in the "Debug" directory that you checked out into #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:17:05 [bs1977] ok...just for cusriousty do you have C++ also or C , not C# #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:17:24 [whyter] s/singed/signed/ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:17:31 [MikeJ] the whole codebase is C and C++ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:17:43 [MikeJ] your looking for a c ivr example? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:17:52 [bs1977] right #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:18:11 [MikeJ] look at mod_rss and mod_voicemail I guess #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:18:31 [whyter] sorry Mike, wasn't trying to jump in on your conversation #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:18:57 [MikeJ] oh np at all.. I have not played with that stuff yet.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:19:02 [MikeJ] so i learned something #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:20:08 [whyter] I'm a windows developer by day.. so it's much faster for me to play with what I can in windows first #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:20:14 [whyter] just used to the tools ya know #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:20:52 [bs1977] yeah..actually I did look into mod_voicemail. I guess since there is not much doc. so I'm having hard time to pickup things #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:22:20 [bs1977] I'm also primarly windows developer ..and have developed tons of applications on Dialogic & NMS platform. NOw I always think stuff by device & handles...it's kind of confusing to me #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:23:55 [J4k3] bah, if you don't write in assembler, you're a wus #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:23:58 [J4k3] ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:24:12 [whyter] it's funny you say that bs.. a good deal of newer win developers would look at you cross eyed if you started talking handles #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:24:29 [bs1977] Actually I want wtite a simpel dialer application which will read record from DB and then will make outbound call (using stanaphone or pennytalk) ..and then will play some prompts to dialed party and based o answer it will call to another person on another line and thne it'll play some prompt and if this person agrees then it has to bridge both calls #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:26:14 [whyter] bs: the svn link I sent earlier, in there is a dir called "IvrSocket" .. look in there at Voicemail.cs #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:26:18 [bs1977] you can say it's "screened" transfer #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:26:23 [whyter] that should get you going in the right direction #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:27:15 [bs1977] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:27:49 [whyter] in addition.. create a project (any type, console is fine) and add a reference like I said earlier, then check out: http://svn.freeswitch.org/svn/freeswitch/trunk/scripts/contrib/verifier/EventSocket/trunk #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:27:53 [whyter] oops #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:27:55 [whyter] my bad #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:28:03 [whyter] check out: FreeSwitch.EventSocket.Ivr #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:28:46 [whyter] it's very simple to implement.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:29:38 [whyter] new up an IvrInterface, call BeginInvoke() pass a callback #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:29:42 [whyter] it's that simple #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:29:54 [whyter] examples in those dirs will really show you #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:29:58 [whyter] ok, bed time fo rme #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:30:18 [bs1977] ok..whyter I'm looking into it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:30:25 [whyter] ok.. good luck #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:30:47 [bs1977] thx...will update ya #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:31:17 [bs1977] btw FreeSwitch.EventSocket.Ivr ..is in same branch? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:31:46 [whyter] yah.. if you add a reference to FreeSwitch.EventSocket (dll is already built) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:31:56 [whyter] then at the top of your code #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:32:06 [whyter] using FreeSwitch.EventSocket; #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:32:06 [whyter] using FreeSwitch.EventSocket.Ivr; #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:32:53 [whyter] and you can explore the FreeSwitch.EventSocket object in your object browser #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:33:12 [whyter] that needs a wiki.. maybe I can contribute adding that tomorrow #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:33:53 [bs1977] ok..thanks a lot for tips ! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 02:34:07 [whyter] no problem, hope it helps #freeswitch 2008-05-15 04:50:03 [petdao] ~take-a-number is there a way to have fs to get the dialplan from the dialplan.xml first and then if nothing is found, get it from dp.lua? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 05:23:39 [puzzled] hi #freeswitch 2008-05-15 05:23:45 [cypromis] morn #freeswitch 2008-05-15 05:24:49 [Irshad] hi #freeswitch 2008-05-15 08:13:35 [jmirror] hello? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 08:40:16 [pestouille] someone has polycom presence working with FS ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 08:52:00 [sekil] pestouille: I have it working with Linksys... should be the same. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 08:53:38 [sekil] pestouille: also Snom works great.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 08:55:02 [agx] pestouille, it should works but polycom has external adapter for it :-( #freeswitch 2008-05-15 08:55:28 [pestouille] agx: what kind of adapter ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 08:56:01 [sekil] pestoulle: sidecar probably #freeswitch 2008-05-15 08:56:46 [pestouille] sekil: well my presence worked with disasterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-15 08:56:49 [sekil] b.t.w Snom is fully supported in FS...record, call pickup, park orbit work all out-of-the-box #freeswitch 2008-05-15 08:57:11 [pestouille] anthm told me that was the sip presence implementation of polycom what was unclean #freeswitch 2008-05-15 08:57:22 [pestouille] sekil: good to know #freeswitch 2008-05-15 08:59:45 [petdao] someone has experience with group_confirm_file? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 08:59:51 [sekil] pestouille: well give it a try ..and wiki your experience #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:00:05 [petdao] i get pretty unstable behavior with group_confirm_file #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:03:40 [sekil] pestouille: anthm is pretty much doing all by the book...so he should not be blamed if others don't conform to standards imho... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:05:01 [sekil] pestouille: I now know better what kind of non-standard full-of-hacks shitt disasterisk really is #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:14:25 [petdao] ~take-a-number group_confirm_file option does not produce sound expected #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:15:38 [agx] pestouille, you need an external thing that plug into the phone to monitor other users; and if compared with other phones it has a lot less BFL #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:16:22 [agx] everybody says polycom is the best phone... i can agree about quality but it laks some needed features, for me: many BFL buttons, XML push, SIP MESSAGE #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:17:13 [coppice] and a lime green option. they badly need a lime green option #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:17:40 [agx] for example on aastra when a crash happens due to a bug of spandsp i can show the photo of coppice syaing that's my fault :-P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:17:50 [coppice] and a Hello Kitty model #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:18:53 [coppice] If Fender they can make a Stratocaster with hello Kitty, Polycom can make a phone #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:18:55 [cpm] there probably is a hello kitty model, but there are licensing issues in a lot of regions #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:40:04 [bkw_] ~waiting #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:42:03 [_Vile] mornin' #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:42:38 [bkw_] is it? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:43:12 [petdao] bkw_: morning #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:43:14 [_Vile] sun's bothering me, must be #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:43:24 [bkw_] petdao: yes? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:44:04 [petdao] bkw_: the group_confirm_file option behave very unstable #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:44:37 [bkw_] petdao: care to post how you're using it? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:44:38 [petdao] bkw_: i can see console saying fs is playing the wav file, but i can't hear anything #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:44:53 [petdao] bkw_: #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:45:32 [petdao] bkw_: but for 10 tests, maybe 2 tests will work #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:46:17 [petdao] bkw_: when the sound does come up, I have to wait, it is not immediate #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:46:58 [bkw_] petdao: define waite #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:47:00 [bkw_] er wate #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:47:03 [bkw_] shit can't type today #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:47:08 [bkw_] how long do you have to wait? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:47:18 [petdao] bkw_: at least 30s later #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:49:05 [bkw_] petdao: ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:49:23 [petdao] bkw_: fs says: sndfile_file_open() Opening File [/usr/local/freeswitch/sounds/zh/cn/callie/general/take_call_question.wav] rate 8000hz, but at the same time nothing is heard #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:50:17 [bkw_] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:50:39 [petdao] bkw_: the originate is working, then I picks up the phone, but the wav file is not heard #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:51:10 [Cherebrum] coppice: you around? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:51:25 [coppice] around what? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:52:31 [bkw_] petdao: I'm trying to be suddle here.... just chillax #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:53:07 [pestouille] agx: polycom support sip message (but didn't manage to get it work) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:53:08 [cpm] as opposed to a square #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:53:10 [intralanman] bkw_: i thought that was subtle? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:53:41 [pestouille] agx: I have 6 lines which can be used to monitor presence of contact but it seems that FS doesn't support presence for polycom insead of Asterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:53:49 [Cherebrum] coppice: Is a 800ms CED tone acceptable? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:54:09 [Cherebrum] I'm thinking it's not because the far end keeps transmitting CNG until the T1 times out #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:55:08 [Cherebrum] This Xerox fax machine can't receive any faxes, and I think it's because the CED tone is way too short. it should be 2.4 to 4 seconds #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:55:13 [coppice] CED and CNG are irrelevant to a FAX call #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:55:20 [Cherebrum] hmm... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:55:28 [pestouille] sekil: I completly agree about asterisk and thoses hacks and I agree with the position of anthm regarding protocols respect #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:55:29 [Cherebrum] Why would the far end just keep sending CNG then #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:55:35 [coppice] well, apart from kicking the ECs off #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:55:41 [pestouille] sekil: that's one of the main reason I'm looking to FS #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:56:00 [coppice] because it has not heard the V.21 HDLC message from the answering FAX machine #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:56:47 [bkw_] shit #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:56:55 [Cherebrum] The Xerox sends v21 preamble then CSI, DIS DSR over and over while the other end keeps sending CNG #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:57:24 [coppice] then it appears its not hearing that V.21 stuff #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:58:10 [Cherebrum] is there a certain gain level spec for the tones? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:58:27 [Cherebrum] the 2100hz tone from the Xeros was 0db #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:58:49 [coppice] 0dB is way too high #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:59:09 [coppice] the energy in the modem channel should not exceed -13dBm0 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 09:59:50 [Cherebrum] this is db in audacity's frequency analysis. not dbm.. aren't they different? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:00:38 [essobi] Morning.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:00:59 [coppice] if they use dBov that's even worse. its the maximum you can possibly get. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:01:18 [essobi] If anyone sees OEJ, wish him happy birthday for me. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:01:30 [Cherebrum] the v.21 preamble part seems to peek at -6db #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:02:02 [Cherebrum] seems to be mostly in the 1500hz to 2000hz range #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:02:12 [coppice] the gain is too high somewhere. a common error. someone should make VoIP channel gain controls illegal #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:02:16 [petdao] bkw_: is there anyway to work around it? since lua does not have sayphrase and I am not able to get session:setInputCallback("my_cb", digits) to work, I am running out of solution #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:02:59 [essobi] petdao: Use the javascript engine? :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:03:22 [petdao] essobi: actually I already did it once in js #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:03:34 [essobi] petdao: So what's the problem then? ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:03:56 [Cherebrum] ok... I'll try having them reduce the input gain on the FXS #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:04:15 [Cherebrum] should I make a -13db gain adjustment? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:04:28 [petdao] essobi: i hope to confirm before going back to js #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:05:12 [essobi] petdao: I'm fairly certain none of the language integrations are as complete as the js engine. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:05:41 [essobi] It wouldn't suprise my if there's missing functionality in Lua still.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:06:35 [petdao] essobi: i agree with you #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:07:17 [anthm] or you're too lazy to watch the commits and look at the code and see that say and sayPhrase were added 2 days agao #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:07:27 [anthm] and learn the right syntax #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:07:30 [anthm] and help document it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:07:45 [anthm] one of the 2 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:08:27 [anthm] cos the magic info box one your screen hands you all the answers #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:08:35 [petdao] anthm: should I get the latest code from SVN? I have never tried install stuff from svn before. Should I just get the one file ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:08:38 [vilito] bkw_, good morning #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:08:59 [anthm] only if you don't intend to ask for help about it for 12 hours #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:09:09 [essobi] anthm: Sorry.. It's my birthday, and I just downed huge amounts of caffiene.. I have a feeling it's not the only thing I'll be overdoing today. ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:09:30 [essobi] petdao: Do a complete check out to a clean place, and build then reinstall. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:09:45 [essobi] WEEEE! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:10:04 [coppice] weeeed #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:10:12 [bkw_] petdao: did you not hear me say chillax? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:10:24 [bkw_] petdao: I was trying to be nice but you're pushy #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:10:27 [essobi] anthm: One year, the other programmers gave me a tweenkie with a cigarrette stuck in it. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:10:30 [essobi] Hehe, fuckers. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:10:41 [coppice] no, no. you're breaking copyright #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:11:20 [essobi] Ffox3b5 just dead locked on me.. what a suprise. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:11:26 [coppice] all I need on my birthday is the love of a good woman #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:11:33 [coppice] in various positions #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:11:48 [essobi] coppice: that was 12:01AM. ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:11:58 [petdao] bkw_ no no i just understood what you meant by that #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:12:01 [Cherebrum] The input gain adjustment is at 0db now. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:12:09 [bkw_] you misunderstood? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:12:10 [petdao] bkw_ *misunderstood" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:12:25 [Cherebrum] Syslog message: LOCAL0.NOTICE: ( lgr_psbrdif)(31592 ) #0:ConfigFaxModemChannelParams NSEMode=0, CNGDetMode=0, FAXTranType=1, VxxTranType=0, VoiceVol= 1, DTMFVol=-11, InGain=0, RTPRedDepth=0, ECE=1, SCE=0, ECNlpMode=0, DJBufMinDelay= #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:12:25 [essobi] ESL, FTW! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:12:55 [coppice] Cherebrum post the audio file you are looking at somewhere #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:15:05 [Cherebrum] I have a packet capture #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:15:12 [Cherebrum] I extracted the rtp audio #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:15:33 [bkw_] petdao: I'm turning over a new leaf...I'm not going to get mad about anything... I'll just stop helping people that don't listen to me :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:16:04 [petdao] bkw_: pls don't leave me alone #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:16:33 [Cherebrum] coppice: https://ares.jasongarland.com/~jgarland/test/Xerox.au #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:16:34 [petdao] bkw_: i was not intentional #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:16:47 [bkw_] petdao: then listen to me.. when I say chillax please do so. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:16:55 [bkw_] ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:17:03 [petdao] bkw_: yes sir ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:17:47 [bkw_] you know how some kid get the timeout.. and have to sit in the corner for a few.. well I wasn't so lucky.. I got the ass beating when I was a kid... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:18:29 [petdao] bkw_: i will behave myself #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:18:47 [anthm] and document 100% of anything you ask for help about #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:18:52 [anthm] or game over #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:19:12 [anthm] even if it's what time is it? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:19:17 [sekil] bkw_: I've investigated the nat thing we talked last nite about...I have my setup work w/o NDLB-connectile-dysfunction but using STUN + keepalive events...NDLB option should be used for brain-damaged fw-s traversal and it's good to have it as a final solution imho #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:19:19 [anthm] i want a wiki page about what time it is #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:19:33 [_Vile] ! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:19:58 [anthm] sekil, that's why it's called NDLB #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:20:27 [anthm] anything that starts with NDLB means it's for stuff that sux #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:20:43 [petdao] anthm: let me work on the wiki now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:23:29 [luisjimenez] a question, why can't do "./bootstrap.sh" using libtool 2.2.x? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:23:55 [luisjimenez] i know there is a condition in the script, but why? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:24:30 [sekil] anthm: b.t.w Linksys is sending now SIP OPTIONS by default to proxy and if no answer is returned they try to re-REGISTER ...that was added in latest fw....I guess the endpoints are becoming smarter #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:24:35 [luisjimenez] oh ya, forgive me #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:24:52 [bkw_] luisjimenez: libtool 2.2 isn't supported #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:25:16 [bkw_] MikeJ: what is the way to force 1.5.24? I want to add this to the faq #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:25:50 [bkw_] and if I hear "SIP trunking" i'm gonna smack someone #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:25:54 [bkw_] hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:26:04 [bkw_] can someone define what SIP trunking is? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:26:07 [anthm] latest trunk has fixed route mode where you can us acl or a dp var to turn on nat mode per call which makes it use the reverse route of the invite for all subsequent messages, that mode is also explicitly activated in connectile-dysfunction scenario #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:26:11 [coppice] what about SIP a de do dah? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:27:30 [_Vile] oooh sexy #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:27:33 [sekil] anthm: k #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:28:10 [bkw_] makes nat a bit more transparent #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:28:17 [luisjimenez] http://www.siptrunk.org/whatissiptrunking.php #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:28:25 [luisjimenez] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:28:39 [anthm] i hope it means locking SIP in a trunk and dropping on the bottom of the ocean #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:28:39 [bkw_] a sip trunk is a freakin sip call #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:28:45 [bkw_] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:28:47 [bkw_] I like that much better #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:29:05 [bkw_] luisjimenez: its still just making SIP phone calls from POINT A to POINT B #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:29:09 [bkw_] no clue why they call it trunking #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:29:19 [luisjimenez] hehe, ye #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:29:20 [anthm] the guy was asking if the sofia stack kicks sufficient ass for him to use in his code #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:29:38 [sekil] I guess an IFSX is a plan for future versions :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:29:42 [bkw_] I think it does rather well #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:29:45 [bkw_] for SIP #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:29:46 [anthm] as long as you don't have to edit the code it rocks #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:29:50 [anthm] or look at it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:29:54 [anthm] or figure out how it works #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:30:26 [pestouille] bkw_: what did you say ? :p #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:30:42 [luisjimenez] hey bkw_, the tweak to force libtool 1.5.24, exists? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:31:19 [pestouille] anthm: btw the thing with softphones and internal with same extension but on different profiles like you explained work :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:31:38 [anthm] bien sur #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:31:52 [anthm] that's french for duhhhhh right? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:31:56 [pestouille] anthm: you speak french ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:32:09 [pestouille] anthm: yep it means 'of course" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:32:39 [anthm] oui, un peu mais pas beaucoup #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:33:26 [essobi] bkw_: SIP TRUNKING! SIP TRUNKING! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:33:40 [pestouille] anthm: us people that speak french are very few #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:34:07 [anthm] je crois que j'ai oblliais la graimmaire #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:34:21 [coppice] its well balanced by the french people that speak US #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:34:22 [pestouille] lol #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:34:25 [essobi] AH BLAH ES CARGO??! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:34:36 [pestouille] anthm: not so bad, my english is far from perfect too #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:35:12 [pestouille] anthm: no more luck using tcp with polycom for presence #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:35:23 [anthm] ask Cherebrum #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:35:30 [anthm] he is mr polycom #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:35:36 [anthm] he had it working didnt he ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:36:10 [anthm] also tell him to try his evil nat dim witted phone now he reported the bug about like 5 mos ago cos it think it will work now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:36:13 [coppice] 感少法國人識講英文 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:36:14 [pestouille] Mr Cherebrum could you help ? :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:36:57 [pestouille] anthm: it work for me behind NAT #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:39:02 [petdao] how to add a new page in wiki and link it? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:39:55 [essobi] (I just said what we were all thinking.) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:40:18 [sekil] anthm: can you explain what is the rate for SIP OPTIONS if one using unregister-on-options-fail param? I was looking at the code but couldn't see any rate set.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:40:25 [anthm] essobi, he would ask you how to exit #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:40:32 [anthm] and how to turn off the pc #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:41:03 [essobi] anthm: When did this turn into #asterisk? ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:41:15 [coppice] you'll have to weep a lot to wash them #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:41:57 [anthm] sekil, cant remember #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:42:48 [sekil] anthm: I tried using the option but couldn't see any OPTIONS sent from FS in SIP TRACE in a long period of time #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:43:01 [sekil] s/SIP TRACE/SIP trace #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:43:50 [pestouille] sekil: I've never managed to have SIP OPTIONS sent by FS... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:44:02 [pestouille] sekil: whereas it could be a good NAT helper #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:44:22 [jmirror] * fragalot waves #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:44:44 [essobi] I see lagged people. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:44:50 [sekil] pestouille: if you have nat problems use NDLB option...if that fails nothing will help you #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:45:04 [essobi] *HEADSHOT* *HEADSHOT* *HEADSHOT* #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:45:20 [anthm] its permenant at 30 sec #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:45:48 [jmirror] I'm starting to wonder if the linking was done right. can anyone see this? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:45:54 [coppice] you mean its always 30 seconds away? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:46:36 [_Vile] pete, go to http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Any_Page_Name_you_want_to_start, click edit #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:48:40 [_Vile] [[Any Page Name you want to start]] should link to that page, Help is a navigation link you can use #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:50:15 [petdao] _Vile: i get it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:51:09 [petdao] anthm: in lua wiki, I want to modify some content but i need to clearify from you #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:52:15 [petdao] is myHangupHook needed for every lua that has odbc access? For instance, in the duration of a call session, if multiple lua scripts are executed, does each lua script need the myHangupHook to do the db cleanup? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:53:20 [sekil] anthm: ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:53:35 [anthm] petdao, no you can do it at the end of the script #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:54:14 [anthm] the hanguphook thing is only if you want a func to get called right when a chan gets a hangup #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:54:17 [anthm] it's not mandatory #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:55:41 [petdao] anthm: what if each of the lua sciprt that gets execute also has odbc access and session can hangs up anywhere, does it mean sethanguphook should be presense in each lua? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:56:10 [pestouille] sekil: I didn't know about NDLB thanks for the info #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:56:53 [sekil] pestouille: unregister works with gw-s only b.t.w #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:58:19 [pestouille] sekil: gw-s like secure ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 10:59:09 [sekil] pestouille: unregister-on-options-fail is used only with gws...not with phones or any other endpoints #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:00:45 [sekil] bye all #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:03:35 [petdao] anthm: in the mod_lua, i think it is better to clearify stream:write on when it is used or called... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:04:41 [bkw_] petdao: let me show you an example #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:05:43 [bkw_] petdao: http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4450 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:07:59 [essobi] bkw_: big fan of lua? ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:09:07 [bkw_] essobi: is simple and fast #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:09:14 [bkw_] its perfect for what we need #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:09:31 [petdao] bkw_: i have seen that example on wiki, but why would someone needs to generate xml from a dialplan 's lua call? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:09:40 [essobi] what happened to all the unf behind the spider monkey engine? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:10:01 [bkw_] petdao: the dialplan one doesn't use the stream object #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:10:02 [petdao] essobi: lua allows much fewer lines to be written #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:10:08 [petdao] essobi: for the same purpose #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:10:20 [petdao] bkw_: when is it used? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:10:37 [essobi] ... So does RPG, but I'm not going to write code in it. ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:10:50 [bkw_] petdao: example that one on 4450 can be accessed over the web .. so it prints a web page.. and you can input api commands to run and it all runs and results are returned all thru lua #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:11:05 [petdao] essobi: for the same function, i have wrriten PHP ( for *) then JS ( for fs ) and again in lua #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:11:20 [essobi] Is the lua engine, long run, like the javascript one? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:11:22 [petdao] essobi: i have to say lua is better to use #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:11:25 [bkw_] petdao: keep using js #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:11:29 [bkw_] petdao: its up to you what to use #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:12:37 [petdao] bkw_: my js stuff was too heavy and I afraid it won't scale #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:12:48 [bkw_] well lua is your answer then #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:12:52 [essobi] I though Lua was more oriented to lay-person programming and NPC/AI systems... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:13:25 [bkw_] essobi: its a light weight extensible embeddable language #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:13:29 [bkw_] the VM is tiny #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:13:33 [petdao] bkw_: how to access that lua code from web? i did not know apache can run lua script #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:13:35 [bkw_] the js VM is huge #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:13:37 [essobi] ORLY? :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:13:48 [bkw_] petdao: not thru apache .. thru mod_xml_rpc #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:13:53 [bkw_] right into Freeswitch #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:14:12 [essobi] hehe.. yea.. all the java/script VMs are monsters.. another reason why I never use them.. Heh. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:14:27 [bkw_] see that script in 4450 pastebin #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:14:32 [bkw_] put that in freeswitch/scripts #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:14:38 [bkw_] then go http://freeswitchip:8080/api/lua?api.lua #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:14:41 [dasbus] or as a xml handler #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:14:47 [bkw_] you'll need to load mod_xml_rpc #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:14:54 [bkw_] then the default user/pass is freeswitch/works #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:15:06 [bkw_] petdao: then and only then will you fully understand what I"m talking about #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:15:26 [petdao] bkw_: i see, that is a new discovery for me today #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:15:39 [bkw_] I expect the wiki to be updated with said info #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:15:49 [petdao] bkw_: definitely #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:16:07 [bkw_] I watch to make sure any info isn't wrong if at all possible #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:17:12 [petdao] bkw_: that would be great. I feel more comfortable if someone can take a look at what I put into the wiki #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:17:31 [NormFree] hi #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:18:09 [cypromis] morn mr. B #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:18:31 [cypromis] who's wiki ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:18:32 [cypromis] lol #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:21:48 [bkw_] http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Providers <-- TIP guys.. this isn't the place to fight or post prices. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:21:56 [essobi] lol #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:21:59 [bkw_] Links and config examples for each provider is acceptable #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:22:13 [bkw_] but don't put your entire A-Z price list there #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:22:18 [bkw_] keep an eye on it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:22:23 [bkw_] the changes in the past 24 hours are comical #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:22:29 [essobi] Yea? hehe.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:22:36 [essobi] Wiki wars are lame. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:22:44 [bkw_] one guy adds a huge list.. one other guy removes said huge list #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:22:48 [NormFree] ~take-a-number When setting the sip response, using -->, where ${fail_reason} is set in the JavaScript, I get 487 \252* after 5K sessions. Any Idea's? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:22:59 [pestouille] bkw_: French people suck ? :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:23:17 [bkw_] pestouille: I have no idea.. I can't judge an entire nation by a few people. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:23:23 [essobi] bkw_: so you been using xml_rpc to load Luas? Is there a long-running Lua process for FS yet? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:23:38 [pestouille] bkw_: Could I edit the wiki page to add France ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:23:38 [bkw_] essobi: their is no need for one #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:23:45 [bkw_] pestouille: you can if you want #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:24:04 [essobi] bkw_: .... What if I WANT one... ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:24:50 [bkw_] essobi: patches accepted... http://jira.freeswitch.org ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:25:19 [essobi] Like... what if I want a program that can interact with various parts of a a running FS.. like.. I had an idea to manage fifo overflows and special conditions.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:25:28 [essobi] bkw_: ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:25:34 [bkw_] NormFree: but its a var you set in js.. hrm interesting can you see if you can reproduce it in short order? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:26:07 [intralanman] does anybody in the US have a decent route to india? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:26:17 [bkw_] intralanman: American Airlines? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:26:24 [bkw_] India Air? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:26:28 [essobi] bkw: ( while [ 0 ] ; do ./lua mySKripTorz ; done ) <--- likey? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:26:32 [intralanman] hehe, it'd probably be easier to fucking fly than call #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:26:38 [pestouille] intralanman: Iron Man ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:26:38 [essobi] intralanman: rofl #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:26:46 [essobi] IRONMAN FTW! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:27:04 [intralanman] I AAMMMM IIIRROOOOOOONNNMAAAAAAAN #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:27:09 [bkw_] KABOOM #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:27:14 [bkw_] too bad you had a gas leak #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:27:16 [bkw_] and burned yourself up #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:27:51 [pestouille] and you crashed like a poo #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:28:39 [intralanman] uh oh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:29:02 [intralanman] whooops #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:29:07 [essobi] Wait wait.. http://www.jet-man.com/ Use that to fly to india. :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:29:45 [essobi] the only thing I was disappointed by, in that movie.. they waited till the credits to play Black Sabbath. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:33:40 [NormFree] BWK: Candian DID's Providers :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:34:46 [petedao] bkw_: my pc was shut down due to my cheap router, could you pm me those few lines that you wrote me about how to run the lua in rpc? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:35:18 [bkw_] http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4451 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:36:53 [coppice] intralanman: you know india's like a big country :-) which bit do you want ot go to, and from where? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:37:57 [intralanman] coppice: well, let's start with bangalore from the US #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:38:20 [coppice] from which part of the US? its also big #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:38:56 [intralanman] it's not as big... ip-wise anyway... you can get to LA from NY in a couple ms.... but specifically TX and FL #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:40:16 [cypromis] its quite a walk from tx to fl #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:40:28 [intralanman] short boat ride #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:41:02 [coppice] FL->NY->frankfurt->bangalore by Lufthansa, but they suck #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:41:03 [coppice] FL->NY->heathrow->bangalore by BA, but they suck #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:41:05 [coppice] FL->somewhere->bangkok->bangalore by Thai. much better #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:41:06 [coppice] FL->somewhere->Delhi by Air India ->Bangalore by various options. not too bad #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:41:41 [coppice] TX->LA->HK by Cathay->Bangalore by Dragonair. Definitely the best approach #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:41:56 [intralanman] ?? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:42:06 [coppice] but the new Bangalore airport sucks, as its so far from the city, and badly connected #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:42:24 [intralanman] oh, i meant phone route... bkw_'s a dick #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:42:30 [coppice] TX->heathrow->bangalore by BA #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:42:38 [bkw_] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:42:48 [bkw_] intralanman: thanks for the vote of confidence #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:44:01 [intralanman] heheh, although, i might be flying to bangalore sometime this year, so that could come in handy after all ;-) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:44:07 [bkw_] no no going to LAX via ATL from TUL is stupid #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:44:22 [coppice] for data bangalore can be well connected, or badly connected, depending who you use. satellite is popular for consistency, but the latency sucks for voice #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:44:35 [coppice] cpm: I don't think anyone flies paris to bangalore yet #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:45:08 [cpm] Reykjavik->Paris->Synop->Bangalore ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:45:11 [cpm] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:45:20 [cpm] Reykjavik->Paris->Algiers->Bangalore ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:46:05 [coppice] nor do they fly algiers to bangalore. in fact the international flights into bangalore are still quite limited. the dragonair route only started last week #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:46:13 [petedao] bkw_: is it possible to limit rpc call from only one specific ip address? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:46:30 [cypromis] no #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:46:41 [cypromis] we had that in the chat yeterday #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:46:48 [cypromis] use an ipfilter for that #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:47:13 [coppice] if you fly to mumbai or delhi there are many domestic flights to bangalore, but they connection times always ***SUCK*** #freeswitch 2008-05-15 11:49:36 [coppice] I really wish I didn't know as much about flying to india :-\ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:04:53 [cpm] Reykjavik->Paris->Algiers->JoeBurg->Mumbai->Bangalore ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:05:37 [coppice] cpm: couldn't you work in flights over both poles? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:06:03 [bkw_] petedao: hrm #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:06:53 [bkw_] petedao: well update your SVN #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:07:03 [bkw_] then pound on the paypal button #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:07:42 [essobi] Perhaps by pound.. you may want to re-think that.. Hehe.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:07:59 [bkw_] click on it hard #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:08:02 [essobi] DUUUUDE... Mod_perl. :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:08:03 [dasbus] why, I'm sure the pound is stronger than the dollar now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:08:09 [bkw_] yes it is #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:08:12 [essobi] ... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:08:22 [bkw_] petedao: why not update and try your group thing again #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:08:31 [essobi] pound is also slang for to fight, or jerkoff. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:19:17 [bkw_] essobi: um ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:20:02 [essobi] *SHRUG* #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:23:28 [intralanman] bkw_: is there something special that's needed for that option you were asking about in -docs? my config is a couple of months old #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:24:47 [bkw_] intralanman: shouldn't have too #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:24:57 [bkw_] what does it say? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:25:13 [intralanman] nothing, just not doing the outcalls #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:25:24 [bkw_] did you set the gateways and update it for your config? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:26:14 [intralanman] all sofia syntax should work, right? i don't necessarily need a gateway? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:35:56 [anthm] MichaelGG, ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:37:36 [bkw_] intralanman: as long as it rings a phone :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:37:44 [intralanman] bkw_: e.g. this should work? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:37:54 [bkw_] intralanman: yes #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:38:04 [intralanman] doesn't #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:38:11 [intralanman] well, has your phone rang? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:38:16 [intralanman] from pissed off boss #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:38:17 [intralanman] lol #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:39:52 [anthm] http://fisheye.freeswitch.org:8081/rdiff/FreeSWITCH?csid=4990&u&N #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:40:14 [anthm] example ext at the top #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:40:35 [anthm] try using the right app names =p #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:41:22 [anthm] oh well it looks like you are at least #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:41:25 [jmirror] sup guys #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:41:34 [jmirror] I am EvilDeshi I see my irc network is on janus now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:43:13 [petedao] bkw_: just came back. let me try now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:43:38 [intralanman] anthm: yeah, i copied that ext exactly and just changed the auto callouts #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:51:52 [Freeswitch41] ~take-a-number Hi Anthony. You offered some guidance with the mod_mono. Let me know when you're avail #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:52:54 [[intra]lanman] 4? wow #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:52:57 [[intra]lanman] ~waiting #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:53:22 [anthm] yah give me a sec #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:53:40 [Freeswitch41] take 2 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:54:10 [anthm] intralanman, what doesnt work about it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:54:31 [anthm] i just did it and it worked #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:54:34 [petedao] bkw_: does group_confirm_file support sound marco?if not supported, then I will use lua to determine the file to play based on default_language #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:54:34 [anthm] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:55:12 [intralanman] anthm: it doesn't seem to make the call.... although, i haven't done any traces or anything yet.... so i'm not saying "it doesn't work" just asking if there's anything special i need to enable anywhere since my configs are a couple months old #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:55:25 [anthm] did you run the conference app too at the end ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:55:56 [anthm] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:55:58 [intralanman] yup, i get to the conf, but nobody gets called from there.... actually, let me get some traces and i'll come back more informed #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:56:06 [anthm] petedao, yes #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:56:09 [anthm] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:57:16 [anthm] NormFree, this is on latest code? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:58:42 [anthm] petedao, if you set the key to the word "exec" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:59:31 [anthm] then the file arg is implied to be " " #freeswitch 2008-05-15 12:59:48 [anthm] so key to exec and file to "lua some.lua" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:00:02 [anthm] whoever exits the script first and is not hungup wins #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:00:26 [petedao] anthm: where can the exec keyword set? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:00:34 [anthm] as the fucking key arg #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:00:39 [anthm] didnt i just say that ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:01:12 [anthm] it's bad enough you never stop even after everyone tells you how annoying you are but now you are not even paying attn #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:01:48 [anthm] it's not a joke you are actually pissing me off despite what you have to say about future #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:01:55 [anthm] HINT #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:02:19 [anthm] like a lot #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:02:25 [anthm] like i want to ban you #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:02:38 [UVblue] ~take-a-number got disconnected. sorry. Request guidance rgds mod_mono #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:02:41 [anthm] like try to figure at least 1 thing our by yourself #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:03:19 [anthm] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:03:21 [anthm] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:03:34 [anthm] yes MichaelGG also wants to work on this #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:03:40 [UVblue] good #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:03:56 [UVblue] I'll be happy to coordinate with him #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:04:16 [anthm] i started to explain it to him yesterday so it might be in the irc logs #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:04:26 [UVblue] I'll look it up #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:04:30 [anthm] there is a mod_mono but it needs retooling #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:04:44 [anthm] mod_lua and mod_perl are the models to follow #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:04:45 [UVblue] i thought so. not a problem (hopefully) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:05:02 [_Vile] i'll contribute whatever I know on mono, dot net, asp etc #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:05:10 [anthm] they are both implemented using the approach i have been working out for embedded langs #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:05:45 [anthm] yah i gave a fairly detailed explanation on it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:05:53 [UVblue] any chance of getting some of the obsolete mod_mono code? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:06:04 [UVblue] just might save up some time #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:06:05 [MichaelGG] _Vile yea we're working on it :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:06:26 [MichaelGG] it looks like the old mod_mono code did their own marshalling, which I hope SWIG will do for us #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:06:27 [anthm] yah the main mod_mono.c for sure is probablu good #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:06:33 [MichaelGG] it also did all the loader and everything is in C #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:06:47 [MichaelGG] I'm planning to do that entire thing in C# so mod_mono.c will be pretty much a shell #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:06:51 [anthm] yah it was over ambitious #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:07:00 [anthm] he was trying to let you make your own mods in mono #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:07:11 [anthm] at the lowest level of the api #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:07:31 [anthm] as in a sip endpoint or a codec even #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:07:44 [MichaelGG] i' #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:07:46 [anthm] then he vansihed #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:07:52 [MichaelGG] will wait till i get the swig'd api working first #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:08:08 [MichaelGG] although i generally agree with the concept; although perhaps not to that level. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:08:24 [UVblue] MichGG, anything that you can throw at my direction, will help giving us a jump start #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:08:24 [MichaelGG] I mainly want to write a CDR, config, and log provider, in addition to any of the API stuff #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:08:26 [MichaelGG] in F# #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:08:50 [MichaelGG] UVblue with regards to what? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:09:08 [UVblue] regards to the mod_mono source that you're working on #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:09:11 [anthm] he wants to help code #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:09:13 [UVblue] we've started as well #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:09:16 [MichaelGG] oh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:09:24 [MichaelGG] yea not yet; we've just been going through the FS source #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:09:24 [UVblue] but there's no point duplicating the work #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:09:33 [MichaelGG] making sure we actually understand everything #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:09:35 [UVblue] so have we #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:09:44 [MichaelGG] as soon as we get the swig stuff done and loading #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:09:46 [MichaelGG] we'll check that in #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:09:52 [MichaelGG] then we can start collaborating on the other stuff #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:10:11 [UVblue] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:10:18 [MichaelGG] you gonna be on IRC #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:10:24 [MichaelGG] or how should I reach you #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:10:43 [anthm] we need to make sure we do it the exact way i want though #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:10:45 [mutilator] http://businessvoip.tmcnet.com/topics/applications/articles/28038-stratocomm-designs-national-wireless-it-infrastructure.htm #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:10:52 [mutilator] ^ yay! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:10:58 [UVblue] prob not. my email address in on my latest mailing-list post #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:11:02 [anthm] i have been designing this interface to hook this up to from the other end for a year #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:11:46 [UVblue] MichGG, do you have the previous mod_mono source? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:11:57 [MichaelGG] UVblue its on SVN in the unsupported dir #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:12:02 [anthm] what does swig create for mono #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:12:10 [MichaelGG] anthm sure; Here's what I'm thinking, tell me if im wrong. We use swig to make sure we get quick and continuing compat with the FS API #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:12:14 [anthm] some loadable assembly ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:12:28 [MichaelGG] then theres the .NET side of mod_mono, which does all the loading #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:12:30 [|Irshad_|] hi guys #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:12:40 [MichaelGG] My guess would b that we end up creating a class users inhereit from depending on what they want the mod to do #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:12:49 [MichaelGG] and just provide the name and syntax or something via a virtual property #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:12:58 [MichaelGG] Then we go register them as first-class mods #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:13:10 [UVblue] yep. we're thinking along the same lines #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:13:13 [MichaelGG] so you'd be able to do mod_myfsharpthing instead of mod_mono myfsharpthing #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:13:59 [anthm] making entire mods was the guy's original goal but that's when he got too lazy to marshal all the api #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:14:00 [MichaelGG] UVblue i dont see your email can you pm me #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:14:13 [MichaelGG] yea peopple would be limited #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:14:16 [anthm] which i can see his point #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:14:25 [MichaelGG] but for some things #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:14:27 [MichaelGG] like logging, cdr, etc #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:14:28 [anthm] cos the core api is too much to give ppl #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:14:44 [anthm] the swig thing is going to give you all of that already #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:14:44 [MichaelGG] but do you agree their code should be loaded as a mod #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:14:46 [MichaelGG] rather than as a "script" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:15:30 [Yoip] MichaelGG let me know what help u need for CDR #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:15:33 [anthm] i don't know how mono works enough to tell how you call stuff but i can tell you what you can hook it up to #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:15:46 [UVblue] definitely not as a script #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:15:51 [MichaelGG] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:16:07 [anthm] there is the FSAPI interface which is where you register a string in, string out virtual call #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:16:17 [MichaelGG] For full disclosure, we're planning on extending the C# API for our product, so our customers can access our product-specific stuff inside their mods. We'll have our own API in addition to the FS API #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:16:30 [MichaelGG] so I'm very flexible on adding/removing stuff you dont want #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:16:30 [anthm] that can be ececuted from cli xmlrpc, direct URL and as a dialplan function variable #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:17:01 [anthm] both perl and lua have 2 funcs in this interface #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:17:10 [anthm] lua / luarun and perl perlrun #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:17:12 [MichaelGG] ok so it's up to the users code to register #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:17:28 [MichaelGG] versus the lua/perl loader doing it for them #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:17:34 [anthm] the one with run in the name runs the desired call in a thread standalone #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:17:50 [petedao] anthm: actually, I still don't quite understand how to add the exec to key arg, but as you said, let me think about it, and I will help to update the wiki so others with the same problem will know #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:17:54 [MichaelGG] I just want to provide a bit more ".NET-ish" flavor to things,a nd subclassing an "IVR" or "CDR" or "Log" class seemed most familiar. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:18:01 [anthm] and the other blocks and gives you a stream obj to write a reply into #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:18:47 [anthm] so one is just to run a program in it's own thread #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:18:59 [anthm] and one is to do the equiv of backticks #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:19:03 [anthm] more or less #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:19:05 [MichaelGG] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:19:19 [MichaelGG] Running on its own thread, that'd be useful for when it wantrs to start calls #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:19:57 [anthm] so you can say in the dp #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:20:08 [anthm] as well as #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:20:09 [MichaelGG] There's also another approach to marshalling. Instead of actually trying to map those structures into C# and deal with that, you simply create a wrapper which stores a pointer to the original struct and just invoke helper functins to read/write the different fields. if the struct layout changes, you wont get burned. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:20:29 [anthm] an xmlrpc call to lua cool.lua #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:20:34 [anthm] to get the reply back #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:20:39 [UVblue] MichaelGG, I can't private-message right now (need to register)... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:20:43 [pestouille_] back #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:20:56 [MichaelGG] well you can paste your email here iguess. if you sent it on the list anywyas :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:20:59 [anthm] or go to your box on the web straigt to the lua script an have it be a cgi #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:21:01 [MichaelGG] anthm ok, what do you feel about removing "mono" from the syntax for mono mods #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:21:23 [anthm] dunno cos i am only on point 1 of my lengthy explanation #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:21:25 [MichaelGG] as in just "my_fsharp_mod" versus "mono my_fsharp_mod" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:21:29 [MichaelGG] Oh sorry :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:21:56 [anthm] the mono has to remain a 2nd class thing #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:22:10 [MichaelGG] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:22:11 [anthm] this is only the api interface i am talking about #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:22:14 [anthm] 1 thing #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:22:22 [MichaelGG] go on #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:22:22 [anthm] that 1 thing has 2 things being used #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:22:28 [anthm] as i described #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:22:35 [coppice] yeah, mono is second class. telephony should be 7.1 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:23:07 [anthm] there is an example of the lua being a cgi http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4409 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:23:27 [anthm] it's all from the same FSAPI module interface #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:23:40 [anthm] the next binding is an application interface #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:23:58 [anthm] that is were you are starting with an in-progress call #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:24:07 [anthm] and the app is running in that call's thread #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:24:50 [anthm] so using the swig crap we can eval some code at the top to push the call into the script env #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:25:13 [[intra]lanman] ~waiting #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:25:15 [anthm] so you have a wrapped version of the session class you setup #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:25:25 [anthm] so you can call all of the controls on it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:25:37 [pestouille_] ~whatis pb #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:25:39 [anthm] exeute FSAPI commands etc #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:25:52 [anthm] next is the xml binding one #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:26:06 [MichaelGG] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:26:09 [anthm] where you can call a function to take all the req params #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:26:17 [anthm] and generate the xml in real time #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:26:24 [anthm] that's the one i was explaining yesterday #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:27:34 [MichaelGG] Do you want people do be able to do that in mono #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:27:39 [MichaelGG] or we get that for free with the C++ API too #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:27:56 [anthm] that one you have to implement in mod_mono but it's small amount of code #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:28:06 [MichaelGG] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:28:08 [anthm] they each have their own way of pushing the shit into the env so #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:28:45 [anthm] basic jist is you need some form of a way to call the stuff you write #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:28:57 [anthm] if you want to pre load it or load it on the fly #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:29:03 [MichaelGG] mono pretty much allows free calling from C# and C #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:29:04 [anthm] so you can ask for it by name from the core #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:29:08 [MichaelGG] you can jump back and forth #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:29:24 [anthm] like mono monorun and bind the xml to to #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:29:26 [MichaelGG] we'll probably have to preload it all as its more than just opening a file #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:29:54 [MichaelGG] So you really dont want the mods being registered alongside everything else #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:29:58 [MichaelGG] but always scoped inside mono #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:30:02 [anthm] so as long as you fit that convention it's up to you how to turn that word into the right code to execute #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:30:07 [MichaelGG] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:30:45 [MichaelGG] we will probably have monoload and monounload i imagine too #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:30:49 [anthm] that is how it interfaces to the user api #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:30:52 [MichaelGG] so people can switch our their DLLs without reloading #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:31:20 [anthm] ya monoload would be another FSAPI call you can register #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:31:35 [anthm] which instantly is usable all over the place #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:31:40 [MichaelGG] o #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:31:41 [MichaelGG] k #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:31:57 [anthm] what i am saying is that is how you can share mono out to ppl for using it to make stuff #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:32:06 [anthm] if you want to make real life mods in mono #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:32:13 [anthm] that would be step 2 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:32:19 [MichaelGG] ah ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:32:29 [MichaelGG] that sounds like a good plan #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:32:36 [anthm] and i am still skeptical about wrapping the whole core api #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:32:37 [anthm] =D #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:32:42 [MichaelGG] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:32:45 [MichaelGG] I wouldnt attempt to do that #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:32:50 [anthm] the original guy did have an app working #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:32:51 [MichaelGG] but its something that can be done incrementally #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:32:56 [MichaelGG] its also something that doesnt need mod_mono to do #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:33:04 [anthm] he registered an application direct #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:33:05 [MichaelGG] i.e., my C# mod can go and wrap the API itself #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:33:31 [anthm] so i am open to the other stuff if it doesnt make anything crash and the other stuff is there first #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:33:38 [MichaelGG] ok cool #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:33:42 [MichaelGG] we'll sort out the loading stuff. if people have an active DLL and its referenced in their diaplan, unloading it doesnt actually help #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:33:46 [MichaelGG] we need liek monoreplace #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:33:58 [anthm] cos all the stuff i described is universal accessable for all over the place and will yield the most milage #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:33:59 [MichaelGG] to keep a certain mod loaded, then atomically switch it out for a new one. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:34:06 [MichaelGG] yep i get ya #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:34:13 [MichaelGG] we'll get the basics going and see from there #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:34:23 [MichaelGG] UVblue you can email me mgg@giagnocavo.net #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:34:25 [UVblue] we actually need to make sure that mod_mono is justified performance-wise... it will be compared against mod_event_socket #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:34:43 [anthm] yah you have that freedom with the FSAPI to register as many control commands as you want #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:34:47 [MichaelGG] arent they two fundamentally different things UVblue #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:34:57 [anthm] or just do 1 and parse the input #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:35:05 [anthm] like monoctl load foo #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:35:17 [MichaelGG] yea ill register separate ones #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:35:36 [MichaelGG] i like things as strongly bound as possible. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:35:44 [anthm] UVblue, mod_event_socket is only as good as the client code controlling it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:35:48 [UVblue] yeah, they are completely different however, both are viable FSAPI's to .NET apps #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:36:09 [UVblue] not really, anth. it's also restricted by the socket #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:36:32 [anthm] what are you doing over it that makes you feel restricted? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:36:33 [MichaelGG] well if you're comparing an in-process call to a socket... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:36:40 [MichaelGG] I cant imagine mono would not win :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:36:46 [anthm] blasting originates ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:36:55 [UVblue] that and more #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:37:04 [UVblue] load testing #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:37:11 [anthm] doing what though #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:37:41 [anthm] i can tell you for instance that i made a perl script to originate calls on the socket and it could only do 10cps and when i made the client in C it could do 400 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:37:42 [UVblue] I also believe mono would be better than socket #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:37:59 [[intra]lanman] ~take-a-number the outcalls are being made after all, but when i answer one of them, i'm not joined to the conf pb is here: http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4452 and sorry about the 80 char bs #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:38:35 [NormFree] ~take-a-number When setting the sip response, using -->, where ${fail_reason} is set in the JavaScript, I get 487 \252* after 5K sessions. Any Idea's? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:38:59 [bkw_] NormFree: you already asked that I and said.. Can you readily reproduce it? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:39:03 [anthm] ~take-a-number i am here all by myself and nobody is helping me help people #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:39:20 [bkw_] NormFree: did you respond to my question earlier about it? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:39:34 [MichaelGG] anthm any word on threading #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:39:37 [MichaelGG] er, advice #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:39:41 [MichaelGG] what if a C# app spawns a thread #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:39:44 [pestouille_] anthm: I'm here if I can answer :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:39:47 [MichaelGG] should they make sure it stays completely in monoland #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:40:00 [NormFree] Yea, I can reproduce it. bkw: I scrolled though the log and didn't see your answer.. I must have been disconnected.... crappy Internet.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:40:01 [MichaelGG] will it cause death and destruction if we let such a thread call into the switch? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:40:23 [anthm] it shouldn't matter we are not disasterisk #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:40:27 [bkw_] its like dropping a dead fish in a pool of piranha sometimes in here #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:40:35 [anthm] everything lives in its own states #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:40:39 [MichaelGG] anthm omg thank thats exactly what i was hoping to hear #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:40:52 [MichaelGG] I'm very happy right now :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:41:07 [anthm] in FS all channels are always in their own thread at all times for it's whole lifecycle #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:41:11 [MichaelGG] so A C# app could start up, spawn 40 threads and have each one run a call and so on #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:41:16 [MichaelGG] and thats just up to the C# guy #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:42:05 [UVblue] we've noticed heaps of mutex usage all around the FS code to deal with thread sync #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:42:22 [MichaelGG] lets replace all of them with spinlocks :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:42:41 [UVblue] hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:42:53 [MichaelGG] how expensive are mutexes in linux and os on #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:43:00 [MichaelGG] cause in windows they're heavier #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:43:01 [MichaelGG] i think #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:43:11 [MichaelGG] do they make the calling thread yield? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:43:19 [MichaelGG] the blocked thread that is #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:43:21 [anthm] UVblue, you seemed to have waited kind of long to show up considering it's been a year of planning and 2 years of coding all by myself #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:43:32 [NormFree] bkw: What do you want me to do to help debug this issue? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:44:07 [MichaelGG] Do linux mutexes require a transition to kernel space, and do they make the blocked thread yield? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:44:25 [UVblue] by all means, i have nothing but admiration to your work, anth #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:44:42 [UVblue] this was mearly something that puzzled us here at R&D #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:44:51 [MichaelGG] UVblue who do you work with? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:44:53 [anthm] the only limiting factor we have is the I/O of media #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:45:10 [anthm] read write from kernel for rtp #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:45:31 [anthm] which limits us to 3000 calls on a cheap ass dual dualcore xeon #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:45:38 [anthm] give or take #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:45:49 [anthm] which is 100 times more than the "the other leading brand" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:45:56 [anthm] so hmmmph #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:45:59 [MichaelGG] heh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:46:41 [anthm] with no media we have a guy doing 24/7 400 or more CPS that he is rate limiting himself so they don't shut him down. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:47:01 [anthm] consolidating traffic from 24 boxen #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:47:18 [MichaelGG] Yes I'm looking forward to replacing some 60 boxes with a few FS :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:47:22 [UVblue] let me assure you that we've been testing the FS for the past 5 months against not only *, YATES and other opensources but also against heavyweight such as Entice, broadsoft, Callmanager and BAX (VocalTec) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:47:34 [anthm] and thats the version with all the debug symbols in #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:47:44 [UVblue] and the FS results were pretty good #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:48:02 [pestouille_] UVblue: which system was the best efficient ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:48:10 [UVblue] in what aspect? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:48:25 [pestouille_] UVblue: performance (without errors) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:48:36 [UVblue] remember, some of these are running on heavy duty Sun-Solaris... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:48:50 [anthm] how bout software cost per channel =D #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:49:01 [UVblue] hehe. exactly my point! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:49:02 [anthm] and why didnt you run FS on the solaris box #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:49:03 [MichaelGG] heh, how bout overall cost per channel even #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:49:25 [pestouille_] I was just talking about performance not price :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:49:28 [anthm] if we can do 3000 calls with 4 cpu do the math ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:49:30 [_Vile] I personally dropped a meta, slowlaris... 3510 chassis w/ fs... SPS occurred from cpu a #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:50:05 [UVblue] in terms of stability, the BAX and Entice were the most impressive #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:50:13 [anthm] all the wtf why are there so many threads thing starts to look like a good idea when you have 30 cpu cores => #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:50:29 [UVblue] in terms of performance, I'd say the SER had the best results... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:50:48 [anthm] that 3000 calls would only be 10 calls each cpu while it was taking a nap and doing our taxes #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:50:57 [MichaelGG] yea, 32 core is very close to being a cheap 1U box thing #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:51:13 [MichaelGG] since the next intels have up to 8 cores and hyperthreading. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:51:17 [anthm] ya ser is meant to be in front of us #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:51:19 [MichaelGG] so two sockets will get ya there. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:51:20 [UVblue] however, in terms of IVR/VM/Conferencing - the FS seemed to be far better even then Cisco or Broadsoft #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:51:33 [anthm] they are a proxy we are a switch #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:51:43 [UVblue] yep. exactly #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:51:43 [anthm] our chocolate, their peanut butter #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:51:43 [MichaelGG] yes proxies are easy to make go fast :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:52:06 [newmember] join #mediawiki #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:52:07 [MichaelGG] or C# one can do thousands/sec sustained with like 25MB of RAM ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:52:18 [UVblue] however.... in regards to B2BUA......... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:53:11 [MichaelGG] OK I got to go. Thanks for the pointers anthm #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:53:18 [anthm] sure np #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:53:26 [MichaelGG] hopefully over the next few days we'll get something sorted out #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:53:32 [MichaelGG] UVblue email me so we can coordinate on mono stuff. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:53:33 [UVblue] Michael, I got your email. I'll have my R&D contact you shortly #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:53:42 [MichaelGG] thanks. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:53:46 [MichaelGG] who you with? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:53:47 [UVblue] thank you, man #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:53:49 [anthm] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:53:52 [UVblue] with what? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:54:01 [MichaelGG] Company #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:54:06 [MichaelGG] you keep referring to an R&D team #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:54:23 [UVblue] TalkNet. We're a VoIP/VoBB operator in Australia #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:54:30 [MichaelGG] oh cool #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:54:54 [anthm] with all the money you save you should visit the amazon button on my page and go shopping #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:55:31 [UVblue] first we need to save - then we'll start shopping :-D #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:56:04 [UVblue] gotta go now. almost 4am here. thanks, anthony. talk soon #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:56:46 [anthm] intralanman, did you answer all of them ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:57:14 [[intra]lanman] anthm: wasn't there only one on this call? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:57:23 [anthm] on your conference thing ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 13:59:54 [[intra]lanman] ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:00:08 [[intra]lanman] i answered the one outcall that i had in the dialplan #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:00:17 [[intra]lanman] the one call that it made #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:04:48 [bkw_] anthm: he's testing out the mad boss thing #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:04:52 [bkw_] brb gotta check the peeps outside #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:11:08 [NormFree] bkw: the logs generate this event [nua_i_state] status [487][ª*] session: n/a #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:11:11 [pestouille_] ~take-a-number Got expires on SIP Register answered by FS set to 20 just to be sure it's a default value (it's quite often) or based to the one defined in my ip phone (30) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:11:44 [bkw_] pestouille: you behind nat? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:12:11 [bkw_] ~waiting #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:12:17 [pestouille_] bkw_: yep #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:12:26 [bkw_] pestouille_: using connectile dysfunction? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:12:33 [pestouille_] bkw_: exactly =) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:12:37 [bkw_] ding ding ding #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:12:38 [bkw_] NEXT #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:12:42 [bkw_] the phone honors what we tell it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:12:49 [bkw_] and should re-register when time is right #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:13:01 [pestouille_] bkw_: understood it works for NAT helping (to keep the udp port nat table open) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:13:04 [pestouille_] bthanks #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:13:20 [bkw_] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:13:35 [bkw_] NormFree: but you still didn't answer if it was easy to reproduce? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:13:39 [bkw_] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:13:43 [bkw_] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:14:01 [bkw_] its hard to concentrate in here today all this hammering going on.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:14:02 [bkw_] grrr #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:15:02 [pestouille_] ~take-a-number Take number works well so I continue :p. Is it possible to subscribe a presence from one profile to an other ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:15:16 [bkw_] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:15:40 [bkw_] pestouille_: you should try stuff first then ask.. I don't think it works but it might... but I lean on NO #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:15:56 [bkw_] the bot keeps order #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:16:24 [pestouille_] bkw_: Well my polycom don't work with presence right now but I would like to know if in theory this should work #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:16:33 [bkw_] pestouille_: ask Cherebru1 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:16:36 [bkw_] er Cherebrum #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:17:11 [pestouille_] bkw_: anthm told be for Cherebrum but this question was more related to profile and presence than polycom. Thank you very much anyway #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:17:47 [bkw_] pestouille_: sometimes things just work the way you think they should #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:18:25 [pestouille_] bkw_: sometimes what you would like and what it should are not enough close #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:18:45 [pestouille_] lol he feared #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:19:06 [pestouille_] got to go for some bodybuilding #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:19:09 [pestouille_] see ya #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:19:14 [bkw_] OH NO #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:19:18 [pestouille_] oh yes :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:19:18 [bkw_] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:20:19 [bkw_] NormFree: you still there? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:20:56 [intralanman] why do guys do body building? when you build up the rest of your body... doesn't it make that one part look smaller? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:21:12 [hmmhesays] I think the key is to build up your whole body #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:21:25 [bkw_] not just your left arm? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:21:31 [bkw_] hmmhesays: is that why you swim in circles? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:21:34 [bkw_] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:21:50 [hmmhesays] i call it "the stranger" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:21:56 [bkw_] hahahahaha #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:22:03 [bkw_] and you're gone in 60 seconds too? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:22:10 [sye] ~ does any one has experience using mod_xml_curl, when I use regular xml for dialplan, works fine. but after I switch to xml_curl, I got error : #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:22:12 [sye] [ERR] mod_dialplan_xml.c:245 dialplan_hunt() open of dialplan failed #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:22:28 [hmmhesays] lol #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:22:35 [bkw_] sye: show your php script and your raw XML you're returning on the pastebin #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:22:40 [hmmhesays] that was a good movie, why you gotta make fun. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:22:42 [bkw_] ~whatis pb #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:22:50 [sye] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:22:52 [bkw_] sye: I suspect your return XML has a bug in it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:23:01 [intralanman] me too #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:23:08 [bkw_] intralanman: and I can look #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:23:14 [bkw_] we'll know rather quickly #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:23:32 [intralanman] i'm guessing it's missing the starting tags that the xml files don't need to have #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:23:37 [intralanman] that soooo got me when i started #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:24:01 [bkw_] intralanman: hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:24:10 [bkw_] intralanman: thats in the docs now right? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:24:47 [intralanman] well, it's in there that it should be in the file... but i don't think it's highlighted as a "hey, look out for this as it's caught a bunch of people" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:25:44 [bkw_] hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:25:48 [bkw_] we might wanna consider that #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:25:51 [sye] just pasted my php in pb #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:26:00 [intralanman] yeah, might not be a bad idea #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:26:04 [intralanman] sye: got a link? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:26:07 [bkw_] ding ding ding #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:26:10 [bkw_] http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/4453 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:26:14 [bkw_] he's so missing all the info #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:26:19 [bkw_] show him the light #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:26:36 [sye] only first extension part is dynmic, the rest is copying from default.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:26:43 [bkw_] sye: you do realize you only have to return the exact config for what is being requested #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:26:54 [bkw_] not the entire thing every time #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:27:03 [bkw_] because the request to the webserver will happen on every call #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:27:10 [bkw_] intralanman: show him your php goodness in tree that should help him #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:27:16 [sye] ok, #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:27:33 [intralanman] sye: check out scripts/contrib/intralanman/PHP/fs_curl #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:27:48 [sye] so that means, I can use both xml file and xml_curl together. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:27:58 [sye] I thought I can only use one of two. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:27:58 [intralanman] sure #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:28:17 [intralanman] no, you can use both... and enum... and any other dialplan that's supported #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:29:34 [sye] this is the url that xml_curl calls #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:29:45 [sye] that returns xml as dialplan #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:30:50 [intralanman] sye: do you see the webserver being hit? i'm assuming apache here #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:30:58 [intralanman] you see the hits in the access_log? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:31:30 [sye] no, web server was not hit in apache access log #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:32:30 [anthm] intralanman, ok fixed #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:32:43 [sye] I changed moduel.conf.xml to enable xml_curl #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:32:45 [anthm] be careful using user channel in those #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:32:55 [anthm] bkw uses chan vars that are not always there #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:33:06 [sye] I changed xml-curl.conf.xml to bind dialplan #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:33:06 [anthm] so you can't use it with no caller #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:33:16 [intralanman] uhhh, ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:34:46 [bkw_] hehe #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:34:55 [bkw_] its all me fault :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:35:36 [bkw_] anthm: I fixed the user channel to not depend on anything outside its scope about three weeks ago #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:35:59 [bkw_] I was using dialed_ext instead of dialed_user but I fixed that #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:36:08 [anthm] not really #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:36:12 [anthm] all those vars #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:36:20 [anthm] only can be expanded when there is a caller channel #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:36:22 [anthm] not from say #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:36:29 [bkw_] oh IC #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:36:30 [anthm] originate user/foo@bar #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:36:31 [bkw_] doh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:36:43 [bkw_] {presence_id=${dialed_user}@${dialed_domain},transfer_fallback_extension=${dialed_user}}${sofia_contact(${dialed_domain}/ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:36:43 [bkw_] ${dialed_user}@${dialed_domain})} #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:36:48 [bkw_] thats the default dial-string now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:36:59 [bkw_] aren't dialed_user and dialed_domain set for you? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:37:35 [bkw_] grrr these guys are LOUD on da roof #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:37:49 [dasbus] BAM! BAM! BAM! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:38:00 [bkw_] sounds like a machine gun #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:38:02 [bkw_] they are going FAST #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:38:03 [intralanman] da roof.. da roof... da roof is on fiiiiiiirrree #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:38:10 [bkw_] no its getting shingled #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:38:14 [bkw_] not on fire #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:38:15 [dasbus] don't forget that conduit fo rthe webcam!!! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:38:16 [intralanman] oh, same diff #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:38:37 [bkw_] dasbus: you really wanna watch naders in Oklahoma? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:38:57 [dasbus] sure, why not #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:39:14 [dasbus] then we can all sit here and say "OMG! bkw_ run!!!!" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:39:19 [intralanman] naders? like ralph? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:39:29 [bkw_] Tornaders (okie speak) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:40:05 [sye] bkw, intralanman, xml_curl request doesn't hit web server at all, so mod_dialplan_xml.c:245 dialplan_hunt() open of dialplan failed #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:41:50 [dasbus] sye: you compile the so? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:41:58 [dasbus] mod_xml_curl.so #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:42:08 [sye] I just installed from src yesterday #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:42:19 [intralanman] i think it'd complain before then if it wasn't compiled #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:42:50 [dasbus] xml_int/mod_xml_rpc #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:42:50 [dasbus] #xml_int/mod_xml_curl #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:42:55 [dasbus] is commented out by default #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:43:13 [dasbus] modules.conf in your src dir #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:43:20 [sye] let me check #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:43:51 [dasbus] or do this #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:43:51 [dasbus] ls -lah /usr/local/freeswitch/mod/mod_xml_* #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:44:03 [intralanman] haha #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:44:07 [dasbus] ls #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:44:09 [sye] in moduel.conf, it is commented #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:44:17 [dasbus] start there sye #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:45:00 [intralanman] sye: did you remove the xml files from the conf/dialplan directory? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:45:11 [sye] yes, no mod_xml_curl.so in /mod directory #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:45:16 [sye] thanks #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:45:20 [dasbus] NEXT #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:47:34 [bkw_] you forgot the !!! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:47:40 [dasbus] NEXT!!! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:47:45 [bkw_] there we go #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:48:06 [sye] after I modified the moduel.conf, do I do make , make install, .... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:49:17 [dasbus] when did you svn checkout? if > 24 hours do a 'make current' #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:50:22 [sye] from trunk, less than 24 hours #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:50:45 [intralanman] i almost always do make current anyway #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:50:48 [dasbus] make current #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:50:53 [bkw_] make mod_xml_rpc-install #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:50:58 [bkw_] er make mod_xml_curl-install #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:51:05 [dasbus] while you're playing there's no harm in keeping current #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:51:13 [bkw_] true dat #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:58:19 [sye] Error including /opt/freeswitch/conf/extensions/*.xml Error including /opt/freeswitch/conf/extensions/*.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-15 14:59:13 [sye] after make mod_xml_curl-install , restart FS and get this error, when I tried to make a call #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:00:01 [bkw_] thats fine #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:00:10 [bkw_] you can ignore that.. its a stub in the default config to drop in a few things #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:00:20 [bkw_] no XML files exist in that directory to include yet #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:00:28 [bkw_] so you can drop in bits of XML to get included into the default #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:00:28 [sye] in log file, mod_dialplan_xml.c:223 dialplan_hunt() Processing s ye->matchpoint123@default #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:00:28 [sye] 2008-05-02 08:01:27 [ERR] switch_xml.cpp:1315 switch_xml_locate() Error[[error near line 2]: markup outside of root #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:00:28 [sye] element] #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:00:28 [sye] 2008-05-02 08:01:27 [ERR] switch_xml.cpp:1315 switch_xml_locate() Error[[error near line 2]: markup outside of root #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:00:29 [sye] element] #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:00:33 [sye] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:01:16 [intralanman] sye: you have xml comments outside of the closing tags? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:01:44 [sye] checking #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:01:58 [sye] #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:14:06 [NormB] fwiw - OpenSER 1.3.2 was just released. A comprehensive compilation of fixes (thanks to Henning Westerholt) is available via the Changelog - see http://www.openser.org/pub/openser/1.3.2/ChangeLog #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:14:50 [intralanman] hmmm, wonder if they ever fixed the bug i posted about the dialog module crashing the box? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:16:28 [NormB] intralanman: don't know. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:17:41 [bkw_] NormB awesome #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:20:18 [sye] looks like my xml response from php has problem: #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:20:20 [sye] 2008-05-02 08:05:56 [ERR] switch_xml.cpp:1315 switch_xml_locate() Error[[error near line 4]: unexpected closing tag #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:20:20 [sye] ] #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:20:20 [sye] 2008-05-02 08:05:56 [ERR] switch_xml.cpp:1315 switch_xml_locate() Error[[error near line 4]: unexpected closing tag #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:20:20 [sye] ] #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:22:51 [R-Guy] MikeJ: see PM #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:23:20 [sye] i c, has to be started in second line #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:23:39 [sye] first line is ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:40:59 [anthm] no just plain #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:41:05 [anthm] indicate_hold #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:41:17 [bsnipes] ok... thx #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:41:21 [anthm] but you should make current again too #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:42:11 [bsnipes] I will #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:42:20 [bsnipes] getting reallllllly good at that #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:42:39 [jmirror] is freeswitch able to be set up to do call coaching where a support agent can be talking with a client and the agents supervisor can hear both parties and the supervisor can speak and only the agent hear him #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:43:32 [anthm] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:43:50 [jmirror] is there an example setup for that? My boss really wants me to set that up for our call center #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:45:00 [mutilator] lol elementary kids these days, school just got out and they're all walking home on their cellphones #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:45:52 [intralanman] heh, not my kids #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:46:22 [intralanman] when they can buy a cellphone, they can have a cellphone #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:46:34 [mutilator] heh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:47:29 [pestouille_] back #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:48:52 [jmirror] damn right intralanman #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:49:09 [jmirror] when my kid can build a cell phone he can have one #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:50:50 [bsnipes] jmirror: http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Getting_Started_Guide #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:51:15 [bsnipes] look at Advanced Calling Features.... maybe that is what you want #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:53:57 [sekil] hehe....just saw code in mod_dialplan_asterisk.c #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:54:05 [sekil] ROTFL #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:55:47 [pestouille_] ROTFL = Run Out To Fall in Love ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:56:28 [bkw_] sekil: it has a hidden easter egg #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:57:21 [bkw_] I'm torn here... Treo or Curve #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:58:19 [anthm] ~setis ROTFL WTF you live under a rock? It means Roll On The Floor Laughing, OMG you didn't know that? ROTFL! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:59:29 [anthm] ~setis WTF just go.... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:59:29 [sekil] faithful emulation hehehehehehehe.... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 15:59:59 [sekil] ROTFL again #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:00:16 [anthm] ~setis STFU it's our jitter buffer lib and also what you should do right now.... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:02:36 [pestouille_] ~whatis ROTFS #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:02:49 [pestouille_] ~whatis ROTFL #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:03:01 [pestouille_] well I'm french :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:07:34 [anthm] ~setis ROTFL WTF you live under a rock? It means Roll On The Floor Laughing, OMG you didn't know that? ROTFL! in case you are French it means rire sur la planche #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:10:52 [sekil] just tried my nokia e61i ...works fine with FS #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:13:14 [pestouille_] ahah #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:13:39 [pestouille_] sekil: could be fun to test it with an Iphone #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:14:07 [pestouille_] sekil: sofia = nokia it would have been a shame if it didn t work #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:14:16 [esscue] ~take-a-number how can I disconnect from xmpp using libdingaling? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:15:15 [anthm] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:15:24 [anthm] using the lib directly ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:15:42 [esscue] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:16:05 [esscue] I tried ldl_handle_stop, but it didn't work #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:16:23 [anthm] ldl_session_terminate #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:17:00 [anthm] ldl_session_terminate(dlsession); #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:17:08 [anthm] ldl_session_destroy(&dlsession); #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:17:19 [esscue] ok, sounds feasible #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:17:24 [anthm] what are you using it for? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:17:58 [esscue] I want to forward SIP Presence information to a xmpp account #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:18:24 [esscue] and I also want to disconnect if the SIP user selects offline #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:18:33 [intralanman] bkw_: in the default config.... would you think it'd be a good idea to move the ttml files to a subdir ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:19:26 [pestouille_] esscue: nice #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:19:46 [pestouille_] it's like the Asterisk-IM for openfire #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:20:33 [ericlai] what cause NO_ROUTE_DESTINATION? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:20:51 [esscue] it was pretty easy to implement in freeswitch, the modular design is very nice #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:22:10 [bkw_] intralanman: um hrm not sure #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:22:40 [esscue] @anthm: where do I get the dlsession struct from? isn't it meant for terminating a phone call? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:22:52 [intralanman] bkw_: ok, well something to think about, i guess.... i was just thinking it's nice n clean the way the default config is laid out now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:23:50 [bkw_] pestouille_: they don't use sofia in the nokia phones yet last I heard :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:24:09 [bkw_] intralanman: let me think about that one #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:24:10 [anthm] esscue, in your own application? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:24:52 [esscue] @anthm: no I'm going to patch mod_dingaling.c #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:25:00 [anthm] for the whole xmpp connection it's ldl_handle_stop ya #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:25:06 [anthm] patch it for what #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:25:18 [anthm] nevermind... don't do that #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:25:19 [pestouille_] bkw_: maybe but they must have tested interoperability between SIP stacks (I hope) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:25:57 [anthm] that's like saying "I am going to patch mod_sofia so it can do sip calls" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:26:24 [esscue] @anthm: I don't want freeswitch to connect as a component to xmpp, but I wannt freeswitch to forward SIP Presence #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:27:01 [pestouille_] He would like to build a SIP Presence / XMPP Presence GW #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:27:12 [bkw_] doesn't Open SER do that already? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:27:13 [esscue] right:) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:27:20 [anthm] why wouldnt you want it to connect as a component #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:27:25 [anthm] that's what it's made for #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:27:35 [anthm] that's *how* you send presence #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:28:27 [esscue] yeah that's true, but I want to map a sip user to a given xmpp user #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:28:45 [esscue] and with a component it's a bit difficult I think #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:30:04 [anthm] with component you can be all the users in the whole domain from 1 connection #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:30:58 [anthm] anyway there is already stuff in tree to let you gateway not only presence but chat across protocols so that patch you are doing is counter productive #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:31:37 [esscue] but how do you map sip users to xmpp users? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:32:07 [anthm] you embed the domain name buy making the @ to + #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:32:41 [anthm] sip+foo+bar.com@yourxmppbox.net #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:33:25 [anthm] and on the sip side you can say jingle+foo+gmail.com@sipdomain.com #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:33:36 [esscue] ok that's good, but then the sip client must know it's xmpp account? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:34:15 [anthm] in fact if you setup component you can sub to all the blf shit on jabber #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:35:41 [esscue] yes I know that the component solution is the cleanest, but it's not the best for the company I'm working for #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:37:28 [anthm] ok so when everybody is getting paid besides me i lose interest in helping #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:37:53 [pestouille_] ~take-a-number How can I correct the [INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION] error message ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:38:05 [intralanman] [INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION] #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:39:07 [esscue] @anthm: I didn't want to offend you, I'm sorry #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:40:15 [bkw_] ~next #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:40:20 [bkw_] yah codecs don't match #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:40:35 [anthm] well it gets pretty annoying when most of the ppl asking for help are all working for someone or on something and giving me nothing back #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:40:45 [luisjimenez] Question, do we use sqlite or sqlite3? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:41:06 [anthm] the donation and amazon buttons are rusted shut #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:41:20 [pestouille_] anthm: well this is my work : http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Exchange_2007_UM #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:41:50 [pestouille_] anthm: it's not amazing but since I've started 5 days ago on FS... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:42:30 [pestouille_] and for information, the phone would like to send an IM... so I don't know why it could be a codec problem... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:42:50 [esscue] @anthm: sorry, but I don't earn much, I'm just a poor student #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:43:17 [anthm] yes but all you devlopers doing work for you boss should be telling him to donate to the project and come to cluecon #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:43:41 [anthm] cos he is paying you to ask me questions all day #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:44:56 [anthm] pestouille i think thats the same thing hmmhesays does #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:45:02 [luisjimenez] 3 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:45:03 [pestouille_] anthm: btw with which activties do you earn the project #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:45:41 [esscue] @anthm: I'll talk to him... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:46:16 [pestouille_] anthm: the IM ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:46:24 [anthm] pestouille it's cos they are using the crazy new version of simple #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:46:28 [anthm] with invites #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:46:39 [anthm] and we don't have it implemented #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:46:52 [anthm] where you use invite to open a chat dialog #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:46:54 [pestouille_] anthm: it should be implemented in sofia I suppose #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:47:38 [bkw_] pestouille_: "the defaults codecs (G722 by default) doesn't have pretty sound with Exchange" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:47:43 [bkw_] I bet they are doing G722 WRONG #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:47:56 [bkw_] pestouille_: bet its G722/16000 in the SDP #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:47:57 [pestouille_] bkw_: I bet they are not supporting G722... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:48:14 [bkw_] pestouille_: you in the US? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:48:23 [pestouille_] bkw_: no near Paris - France #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:48:33 [bkw_] thats why you're using PCMA #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:48:38 [pestouille_] bkw_: worry for my english #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:48:43 [pestouille_] sorry #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:48:48 [pestouille_] s/worry/sorry/g #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:48:50 [pestouille_] yep #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:50:11 [pestouille_] I have to edit the tutorial to add hangup_after_bridge=true #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:55:44 [esscue] @anthm: thanks for your help:) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:58:33 [anthm] NormFree, ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:59:09 [clive-] I have a question which is just out of curiosity, as I am trying to set up freeswitch, but some people are recommending mediaproxy as all I am trying to do is SIP call proxying #freeswitch 2008-05-15 16:59:36 [clive-] how does freeswitch compare to mediaproxy or RTPproxy for performance? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:02:18 [intralanman] clive-: you probably want a proxy if you want to proxy something... not likely that a b2bua is gonna be your best bet for a proxy's job #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:04:26 [clive-] intralanman Possibly, but I am using freeswitch because I like the way it creates cdrs, and I can include some nice scripts easily #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:05:02 [clive-] Just wondering how the performance would rate in media-proxy mode against the other proxies #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:05:43 [anthm] do a test #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:05:47 [anthm] and publish it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:05:53 [anthm] don't forget to try disasterisk too #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:05:59 [intralanman] c'mon #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:06:01 [intralanman] wtf #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:06:18 [clive-] asterisk is alreday not on the playing field #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:06:35 [anthm] yah but it's like voip's best kept secret #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:06:49 [anthm] it's ok they're orange don't tell anybody they suck ass #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:07:46 [clive-] anthm:) i'll let you know how it goes, I hope to get about 1000 endpoints (500 calls) as a maximum on my 2.5 ghz clovertown box #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:08:09 [anthm] http://www.freeswitch.org/node/117 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:08:16 [anthm] almost 6000 reads on our site #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:08:22 [anthm] and yet 71 diggs #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:08:29 [anthm] thx world #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:08:43 [pestouille_] 6001 now :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:09:12 [pestouille_] to be honest that post was the "declic" to watch FS #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:09:33 [bkw_] clive-: I know FS can outperform Media Proxy and RTP Proxy #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:09:38 [pestouille_] if they were not this post, I would had never annoy you :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:09:44 [bkw_] those are written in freakin python for christ sake #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:10:31 [clive-] brian, thanks for that :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:12:26 [clive-] gives me more confidence in the route I have chosen #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:14:02 [bkw_] think about it.. its PYTHON #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:14:07 [bkw_] doing media #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:14:09 [bkw_] for RTP #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:15:22 [clive-] yup, lots of layers there #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:16:19 []technophreak[] Hey all, i`ve got a quick question; what is the difference between RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRE and TIMEOUT ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:16:56 [bkw_] ]technophreak[: you have a nat issue #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:17:16 []technophreak[] NAT issue !!!??? there`s no nat for that route #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:17:19 [bkw_] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:17:33 [bkw_] then explain why the ack isn't getting back to you #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:17:44 [bkw_] it has to be nat and or network firewall related #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:17:49 []technophreak[] cause their network was down #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:17:57 [dasbus] because asterisk is deadlocked on the other end and not responding #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:18:21 []technophreak[] but the problem is I am not able to failover when I get that RECOVERY ON TIME EXPIRE #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:18:37 [dasbus] continue_on_fail=NORMAL_TEMPORARY_FAILURE,BUSY,USER_BUSY,NO_ANSWER,TIMEOUT,NO_ROUTE_DESTINATION,CALL_REJECTED #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:18:45 [dasbus] try adding to that list #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:18:55 []technophreak[] I did try #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:19:48 []technophreak[] how long does it take before that timer expires actually ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:19:54 []technophreak[] is that something that can be set ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:23:31 [pestouille_] use sofia status #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:23:53 []technophreak[] sofia status ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:24:50 [pestouille_] sofia satus gateway #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:25:00 []technophreak[] it`s not a gateway #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:25:47 [pestouille_] mmmh you experienced a no re register problem right ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:25:52 []technophreak[] no #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:26:00 []technophreak[] theres no registration #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:26:18 []technophreak[] the call routed was to a provider, not a phone #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:26:29 [pestouille_] and the provider is a gw ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:26:38 [pestouille_] or directly by uri ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:29:00 []technophreak[] is it possible that the timeout is the call_timeout I`ve set myself ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:40:28 [sekil] TIMEOUT is set when i.e you got a ring (183) and it times out imho #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:41:09 [sekil] RECOVERY is SIP 504 ....something is wrong with your connection to provider #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:41:43 [sekil] you don't get packets back from the server #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:41:45 [mercutioviz] Hey, i'm trying to make current and sofia is being a bad girl... any thoughts on this? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:41:49 [mercutioviz] make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/freeswitch/libs/sofia-sip/tests' #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:41:51 [mercutioviz] cd .. && /bin/sh /usr/src/freeswitch/libs/sofia-sip/missing --run automake-1.9 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:41:53 [mercutioviz] --foreign tests/Makefile #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:41:54 [mercutioviz] tests/Makefile.am: required file `./compile' not found #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:45:32 [intralanman] mercutioviz: bad girl == spank her :-D #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:48:28 [aksyn] anyone know of an os x softphone that does AMR-NB? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:49:24 []technophreak[] sekil: the problem is that`s not how it works actually #freeswitch 2008-05-15 17:50:43 [dasbus] http://www.myconfinedspace.com/2008/05/13/great-headline/ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:04:14 [clive-] please can someone explain how this works: #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:05:24 [aksyn] clive: strftime(%H%M) will return a 24 hour time e.g. 1800 (for 6pm) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:05:58 [aksyn] clive: the regular expression matches either 1800 or *looking* #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:06:27 [clive-] aksyn so its 9am to 6 pm ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:06:42 [aksyn] clive: yes, exactly #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:07:15 [aksyn] clive: quite a nice regex really :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:07:57 [mercutioviz] it is a nice regex... you could drop the "or 1800" if you didn't mind it stopping at 17:59 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:10:34 [clive-] a "|" is an OR, so its or 9 am , or 10am to 6pm... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:10:55 [clive-] sorry I am confused by the (09|1[0-7]) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:11:51 [xachen] it means 09 OR 10-17 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:12:41 [clive-] thanks for your help guys... Its past midnight...need to catch some zzz'ds #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:13:02 [xachen] 6am here :D #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:13:13 [clive-] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:20:27 [sye] intralanman: where to get XMLWriter ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:20:40 [intralanman] it's included with php5 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:21:07 [intralanman] well, unless you used the distro install... in which case you might have to yum install php-xmlwriter or something similar #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:21:26 [sye] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:25:18 [bkw_] that regex is in the default config for the strftime example #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:39:18 [intralanman] has anyone written a socket2you.c yet? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:40:15 [pestouille_] good night #freeswitch 2008-05-15 18:46:41 [MichaelGG] Hey, can someone tell me how to do per-channel logging so we can go in and start making all the calls to log take the chan ID? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:28:05 [wilksm] ~take-a-number just wondering how to cleanly end a call. i have a session.hangup() at the end of my script, but sometimes the line is left in a state where i have to restart the freeswitch server to be able to call in again #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:41:42 [wilksm] oh, just found session.setAutoHangup(true) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:42:21 [jmirror] SwK you around mate? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:44:15 [MikeJ] wilksm: that should do it.. what language? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:44:23 [wilksm] javascript #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:44:39 [MikeJ] that should be fine. do you have details what causes it? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:44:50 [jmirror] hey guys good evenng afternoon or good morning #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:44:58 [MikeJ] MichaelGG: modify all the switch_log_printf calls to pass uuid to it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:45:00 [wilksm] it was kinda random actually; sometimes it would be a bad file i was trying to stream #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:45:03 [MikeJ] we can change that macro #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:45:28 [MikeJ] wilksm: if you have a way to reliably reproduce it can you document it and post it on jira? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:45:37 [MikeJ] ~whatis jira #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:45:50 [wilksm] sure.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:46:01 [wilksm] do i upload my whole script there? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:46:05 [jmirror] MikeJ can you recomend a good affordable wireless b/g sip phone? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:46:31 [jmirror] im looking to speend 200 or less next week if anyone has any ideas for me #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:46:36 [MikeJ] Kiwi, not recommend, no #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:46:40 [MikeJ] the hitachi was ok.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:46:51 [MikeJ] I use the nokia smartphones with wifi on them.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:46:52 [jmirror] how are linksys voip prodcuts? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:47:03 [MikeJ] so so #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:47:04 [jmirror] are they any good or just as bad as their routers? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:47:08 [jmirror] hmm #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:47:27 [jmirror] I really want a nice wifi phone but I am tempted to just get a nicer deskphone what would be good for around 200 for that department #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:54:20 [MichaelGG] MikeJ which parameter is that #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:54:49 [MichaelGG] switch_text_channel_t channel, const char *file, const char *func, int line, const char *userdata, switch_log_level_t level, const char *fmt, ...) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:55:10 [MichaelGG] Or you mean add a format argument #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:55:42 [MikeJ] userdata #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:55:52 [MichaelGG] userdata is always channel? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:55:55 [MikeJ] its just automatically marked NULL in the macros we use right now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:56:05 [MikeJ] no.. userdata is always null right now :D #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:56:11 [MikeJ] but thats where we were going to put it.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:56:15 [MichaelGG] ok #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:56:18 [MichaelGG] should we rename that sometime #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:56:23 [MichaelGG] or will it have multiuse? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:56:46 [MikeJ] that was the main purpose for session specific logs to put chan name or uuid.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:56:53 [MichaelGG] OK #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:56:55 [MikeJ] but we could use for other stuff in diff situations #freeswitch 2008-05-15 19:57:33 [MichaelGG] OK, now a more major thing... would I get any support at all in trying to create an EventID system with separate messages (for localization, management, etc.)? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:04:46 [MikeJ] not sure what you mean? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:04:51 [MichaelGG] like right now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:04:57 [MichaelGG] every log site just sends a formatted string #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:05:07 [MichaelGG] but instead, for certain important events #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:05:14 [MichaelGG] we could send a log event ID #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:05:19 [MichaelGG] and let the actual format string be looked up #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:05:32 [MichaelGG] this would first allow us to react/alarm/etc off of event IDs #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:05:39 [MichaelGG] and second allow easier localization and so on #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:05:45 [MikeJ] well.. we have the event system already #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:06:06 [MikeJ] localization is trickier.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:06:10 [MichaelGG] but how does that tie in with logging? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:06:19 [MikeJ] logging and events are different systems #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:06:46 [MikeJ] MichaelGG: do you have an assert when starting current trunk? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:06:54 [MichaelGG] let me try #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:06:56 [MikeJ] I have a weird issue on my copy now on windows.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:07:09 [MikeJ] but not sure if its just build screwed up or if I just broke something #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:07:22 [MichaelGG] sure one sec (slow connex #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:07:30 [MikeJ] np #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:08:00 [MichaelGG] ok so if we wanted to start doing something for logging per channel, we'll define a new macro that doesnt pass null, and just go modify each callsite #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:09:40 [MichaelGG] well mine doesnt even build #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:09:45 [MichaelGG] Warning 4 warning C6246: Local declaration of 'contact_host' hides declaration of the same name in outer scope. For additional information, see previous declaration at line '3102' of 'c:\freeswitch\src\mod\endpoints\mod_sofia\sofia.c': Lines: 3102 c:\freeswitch\src\mod\endpoints\mod_sofia\sofia.c 3167 mod_sofia #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:10:01 [MichaelGG] and #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:10:01 [MichaelGG] Warning 2 warning C6387: 'argument 2' might be '0': this does not adhere to the specification for the function 'switch_core_hash_insert': Lines: 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 220, 225, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, 246, 248, 250, 252, 253, 254, 260, 266, 269, 270 c:\freeswitch\src\mod\xml_int\mod_xml_curl\mod_xml_curl.c 270 mod_xml_curl #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:14:09 [MichaelGG] should i open jira bugs on these things in general? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:14:48 [MikeJ] hmm.. .. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:14:53 [MikeJ] just ignore those for the moment #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:14:56 [MikeJ] will the core start #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:14:57 [MikeJ] ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:15:03 [MichaelGG] lemme modify the project files #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:15:05 [MichaelGG] onsec #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:16:03 [bs1977] Is 'Whyter' in today ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:16:09 [MichaelGG] man iforgot how painful C compilers were #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:16:15 [MichaelGG] so used to the C# compiler which is so bloody fast #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:16:36 [MikeJ] the code is also huge... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:16:55 [MichaelGG] yea but on a line by line time bassi #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:17:13 [MichaelGG] the PM of the C# team says the first time he used the compiler, he thought it didnt work. the early builds didnt print anythiong on success, and it returned instantaneously so he figured it was just busted. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:19:33 [MichaelGG] yea it loads #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:19:48 [MichaelGG] adds all the fil format #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:19:52 [MichaelGG] IAX ready port 4569 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:20:17 [MichaelGG] shutdown gracefully too #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:22:37 [MichaelGG] sorry #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:22:41 [MichaelGG] let me know if you want me to try anything else. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:23:47 [MikeJ] hmm.. ok.. so my machine just being stupid #freeswitch 2008-05-15 20:34:28 [bs1977] Can anyone point me where to get .net DLL for EventSocket ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:01:14 [[1]NormFree] ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:01:21 [MikeJ] - #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:02:20 [[1]NormFree] people are alive.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:03:49 [[1]NormFree] Oh, they are all watching LOST.... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:03:58 [MichaelGG] i sure hope not #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:04:11 [[1]NormFree] what? you don't like LOST? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:04:23 [MichaelGG] im not sure where writers for things like Lost and Heroes get off on just making crap up and throwing it together and pretending its a coherent storyline. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:04:32 [MichaelGG] no, Lost started out SOOO promising #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:04:39 [MichaelGG] it'd be good as a 10 x 1hr special #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:04:48 [[1]NormFree] Yea, it's getting a lilte screwed up now. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:04:59 [MichaelGG] but 3 seasons and no resolution of anything, just lame "mysteries" and people using pronouns out of place #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:05:00 [MichaelGG] like #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:05:11 [MichaelGG] "you know.... 'them'!" "them?!?!" "yes.... them!" oh no! #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:05:49 [[1]NormFree] Well, you can watch ER...:) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:05:58 [MichaelGG] i dont actually watch much #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:06:00 [[1]NormFree] it's a women's world for TV shows. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:06:08 [MichaelGG] House seemed interesting #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:06:09 [MichaelGG] that was fun #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:06:32 [[1]NormFree] Yea, house is good, Tell's shit like it is... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:06:33 [MikeJ] I'm watching Without a trace #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:06:35 [MichaelGG] Nodame Cantabile looks rather funny #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:06:47 [MikeJ] and trying to figure out wtf I did to my windows build #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:07:14 [[1]NormFree] Micheal, u a C# person? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:07:24 [MichaelGG] I know C# #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:07:40 [[1]NormFree] yea, U have been talking about it alot. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:07:41 [MichaelGG] I had dinner with Anders once. How's that for name dropping :D #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:08:07 [MikeJ] I've had dinner with lots of people.. your point? :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:08:13 [MichaelGG] i know it was a joke #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:08:17 [MichaelGG] hence the refernece to name dropping #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:08:34 [MichaelGG] I just love the MS MVPs online that do that all the time #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:08:35 [[1]NormFree] yea, i was waiting for you to tell me about kate.. :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:08:45 [MichaelGG] "yea well I was talking to XXX and he told me this" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:09:06 [MichaelGG] im looking towards F# #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:09:27 [MichaelGG] Who is Kate? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:10:02 [[1]NormFree] From LOST... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:10:04 [[1]NormFree] hee hee #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:10:07 [MichaelGG] ohh. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:10:15 [MichaelGG] yea been a while since i saw season 3 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:10:22 [MichaelGG] ive pushed it out of my mind thankfully. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:10:36 [[1]NormFree] I am going to follow it to the bitter end. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:11:09 [MichaelGG] ill wait till it ends, then read it on wikipedia. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:11:16 [MichaelGG] save myself approximately 40hours #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:11:42 [[1]NormFree] It's just the previews that take about 30 hours of it. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:12:39 [[1]NormFree] I love my PVR... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:14:42 [MikeJ] heh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:14:46 [MichaelGG] C# isnt functional enough for my tastes anymore #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:15:06 [MichaelGG] its possible to do stuff, just difficult. and there's not enough type inference and so on #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:15:26 [[1]NormFree] so, what are you going to use now? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:15:42 [MichaelGG] MS Research made F#, its based on ML/OCaml #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:16:05 [MichaelGG] and devdiv picked it up and now its gonna be part of visual studio #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:16:31 [MichaelGG] so you get all the type system and performance of C# #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:16:59 [MichaelGG] you get interactive shell #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:17:12 [MichaelGG] and type inference of ML #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:18:19 [MichaelGG] to give one of the classic examples, writing a recursive factorial function: let fact n = [1..n] |> List.reduce_left ( * ) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:18:21 [[1]NormFree] It just changes too fast. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:18:35 [MichaelGG] F#? yea once it becomes a product it wont be such a moving target. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:19:04 [MichaelGG] i think their latest release changed most of the things they wanted to change in the language #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:19:09 [MichaelGG] so it should stabilize. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:19:13 [MichaelGG] im looking forward to using it with fS #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:19:18 [MichaelGG] freeswitch #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:20:20 [[1]NormFree] Well, i was a * user before, and it's been about 2 weeks using FS. It's really working well ... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:20:37 [MichaelGG] What do you program in? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:20:45 [MichaelGG] I was a * a long time ago #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:20:51 [MichaelGG] happy not to go back #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:21:15 [[1]NormFree] I started using javaScript with FS, as there was alot of examples. I haven't jumped on the lua bandwagon... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:21:30 [MichaelGG] ill have to get mod_mono working soon :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:21:48 [MichaelGG] * had/has some smart people, but just no concept of software structure or maintainability. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:21:56 [MichaelGG] FS seems to have it all #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:22:38 [[1]NormFree] It's really too early for me to comment... So far so good. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:23:23 [[1]NormFree] I had writeen some C, stuff for asterisk. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:23:29 [MichaelGG] ah #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:23:36 [MichaelGG] Lua; i dont really get the idea of dynamic languages. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:23:42 [MichaelGG] i mean, benefits #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:25:03 [[1]NormFree] All I can say is....hype.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:25:27 [akabis] can I barge in with a question about inband dtmf? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:25:59 [MichaelGG] [1]NormFree, yea, hype. Every time I hear about python I just think "hmm, so they just have a poor compiler" :\ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:26:06 [MichaelGG] akabis sure but i dont actually know anything. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:26:27 [[1]NormFree] Personally, i want to see numbers... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:26:29 [MichaelGG] But I did some undergrad work in pretending. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:27:14 [akabis] I am tring to get the IVR demo to receive tones from inbound calls from VOIP provider, but internal calls work fine? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:28:10 [MichaelGG] take a number I guess :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:28:22 [[1]NormFree] I don't think anyone's here. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:29:24 [akabis] I'll work on it tomorrow, Thanks anyway #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:29:32 [[1]NormFree] akabis: What do you want to do? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:29:33 [[1]NormFree] IVR? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:30:45 [akabis] I am trying to use it as an Auto- Attendant and as I press numbers, it will not respond if i'm calling in from and outside line #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:31:27 [[1]NormFree] DTMF setting? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:31:49 [akabis] Don't know? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:31:49 [[1]NormFree] What mode is your provider sending DTMF as.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:32:10 [[1]NormFree] Well, you have a few ....RFC2833, or inband. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:32:54 [akabis] I think RFC2833 because when I ask him about the problem he said I was probably using inband #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:33:09 [akabis] How do I change it? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:33:50 [[1]NormFree] I am pretty sure that FS uses RFC2844 #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:33:58 [[1]NormFree] sorry.. RFC2833... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:34:33 [akabis] Thanks, Do I have choices , where is the setting?? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:35:46 [[1]NormFree] .akabis: I think you need to look in /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:35:49 [[1]NormFree] default.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:36:32 [akabis] I'm not able to port into the switch now, so I'll check later. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:36:43 [akabis] Thanks, #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:36:46 [jp_idapted] Hi all. I noticed a bunch of changes with the sofia nat. Can anyone summarize what they are for? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:36:50 [[1]NormFree] I hope that helps. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:37:18 [[1]NormFree] jp_idapted: I think they are listed in the configuration files. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:37:51 [jp_idapted] Little unclear to me. It seems just releated to the acl #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:38:00 [jp_idapted] is that right? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:38:29 [MikeJ] jp_idapted: related to your little buggy #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:38:31 [[1]NormFree] I can't say for sure, I haven't had time to read them... P) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:38:46 [jp_idapted] MikeJ: That's what I imagined :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:38:59 [jp_idapted] Wanted to make sure I understood so I can help test out #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:39:21 [MikeJ] basically.. we have new toys in the sip lib now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:39:31 [MikeJ] so we can force the ip/port the packets go to #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:40:01 [MikeJ] so acl to set what ip's in the contact mean your on nat #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:40:10 [MikeJ] and we force connectile disfunc #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:40:25 [MikeJ] which now forces the ip/port stuff goes through #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:40:35 [MikeJ] and adds sip session timers.. to keep nat open #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:40:51 [jp_idapted] MikeJ: That's what it was looking like to me..:D #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:41:23 [jp_idapted] So, theoretically if client is behind a nat without stun (or is on a symmetric nat) it will detect that #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:41:34 [jp_idapted] and rewrite the contact automatically #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:43:38 [jp_idapted] ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:45:52 [MikeJ] well.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:46:04 [MikeJ] same as before but it works.. you can set on the peer.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:46:09 [MikeJ] OR #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:46:37 [MikeJ] we now have the acl to define which ip's someone SAYS they are makes us set that its natted #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:47:09 [MikeJ] I want to add more stuff that does similar based on rport/received.. but its not in yet #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:48:04 [jp_idapted] MikeJ: not sure I understand what you mean by "same as before but it works.." #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:52:46 [MichaelGG] any idea where i can get switch_swigable_cpp ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:55:14 [MikeJ] jp_idapted: the acl is just another way to set the NDLB-connectile-disfunction #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:55:28 [MikeJ] but based on the ip address in the contact of the inbound invite #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:56:48 [[1]NormFree] MikeJ: On a Natted Client, does FS send the RTP back to the same port that that client is using? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:57:06 [[1]NormFree] that that = that the #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:57:12 [[1]NormFree] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 22:58:23 [jp_idapted] ok. So, basically, its using ip address and not port to figure out the nat situation? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:00:18 [MikeJ] jp_idapted: the acl uses ip in the contact #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:00:25 [MikeJ] or you can still set it on the user #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:00:45 [MikeJ] the port way is the rport/received way I was talking about #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:00:52 [MikeJ] thats not in yet.. but I like to add #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:02:19 [jp_idapted] hrmm..are you in the conference call? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:03:22 [MikeJ] no.. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:03:35 [MikeJ] should I be? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:04:41 [jp_idapted] MikeJ: still a bit confused about what has changed. thought might be easier to voice talk #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:04:59 [MikeJ] call on in #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:05:12 [MikeJ] ~setattr ignore_events undef #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:05:22 [MikeJ] ~set ignore_events undef #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:06:33 [MikeJ] ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:06:54 [MikeJ] jp_idapted: ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:07:39 [dasbus] shunned #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:07:53 [MikeJ] whatever :D #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:09:01 [petedao] hi, I am testing/trying the few change from last nite's build, could someone tell me how to compile from the svn source? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:09:27 [petedao] i have tried ./configure but no response. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:09:37 [[1]NormFree] bootstrap.sh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:09:38 [dasbus] bootstrap && configure && make install #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:09:40 [[1]NormFree] ./configure #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:09:53 [jp_idapted] MikeJ: ahh! Calling back #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:10:01 [MikeJ] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:11:36 [[1]NormFree] mikeJ: You have a minute? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:12:03 [MikeJ] dunno.. how much cash you have on you? :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:12:17 [[1]NormFree] :( poor....i have a wife... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:12:21 [petedao] does bootstrap.sh need to be d/l seperately? it says command not found #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:13:03 [dasbus] petedao: have you 'svn checkout' the source code? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:13:12 [[1]NormFree] pededao:http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Installation_Guide #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:18:19 [MichaelGG] any idea why this would cause SWIG to say syntax error? SWITCH_DECLARE(void) consoleLog(char *level_str, char *msg); #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:20:08 [xachen] petedao: If you got a tarball you don't need bootstrap.sh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:20:14 [xachen] just when you get a SVN release #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:23:06 [petedao] xachen: i need svn, so can't use tarball #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:24:44 [xachen] ./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make install #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:26:07 [MichaelGG] oh i see. SWIG doesnt support macros so there goes that :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:27:38 [petedao] xachen: my debian does not have bootstrap.sh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:28:20 [dasbus] petedao: have you read http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Installation_Guide#Obtaining_the_Source_Code #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:28:27 [[1]NormFree] petadao: do a find / -name bootstrap.sh -print #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:28:34 [[1]NormFree] :) it will show you where it is. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:30:43 [Moc] What the best Router/traffic shaper device to get VoIP priority on a broadband connection ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:30:47 [petedao] dasbus: following the instruction, I did set AUTOCONF=/usr/bin/autoconf ./bootstrap.sh but still can't find bootstrap.sh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:32:05 [petedao] so strange, find says there is "/tmp/freeswitch/freeswitch/bootstrap.sh" but when I do ./bootstrap it returns no such file or directory #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:33:08 [MikeJ] MichaelGG: yes... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:33:26 [petedao] if I use the full path insted of ./bootstrap.sh it runs now #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:33:33 [MikeJ] we generate another file for it to swig ... we maybe can check that into tree #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:34:08 [MikeJ] petedao: is this from svn or from the tarball? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:34:48 [petedao] MikeJ: from svn, i get the bootstrap.sh to run using /tmp/freeswitch/freeswitch/bootstrap.sh but not ./bootstrap.sh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:35:13 [MikeJ] petedao: you checked out into /tmp/freeswitch/freeswitch? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:35:17 [MikeJ] cd to that directory #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:35:22 [MikeJ] then ./bootstrap.sh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:35:23 [[1]NormFree] petedao: cd /tmp/freeswitch/freeswitch/ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:35:26 [petedao] MikeJ: yes #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:35:26 [dasbus] petedao: can I be an ass for a sec... what dir did you issue ./bootstrap.sh from #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:35:27 [[1]NormFree] ./bootstrap.sh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:36:40 [petedao] dasbus inside /tmp/freeswitch if I do ./bootstrap.sh it returns no such file, so i do /tmp/freeswitch/bootstrap.sh then it runs #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:36:45 [petedao] dasbus so strange #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:37:02 [Moc] Any recommendation for a VoIP broadband router ? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:37:10 [[1]NormFree] it's /tmp/freeswitch/freeswitch #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:37:14 [MichaelGG] MikeJ yea i just realised i have to write my own switch_cpp.h to make swig enjoy it #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:37:16 [[1]NormFree] ./bootstrap.sh #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:37:19 [MichaelGG] its just a few regex replaces. #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:37:21 [[1]NormFree] :P #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:42:34 [MikeJ] MichaelGG: thats basically what I do... #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:42:46 [petedao] this is problem with not getting enough sleep last nite...make silly mistakes #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:42:47 [MikeJ] but i do on linux using gcc's pre-processor #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:43:02 [MikeJ] MichaelGG: I think we'll just check it in to tree #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:43:22 [MikeJ] but all I really do is regex that crap out #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:44:09 [MichaelGG] also some nice choice of names #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:44:11 [MichaelGG] "Event" and "ret" #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:44:17 [MichaelGG] SWIG uses ret internally #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:44:20 [MichaelGG] and Event's a keyword #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:44:33 [MichaelGG] so we wont have any automatic SWIG build process #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:44:39 [MichaelGG] cause thats gotta get fixed manually #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:45:17 [MichaelGG] well ive finally recalled enough C to get this stuff building #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:45:21 [MichaelGG] maybe itll actually run soon #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:45:22 [MichaelGG] :) #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:50:04 [MikeJ] damn c++ and taking all the good reserved words #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:50:16 [MichaelGG] and C# :D #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:50:25 [MikeJ] gd #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:50:28 [MichaelGG] how do you escape keywords in C++ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:50:31 [MichaelGG] in C# it's @ #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:50:33 [MichaelGG] @event #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:50:37 [MikeJ] dunno #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:51:09 [MichaelGG] so is it really this easy? I just load up mono now and the swig stuff just calls the C++ API and God's in his heaven alls right with the world? #freeswitch 2008-05-15 23:59:43 [MikeJ] something like that #freeswitch 2008-05-16 00:04:51 [MikeJ] MichaelGG: those 2 build issues are fixed now #freeswitch 2008-05-16 00:28:58 [MichaelGG] thanks MikeJ #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:35:06 [petedao] I installed from svn, but gets error when starting freeswitch **/usr/local/freeswitch/mod/mod_dptools.so: undefined symbol: switch_ivr_say** #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:36:38 [petedao] MikeJ: is this something wrong with my install procedure? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:43:40 [Irshad] petedao: is the module mod_say_en included at loadtime !!! #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:44:52 [Irshad] uncomment it in /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:45:36 [petedao] Irshad: is it because I can't load two say modules at the same time? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:46:19 [petedao] Irshad: previously, I do have both say_en and say_zh mod in modules.conf.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:49:07 [Irshad] petedao: I am not sure if you can have both modules enabled #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:49:25 [Irshad] but in the default modules.conf.xml, you only have mod_say_en #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:49:46 [petedao] Irshad: I think I can but let me check the source code lib see if the lib is properly linked #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:50:15 [petedao] Irshad: fs is built to support i18n, so I am pretty sure it can say different languages. I specifically tested that feature before #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:50:57 [Irshad] petedao: FS can say diff languages....that's for sure #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:51:27 [Irshad] so you have both mod_say_en and mod_say_zh as well now in your modules.conf.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:51:45 [petedao] Irshad: i think this is just my build problem, cuz this is the first time I installed svn stuff, so there are stuff I don't know #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:51:48 [Irshad] and then you get the error when you start FS #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:52:26 [petedao] Irshad: before I use the tarball to install and it was ok. but I am pretty sure it is just my build procedure that did not go right #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:52:37 [petedao] Irshad: i am removing everything to get a clean start now... #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:52:50 [Irshad] petedao: when you do make...make sure you have included the specific modules at $fs_src/modules.conf #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:53:18 [petedao] Irshad: let me try again #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:53:38 [Irshad] petedao: I don't see any module by name mod_say_zh in modules.conf at FS_src #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:53:50 [Irshad] which language is this anyways... #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:54:03 [Irshad] zulu?? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:54:05 [petedao] Irshad: that is mandrain #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:54:22 [Irshad] oic #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:54:25 [petedao] Irshad: in the fs src, I contributed by say_zh_mod #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:54:35 [petedao] Irshad: but there are still works that need to be done to perfect it #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:54:49 [Irshad] wow #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:55:12 [Irshad] why did you put zh for mandrian #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:55:31 [petedao] Irshad: i need fs to speak chinese #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:55:45 [petedao] Irshad: but I am still a newbie with fs #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:55:56 [Irshad] petedao: :-) I meant why you named zh for mandrian #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:56:10 [petedao] Irshad: zh is standard for mandarin #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:56:17 [Irshad] ahaan.. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:56:23 [Irshad] this I didn't know #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:56:35 [petedao] Irshad: are you good at fs? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:57:44 [Irshad] I am not that good in FS modules. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:57:54 [Irshad] but I can help you in Openzap or sofia #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:58:38 [petedao] Irshad: I want to try out using sofia-sip to build a client #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:58:53 [petedao] Irshad: is it something easy to do or not? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 01:59:32 [Irshad] its not easy but can be done #freeswitch 2008-05-16 02:00:29 [Irshad] petedao: so you want sip UA up... #freeswitch 2008-05-16 02:00:38 [petedao] Irshad: yes, but with video #freeswitch 2008-05-16 02:01:55 [petedao] Irshad: any suggestion on how to get started? I have looked into a few open source lib #freeswitch 2008-05-16 02:03:11 [Irshad] petedao: most of the things are there ... #freeswitch 2008-05-16 02:03:45 [Irshad] but you have to see as some protocol compliance stuff might be missing here n there #freeswitch 2008-05-16 02:04:33 [Irshad] especially for Call features as we are dependent mostly on drafts... you need to take care of that as well #freeswitch 2008-05-16 02:05:16 [petedao] Irshad: i will keep that in mind #freeswitch 2008-05-16 02:06:07 [Irshad] as a whole you can start straight away to run as UA #freeswitch 2008-05-16 02:07:47 [petedao] Irshad: and then take care of the protocol compliance issue gradually #freeswitch 2008-05-16 02:07:57 [Irshad] yeah #freeswitch 2008-05-16 02:16:07 [bs1977] Hi , Is anyone using EventSocket library in .Net environment #freeswitch 2008-05-16 04:33:39 [bs1977] Is anyone active here now ... I wanted to ask question EventSocket library #freeswitch 2008-05-16 04:40:18 [stkn_] nope #freeswitch 2008-05-16 04:43:50 [Jynger] hi, i read that webUI is planned for freeswitch, is it the wikipbx gui? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 04:48:49 [stkn_] yes, there is wikipbx #freeswitch 2008-05-16 04:58:30 [petedao] bs1977: what is your question? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 05:53:20 [CtRiX] found another crash #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:17:46 [MichaelGG] MikeJ, how do the _Config folders in the Freeswitch SLN work? they seem to have some virtual structure #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:27:23 [MichaelGG] How do I debug the XML preprocessor? "Error including c:\freeswitch\Debug\conf\autoload_configs\..\sip_profiles\outbound/*.xml" but I can't find any mention to an outbound directory in any xml files... #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:27:34 [MichaelGG] I'm not sure if it's related, but FS then AVs on load #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:29:07 [MichaelGG] from sofia_profile_thread_run (eventually to ptw32_threadReusePop and somewhere inside msvcr90) #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:29:15 [MichaelGG] gonan use RC5 for now. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:35:56 [Irshad] MichaelGG: you do have outbound profile under sip-profiles #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:36:20 [MichaelGG] nope #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:36:49 [MichaelGG] I dont know why its even looking there #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:37:18 [Irshad] Check in your /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:37:20 [MichaelGG] this is the default config; I just got it from svn #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:37:32 [Irshad] may be you have outbound.xml there #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:37:33 [MichaelGG] internal, external, nat #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:37:54 [MichaelGG] external.xml has #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:37:59 [MichaelGG] thats it #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:38:24 [Irshad] ok may be this outbound is renamed as external #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:38:43 [Irshad] earlier it used to be outbound.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:38:57 [MichaelGG] so how do i figure out whats causing the loader to look for outbound/*.xml :\ #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:39:29 [Irshad] inside that external.xml, it will be including all the .xml files related to that #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:39:39 [Irshad] so comment it if you don't want them #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:39:55 [MichaelGG] the only include in external.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:40:01 [MichaelGG] is #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:40:17 [Irshad] I c #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:40:35 [MichaelGG] I should also note its saying error including to "default/*.xml" #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:40:37 [Irshad] then they might have missed to change this outbound to external somewhere #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:40:41 [MichaelGG] as well as dialplan\extensions/&*.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:40:48 [MichaelGG] and conf\lang/*/*.xml #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:41:04 [MichaelGG] ok ill keep poking around #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:41:20 [MichaelGG] that shouldnt be a reason for an AV anywyas :\ #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:43:02 [Irshad] as I see it, it's obviously some include mishap #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:43:15 [MichaelGG] Yea I agree... somewhere. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:43:31 [MichaelGG] But why should that cause a crash anyways #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:43:39 [MichaelGG] when it loads sofia #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:43:44 [Irshad] crashhhhhhhhh ..really #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:43:46 [Irshad] :-) #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:43:48 [MichaelGG] yea AV #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:43:56 [MichaelGG] access violatio #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:44:13 [MichaelGG] guess thatd be a segfault on linux #freeswitch 2008-05-16 07:46:06 [MichaelGG] well i searched all the .xml files for the ireg_mutex with NULL #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:18:35 [anthm] and try that #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:18:52 [anthm] you might get errs on the console about sqlite crying about locks instead tho #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:20:35 [jp_idapted_] more general question: if it dies at 20 selects/s then if I were to say have 100 SIP clients all re-registering at a normal intervals it will get clogged up pretty quickly? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:20:56 [jp_idapted_] i.e. I should be planning on going to ODBC fairly quickly #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:21:00 [jp_idapted_] ? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:21:52 [anthm] no #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:22:09 [anthm] we have a guy doing 50 clients many reg per min #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:22:24 [anthm] it's the show status that you are torturing it with #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:22:34 [jp_idapted_] that's slower than an insert? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:22:34 [anthm] doing select from the table over and over and over #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:22:38 [jp_idapted_] err..update? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:22:45 [anthm] did you try what i said yet ? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:23:04 [jp_idapted_] booting up test system... #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:23:07 [anthm] either of the 2 #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:23:25 [anthm] cos don't ask any more questions till i get the answers to mine =D #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:23:37 [anthm] if you want let bkw into the box #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:23:46 [anthm] and we can analyze the core #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:23:53 [anthm] but you should try that change in the code first #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:24:41 [jp_idapted_] ok. Give me an hour or so. I'm going to write a script that more systematically tortures it with the selects to be able to consistantly replicate first #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:24:58 [jp_idapted_] our platform closes in half hour so I can just test on this server that had the problem. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:25:01 [jp_idapted_] thanks for the help #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:26:39 [_petedao] anthm: i am hestitated to say anthing.... I tested the sayphrase in lua #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:28:12 [MikeJ] ..BUT... #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:28:13 [aksyn] anyone know how many channels of AMR a typical P4 server could do? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:28:32 [MikeJ] aksyn: its heavier than g729 #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:28:44 [aksyn] mikej: i'm thinking 200-300 channels? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:28:54 [_petedao] i got No matching function for overloaded 'CoreSession_sayPhrase' #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:29:01 [MikeJ] you have the number of chans per dsp from the tb specs... you can get the ratio from that #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:29:21 [MikeJ] but what is a typical p4? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:29:30 [aksyn] mikej: yeh, but that's a dsp... i was thinking ~3ghz P4 ? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:29:41 [aksyn] mikej: although i guess not many people run AMR on a softswitch #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:29:48 [MikeJ] yeah.. but you can compare to 729 #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:29:59 [aksyn] mikej: ahh, good idea #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:30:01 [MikeJ] as people have numbers on those published #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:30:31 [aksyn] seems like 100x g.729 on asterisk for a dual xeon #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:30:40 [aksyn] asterisk can /do/ that many calls at once? :^) #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:31:37 [_petedao] i am wondering if i got the wrong svn version #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:33:00 [coppice] aksyn: I'm sure a well optimised G.729 should go higher than that #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:34:33 [anthm] _petedao, it's a recent addition #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:34:37 [anthm] so you probably need to update #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:35:33 [anthm] i had the crappy reference implementation compiled with 06 and i got about 400 on a dual dualcore 2ghz #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:36:17 [coppice] that doesn't sound right. the reference code is pretty slow #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:37:19 [CtRiX] is there a way to do a "fake" sip register ? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:38:13 [[intra]lanman] CtRiX: what exactly do you mean? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:38:33 [CtRiX] a user in the directory can have a gateway in the xml #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:38:47 [CtRiX] and that gateway is added and registered when the sip device logs in #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:38:51 [anthm] well 400 calls playing a file so if it was conversations it would be 200 #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:39:14 [anthm] with no opt flags it only could do 300 channels #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:39:22 [coppice] oh playing. that's probably right. encode is about 5 times the work of decode #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:39:24 [CtRiX] i wonder if there is a way to force the core to do what it's supposed to do when that user registers, even if it's not doiing it #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:40:17 [[intra]lanman] CtRiX: so the gateway isn't registering when the user registers to fs? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:40:18 [anthm] like sipp calling the box with 729 that us enncoding music or something #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:40:37 [CtRiX] [intra]lanman, no, i didn't test that #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:40:57 [CtRiX] i was looking for a way to add a gateway without restarting the profile #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:41:06 [CtRiX] and loosing calls #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:41:25 [coppice] its pretty much characteristic of all these CELP based codecs that encode is something like 5x the work of decode #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:42:00 [anthm] CtRiX, i suggested i could make a reload command that only added anything new from the config that was not already there #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:42:10 [anthm] but did not remove anything that was omitted #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:42:23 [CtRiX] that's a good option #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:42:33 [anthm] and i winked really big and said it was a good candidate for a bounty #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:42:40 [anthm] and naturally nobody did it #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:42:48 [anthm] even the guy who was complaining about it #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:42:55 [CtRiX] and you could add a "disabled" flag to the gateway so that it de-registers and is not used anymore (to do like you removed it) #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:43:39 [CtRiX] if i had money. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:43:43 [anthm] i am not super anxious to make features that help ppl start service providers until they show an interest in supporting the efforts so i was not in a big hurry #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:44:01 [anthm] CtRiX, your help is as valuable as money #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:44:04 [coppice] anthm: if you decoded 400 calls, I'd say that is probably about 80 encode/decode pairs, which is about right for the floating point G.729 reference code #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:44:04 [CtRiX] anthm, don't add it plz #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:44:30 [CtRiX] i'll try to make a patch... it's not necessary for 1.0 #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:44:50 [anthm] coppice, i think it was encoding it tho #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:45:02 [anthm] cos i called inbound to an exten playing a wav that was slin #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:45:10 [anthm] and it was encoding all the channels #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:45:32 [anthm] i don't know if sipp mirrors the rtp or not to know if it was doing any decoding tho #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:45:34 [bkw_] CtRiX: Net::SIP perl module does sip registrations.. but I don't fully get how to make a full UA that responds to notifys.. but I can make it register over and over #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:46:06 [CtRiX] uhmmm good hint #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:46:37 [coppice] anthm: well that doesn't sound like the reference code, then. I've played with that code quite a bit, and I have a pretty good idea what it does on a x86 #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:46:50 [anthm] CtRiX, cool you are immune from my complaints just so you know, the ppl who help know who they are I am only complaining about the ppl who are even too lazy to click on digg for us but still ask for nonstop help =D #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:47:13 [notbright] yo anthm what email do you use? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:47:17 [notbright] I have something for you to see #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:47:32 [anthm] anthony.minessale@gmail.com #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:48:16 [Yourname`] sent #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:48:50 [anthm] coppice, it was 4 2ghz cpu how many would you say it should do per single 2ghz xeon ? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:49:30 [coppice] about an E1's worth #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:50:33 [coppice] unless a core 2 does amazing things for it. I haven't tried one of those #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:51:35 [coppice] I'm interesting in what a Cell can do, but finding time to try one is proving a problem :-\ #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:51:57 [coppice] s/interesting/interested #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:53:28 [anthm] Yourname`, lol #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:53:42 [coppice] it seems like a Cell should do rather well on codec, based on my experiences with other vector oriented machines. the vectors aren't that long, though. so I don't know who much performance will be lost cranking the thing up and shutting it down. vector machines tend to like long vectors #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:53:46 [anthm] that guy published an article bragging that disasterisk can do 8cps #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:53:51 [sekil] just dugg it... #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:55:03 [Yourname`] Yeah well, he gets a few hits ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:55:27 [Yourname`] So his articles are mentioned on the lists always when someone talks performance. So I nudged him. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:55:41 [coppice] anthm: I don't think you are getting the point. If you want lots of hits you say something stupid #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:55:57 [[intra]lanman] just say the word iphone #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:56:08 [[intra]lanman] or justin timerlake #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:56:09 [Yourname`] Or iphone freeswitch. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:56:21 [anthm] iphone willitblend.com #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:56:35 [anthm] my favorite show #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:56:46 [bkw_] I want to blend my iphone #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:56:49 [anthm] though i would like to send them a fanvil too #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:56:55 [Yourname`] This is funny, two other channels I'm on are having a conversation about an iPhone right this moment! #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:56:59 [coppice] bkw_: that bad, huh? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:57:04 [Yourname`] lol friggin peoples #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:57:12 [bkw_] coppice: the phone is fine.. the service here SUCKS as of the past three months or so #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:57:18 [bkw_] coppice: no bars in all locations. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:57:30 [bkw_] and its not just my phone.. its EVERYONE with at&T #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:57:35 [anthm] probably cos they saturated their shit locking it on to 1 provider #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:57:46 [coppice] oh, the prohibition thing :-) #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:57:58 [anthm] i have a hacked one on tmobile and it still sucks so so much for that theory #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:58:06 [bkw_] well I ported my number to sprint lastnight.. and you know what.. I can actually HEAR people when they call now. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:58:18 [coppice] they are really popular here #freeswitch 2008-05-16 10:58:55 [coppice] they make great video players for people on the train #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:00:13 [Yourname`] I can't wait for September when HTC raphael will launch. Will have everything, hopefully can hack it for ssh. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:01:01 [coppice] what's a raphael? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:02:13 [bkw_] hrm #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:02:16 [bkw_] my switch just rebooted #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:02:20 [bkw_] phones booting back up #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:02:37 [anthm] your eth switch? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:02:53 [bkw_] yes #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:03:00 [anthm] i guess that's one time POE sux #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:03:09 [bkw_] yep #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:03:24 [s3g_fault] don't badmouth edgar #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:03:52 [rob0] Purity of essence ... peace on Earth! #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:04:07 [rob0] Or, just put the switch on its own UPS. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:04:18 [dasbus] s3g_fault: MikeJ wants you to clear your jira tickets before 1.0 #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:04:31 [Yourname`] coppice: It's a Mobile handset. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:04:32 [anthm] CtRiX, ok the perl one fixed #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:04:33 [s3g_fault] i have tickets? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:04:36 [coppice] oh pointy birds, oh pointy pointy birds #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:04:55 [dasbus] s3g_fault: didn't look, just relayed message #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:04:59 [dasbus] stateless #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:06:06 [coppice] http://www.xkcd.com/ - Gentoo: vulnerable to flattery :-) #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:06:18 [anthm] CtRiX, ok now the other one is too #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:06:38 [bkw_] dasbus: iphone no more here! #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:06:53 [coppice] Yourname`: I assume so, but what makes it interesting? #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:07:04 [Yourname`] Google for it, you'll see. ;) #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:07:54 [Yourname`] It's like the Macbook Air of phones. Very slim, and has a slider keyboard with battery that'll last for 3 days in talktime and 19 days in standby. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:08:34 [CtRiX] anthm, thanks #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:08:38 [Yourname`] Imagine once a month recharging for a busy phone. Doing all blackberry stuff on it, while looking good. And I'd love to put ssh on it cuz it logs on to keyless WiFi networks if I set it to. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:08:39 [coppice] so, about 10 minutes in real use :-) #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:08:54 [Yourname`] Nope, 3 days in real use. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:09:17 [Yourname`] Obviously, for you, you'll probably see it there mid-summer. #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:09:27 [coppice] slim, long battery life and 3G - choose any two #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:10:07 [anthm] i want one that folds open into a laptop like George Jetson's car #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:10:28 [dasbus] I want Georges briefcase #freeswitch 2008-05-16 11:11:26 [coppice] everyone's making phones jsut slightly too thin. the iphone, the nokia 5310, and various others are slightly too thin to have enough battery life. another mm and people would be far happier with them